Oscar Niemeyer, Norman Foster / in conversation with Hans Ulrich Obrist.
Madrid : Ivorypress, DL 2013.
Havana : autos & architecture / Norman Foster, Mauricio Vicent ; photography by Nigel Young.
[Madrid] : Ivorypress, DL 2013.
Wembley Stadium : Foster + Partners / Norman Foster, Simon Inglis.
Munich : Prestel, cop. 2012.
Arquitectura: lo común = Architecture: the common : Manuel Aires Mateus, Antonio Cruz, Roger Diener, Anna Heringer, Rafael Moneo, Vasa Perovic, Manuel Solano Benítez, Eduardo Souto de Moura / presentado por Norman Foster ; entrevistados por Kosme de Barañano, Peter Buchanan, Juli Capella, François Chaslin ; Luis Fernández-Galiano (ed.)
Madrid : Fundación Arquitectura y Sociedad, DL 2012.
Enregistrament Audiovisual
How much does your building weigh, Mr. Foster? [multimèdia].
London : Ivorypress, cop. 2011.
The biography of a building : how Robert Sainsbury and Norman Foster built a great museum / Witold Rybczynski ; with a tribute by Norman Foster.
London : Thames & Hudson, cop. 2011.
Norman Foster : arquitectura y vida / Deyan Sudjic.
Madrid : Turner, 2011.
Norman Foster : a life in architecture / Deyan Sudjic.
London : Weindenfeld & Nicolson, 2010.
Dymaxion Car : Buckminster Fuller / Norman Foster ; [with] Jonathan Glancey, David Jenkins, Hsiao-yun Chu.
London : Ivorypress, cop. 2010.
Enregistrament Audiovisual
Construir el Gherkin [enregistrament de vídeo] : Norman Foster / dirigido por Mirjam von Arx.
[Barcelona] : Fundación Caja de Arquitectos [cop. 2008].
Foster 40 : projects ; Foster 40 : themes / Norman Foster; edited by David Jenkins.
Munich : Prestel, 2007.
The strange death of architectural criticism : Martin Pawley collected writings / edited by David Jenkins ; foreword by Norman Foster.
London : Black Dog, cop. 2007.
Enregistrament Audiovisual
Building the Gherkin [enregistrament de vídeo] / a documentary by Mirjam von Arx.
[Zurich] : Ican Films, cop. 2006.
Tall buildings of Europe, the Middle East and Africa / edited by Georges Binder ; foreword by Norman Foster.
Mulgrave, Vic. : Images, 2006.
Reflections / Norman Foster.
Munich [etc.] : Prestel, cop. 2005.
The Reichstag graffiti = Die Reichstag-Graffiti / Norman Foster, Frederick Baker, Deborah Lipstadt ; editor: David Jenkins.
Berlin : Jovis, cop. 2003.
Studio talk : interview with 15 architects / interview by Yoshio Futagawa.
Tokyo : A.D.A. Edita, cop. 2002.
Norman Foster : le ali della tecnica / Laura Greco.
Torino : Testo & Immagine, 2002.
Sol power : la evolución de la arquitectura sostenible / Sophia y Stefan Behling ; en colaboración con Bruno Schindler ; prólogo de Norman Foster.
México, D.F. ; Barcelona : Gili, 2002.
La Materia iluminada : una reflexión sobre el concepto en arquitectura / Juan María Moreno Seguí.
Valencia : Ediciones Generales de la Construcción, DL 2002.
Recurs Electrònic
Bucky remembered [enregistrament sonor] / Thomas T. Zung, Shoji Sadao, Ed Applewhite, Norman Foster, Nick Grimshaw, James Meller, Martin Pawley, R. Buckminster Fuller.
[Hamburg] : Architone, cop. 2001.
Colours / Rem Koolhaas-OMA, Norman Foster, Alessandro Mendini ; with a foreword by Gerhard Mack.
Basel ; Berlin ; Boston : Birkhäuser, cop. 2001.
Norman Foster and the British Museum / Norman Foster, Deyan Sudjic, Spencer de Grey.
Munich ; London ; New York : Prestel, cop. 2001.
Historia de la arquitectura / Jonathan Glancey ; [prólogo de Norman Foster].
Barcelona : Blume, 2001.
I Maestri di Modulo 1990-2000 : dieci anni di architettura : conversazioni con dieci protagonisti.
Milano : BE-MA, 2001.
On Foster-- Foster on / edited by David Jenkins ; introduction by Deyan Sudjic.
Munich ; London ; New York : Prestel, cop. 2000.
The Reichstag : the parliament building by Norman Foster / Bernhard Schulz ; foreword: Wolfgang Thierse ; preface: Norman Foster.
Munich ; London ; New York : Prestel, cop. 2000.
Norman Foster : a global architecture / Martin Pawley.
London : Thames and Hudson, 1999.
Norman Foster / edited and photographed by Yukio Futagawa ; interview by Yoshio Futagawa.
Tokyo : A.D.A. Edita, cop. 1999.
The Art and architecture of Paul Rudolph / Tony Monk ; with a foreword by Norman Foster.
Chichester : Wiley-Academy, 1999.
Norman Foster / Daniel Treiber ; con un anexo sobre Foster en España a cargo de Juan Calatrava y José L. López Jiménez ; traducción: Juan Calatrava.
Madrid : Akal, 1998.
Norman Foster : 30 colours.
Sassenheim : V + K Publishing, 1998.
Sir Norman Foster / Philip Jodidio.
Köln [etc.] : Taschen, cop. 1997.
Le grand livre des gratte-ciel / David Bennett ; préface de Norman Foster.
Paris : Solar, cop. 1997.
Sol power : the evolution of solar architecture / Sophia and Stefan Behling ; in collaboration with Bruno Schindler ; foreword by Sir Norman Foster.
Munich ; New York : Prestel : READ Group, Renewable Energies in Architecture and Design, cop. 1996.
Gordon Cullen : visions of urban design / David Gosling ; foreword by Sir Norman Foster.
London : Academy Editions, 1996.
Debats centrals = Debates centrales = Débats centraux = Main debates. V. 2, Contenidors : textos originals = Contenedores : textos originales = Conteneurs : textes originaux = Containers : original texts : [DC] / UIA Barcelona 96.
Debats centrals [Enregistrament sonor] = Debates centrales = Débats centraux = Main debates / UIA Barcelona 96.
[Barcelona] : Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya, cop. 1996.
Norman Foster / Daniel Treiber.
London [etc.] : E. & F.N. Spon, 1995.
Norman Foster / Aldo Benedetti.
Barcelona ; México : Gili, cop. 1995.
Enregistrament Audiovisual
Norman Foster [Enregistrament de vídeo] / produced and directed by Mark Kidel.
[Londres] : BBC : RM arts : Phaidon, cop.1995.
Norman Foster / Aldo Benedetti.
Barcelona : Gili, 1994.
Álvaro Siza : city sketches = Stadtskizzen = desenhos urbanos / edited by Brigitte Fleck ; foreword by Norman Foster / texts by Álvaro Siza and Wilfried Wang.
Basel ; Berlin ; Boston : Birkhäuser, cop. 1994.
Architecture as building / [edited by Sabiha Foster ; text: Norman Foster ... et al.].
London : Sir Norman Foster and Partners Publications, cop. 1993 (Hong Kong : Everbest)
El Puente Vizcaya : 1893-1993 / Juan J. Arenas de Pablo, Kosme de Barañano, Sir Norman Foster.
Bizkaia : Bizkaiko Aparailari eta Arkitekto Teknikoen Elkargo Ofiziala = Colegio Oficial de Aparejadores y Arquitectos Técnicos de Bizkaia, 1993.
Norman Foster : sketches / edited by Werner Blaser = herausgegeben von Werner Blaser.
Basel [etc.] : Birkhäuser, cop. 1992.
Norman Foster [material gràfic].
Bordeaux : Arc en rève, Centre d'architecture, DL 1992.
Norman Foster : Team 4 and Foster Associates : buildings and projects. V. 1, 1964-1973 / edited by Ian Lambot ; with contributions by Richard Rogers ... [et al.].
Hong Kong : Watermark, 1991.
Enregistrament Audiovisual
[Conferència de Norman Foster] [Enregistrament de vídeo].
[Barcelona : COAC, 1989].
Norman Foster 1964-1987 / editor Toshio Nakamura.
Tokyo : A+U Publishing, 1988.
Norman Foster / a cura di Aldo Benedetti.
Bologna : Zanichelli, 1988.
Norman Foster : A+U traducción al castellano / Sylvia Cristina Milicay.
Madrid : ASPPAN, [1988?].
New architecture : Foster, Rogers, Stirling : 3 October-21 December 1986 / Deyan Sudjic.
London : Royal Academy of Arts, 1986.
Norman Foster, Richard Rogers, James Stirling : new directions in British architecture / Deyan Sudjic.
London : Thames and Hudson, 1986.
Norman Foster / François Chaslin, Frédérique Hervet, Armelle Lavalou.
Milan ; Paris : Electa Moniteur, cop 1986.
Modern British architecture since 1945 / preface by Norman Foster ; edited by Peter Murray & Stephen Trombley.
London : Frederick Muller ... in conjuction with RIBA, 1984.
Enregistrament Audiovisual
Norman Foster [Enregistrament vídeo] : conferència Escuela de Madrid.
[Barcelona : COAC, 1983].
Enregistrament Audiovisual
[Projecte de l'aeroport de Stansted [Enregistrament de vídeo] / conferència de Norman Foster].
Article de Revista
Tecnologia i arquitectura = Technology and architecture / entrevista realitzada per David Chipperfield.
Quaderns d'arquitectura i Urbanisme N. 178 (Jul.-Set. 1988), p. 120-125
Article de Revista
Museo del Prado : El concurso = The competition.
A V Monografías = Monographs N. 62 (Nov.-Dec. 1996)
Article de Revista
Norman Foster, 1986-1992.
A V Monografías = Monographs N. 38 (1992)
Article de Revista
Inaugural Academy Architecture lecture / Norman Foster.
Architectural design : AD Vol. 61, n. 11-12 (1991), p. 28-33
Article de Revista
Jean Prouvé : 1901-1984 / Norman Foster, Luis Fernández-Galiano. eds.
A V Monografías = Monographs Nº 149 (2011) 0213-487X
Article de Revista
Norman Foster / Luis Fernández-Galiano.
A V Monografías = Monographs N. 78 (Jul.-Ago. 1999)
Article de Revista
Foster associates : designing the means to social ends / Barbara Goldstein.
Riba Journal (Jan. 1978), p. 7-22
Article de Revista
Foster associates 1975.
A+U : architecture and urbanism N. 57, 09/75 (Sep. 1975), p. 45-144
Article de Revista
Craig Ellwood : 15 casas = 15 houses.
2G : Revista Internacional de Arquitectura = International Architecture Review N. 12, 1999/IV (1999)
Article de Revista
Foster in Gran Bretagna = Foster in Britain / Giuseppe Zampieri.
Domus N. 825 (Apr. 2000)
Article de Revista
Futuros comunes : Foster in Fundación Telefónica / Luis Fernández-Galiano.
Arquitectura viva 199 (11/2017) 0214-1256
Article de Revista
Norman Foster : common futures.
A V Monografías = Monographs 200 (2017) 0213-487X
Norman Foster : talking and writing / edited by Norman Foster and David Jenkins.
Article de Revista
High Tech idealist : with signature precision, AIA Gold Medalist Norman Foster addresses the environment / [text de] Colin Davies.
Architecture (May 1994)
Article de Revista
Alvar Aalto 1898-1976 / [comentaris de Normen Foster].
Riba Journal Vol. 84, n. 2 (July 1976), p. 296
Article de Revista
Accessos globals = Portes globals / Norman Foster.
Quaderns d'arquitectura i Urbanisme N. 213 (1996), p. 182-187
Article de Revista
Norman Foster : ossature, membranes et fluides.
Architecture d'aujourd'hui N. 276 (Sep. 1991), p. 66-76
Article de Revista
Norman Foster : la prefabricación como belleza : entrevista / texto: Antxu Zabalbeascoa ; fotos: Andrew Ward.
Diseño Interior N. 10 (Dic. 1991), p. 46-51
Article de Revista
Jean Nouvel.
A V Monografías = Monographs N. 31 (1991)
Article de Revista
Homo faber : Norman Foster in Monte Esquinza / Luis Fernández-Galiano.
Arquitectura viva Nº 174 (2015) 0214-1256
Article de Revista
Lo Común en lo global : de la arquitectura al espacio público / Norman Foster.
Arquitectura Viva Nº 147 (2012) 0214-1256
Article de Revista
El último moderno : Norman Foster en Madrid / Adela García-Herrera.
Arquitectura viva. Nº 3 (nov. 1988) 0214-1256
Article de Revista
Buckminster Fuller : 1895-1983 / Norman Forster, Luis Fernández-Galiano. eds.
A V Monografías = Monographs Nº 143 (2010) 0213-487X
Norman Foster : works / editor: David Jenkins ; contributors: Chris Abel ... [et al.].
Munich : Prestel, cop. 2002-2013.
Article de Revista
2on cinturó Barcelona / [text de] Josep Anton Acebillo.
Quaderns d'arquitectura i Urbanisme N. 193 (Mar.-Abr. 1992), p. 29-44