

In this first stage, the catalogue focuses on the modern and contemporary architecture designed and built between 1832 –year of construction of the first industrial chimney in Barcelona that we establish as the beginning of modernity– until today.

The project is born to make the architecture more accessible both to professionals and to the citizens through a website that is going to be updated and extended. Contemporary works of greater general interest will be incorporated, always with a necessary historical perspective, while gradually adding works from our past, with the ambitious objective of understanding a greater documented period.

The collection feeds from multiple sources, mainly from the generosity of architectural and photographic studios, as well as the large amount of excellent historical and reference editorial projects, such as architectural guides, magazines, monographs and other publications. It also takes into consideration all the reference sources from the various branches and associated entities with the COAC and other collaborating entities related to the architectural and design fields, in its maximum spectrum.

Special mention should be made of the incorporation of vast documentation from the COAC Historical Archive which, thanks to its documental richness, provides a large amount of valuable –and in some cases unpublished– graphic documentation.

The rigour and criteria for selection of the works has been stablished by a Documental Commission, formed by the COAC’s Culture Spokesperson, the director of the COAC Historical Archive, the directors of the COAC Digital Archive, and professionals and other external experts from all the territorial sections that look after to offer a transversal view of the current and past architectural landscape around the territory.

The determination of this project is to become the largest digital collection about Catalan architecture; a key tool of exemplar information and documentation about architecture, which turns into a local and international referent, for the way to explain and show the architectural heritage of a territory.

Aureli Mora i Omar Ornaque


About us

Project by:

Created by:


2019-2025 Aureli Mora i Omar Ornaque

Documental Commission:

2019-2025 Ramon Faura Carolina B. Garcia Eduard Callís Francesc Rafat Pau Albert Antoni López Daufí Joan Falgueras Mercè Bosch Jaume Farreny Anton Pàmies Juan Manuel Zaguirre Josep Ferrando Fernando Marzá Moisés Puente Aureli Mora Omar Ornaque


2019-2025 Lluis Andreu Sergi Ballester Maria Jesús Quintero Lucía M. Villodres Montse Viu

External Collaborators:

2019-2025 Helena Cepeda Inès Martinel

With the support of:

Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura

Collaborating Entities:



Fundació Mies van der Rohe


Fundación DOCOMOMO Ibérico


Basílica de la Sagrada Família


Museu del Disseny de Barcelona






EINA Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona




Fundació Domènench Montaner.

Design & Development:

edittio Nubilum

Suggestion box

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We kindly invite you to help us improve the dissemination of Catalan architecture through this space. Here you can propose works and provide or amend information on authors, photographers and their work, along with adding comments. The Documentary Commission will analyze all data. Please do only fill in the fields you deem necessary to add or amend the information.

The Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya is one of the most important documentation centers in Europe, which houses the professional collections of more than 180 architects whose work is fundamental to understanding the history of Catalan architecture. By filling this form, you can request digital copies of the documents for which the Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya manages the exploitation of the author's rights, as well as those in the public domain. Once the application has been made, the Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya will send you an approximate budget, which varies in terms of each use and purpose.


* If the memory has known authorship or rights, cite them in the field above 'Comments' .

Remove * If the photographs has known authorship or rights, cite them in the field above 'Comments'.
You can attach up to 5 files of up to 10 MB each.

Informació bàsica de protecció de dades

Responsable del tractament: Col·legi d Arquitectes de Catalunya 'COAC'
Finalitat del tractament: Tramitar la sol·licitud de còpies digitals dels documents dels quals l’Arxiu Històric del COAC gestiona els drets d'explotació dels autors, a més d'aquells que es trobin en domini públic.
Legitimació del tractament: El seu consentiment per tractar les seves dades personals.
Destinatari de cessions o transferències: El COAC no realitza cessions o transferències internacionals de dades personals.
Drets de les persones interessades: Accedir, rectificar i suprimir les seves dades, així com, l’exercici d’altres drets conforme a l’establert a la informació addicional.
Informació addicional: Pot consultar la informació addicional i detallada sobre protecció de dades en aquest enllaç

Works (7)

On the Map

All works


Chronology (7)

  1. Casino Berguedà

    Ignasi M. Colomer i Oms, Roc Cot i Cot

    Casino Berguedà

    Edifici situat en una cantonada d'un carrer en desnivell que inclou una sala de cinema en una ala, i una sala de cafè i un restaurant a l'altre. La façana té un sòcol de pedres de tipus maçoneria i la part superior, arrebossada amb alguns motius decoratius a les zones altes i els ampits de les obertures amb rajola, alguns elements amb maó. La coberta és de teula àrab. Està estructurada en una sola planta i l'element més característic és poster la forma de les obertures, falsos arcs apuntats fets per aproximació de filades. Roc Cot va iniciar el projecte i Ignasi Colomer el va continuar. És una obra de l'any 1913 en el qual hi varen participar diferents arquitectes. El primer projecte fou del mestre d'obres Francesc Joan Canal (1902) remodelat després per l'arquitecte Roc Cot i Cot i acabat definitivament per l'arquitecte Ignasi M. Colomer el 1913. L'edifici fou reformat el 1940 i definitivament el 1955 al adaptar-se a cinema; d'aquests reformes són l'actual escalinata, l'entrada d'accés que funciona com a sala d'exposicions i les remodelacions de la sala que anul·laren els balcons i la decoració interior.
  2. Cal de Martín

    Ignasi M. Colomer i Oms

    Cal de Martín

    The house has a ground floor and three upper floors with façades facing the Ronda de Queralt and the Passeig de Les Estaselles. The house corresponds to an early 20th century construction, parallel to the construction of the casino next door. On the ground floor, it combines stone with the red brick of the windows and the plastering of the different parts. A single-storey turreted structure on one side with battlements stands out. The most interesting part of the façade is the arrangement of the openings and their modulation, as well as the glazed tribune. This façade contrasts sharply with the rear façade, where the layout of the floors is clearly visible, with balconies on each floor. The house is the work of the architect Ignasi M. Colomer and was built in 1913. It is owned by the Martín family, who since the end of the 18th century have held the title of lords and noble coat of arms as direct descendants of the Barons of Balsereny.
  3. Cal Capell

    Ignasi M. Colomer i Oms

    Cal Capell

    The entrance of this building has a space with direct access to the street, where we can see a ceiling painted in a floral style, with a predominance of ochre tones, and geometric sgraffito on the walls. This part communicates with the courtyard covered by a glass dome where the staircase leading to the first floor is located. The junction between these two spaces is formed by arches, supported by a pair of columns with pseudo-Ionic capitals. On the walls there are elongated openings with stepped lintels with geometric sgraffito on the jambs. The structural forms and decorations are similar to those used by Puig i Cadafalch in the interior of the Macaya house. Also noteworthy are the wrought ironwork forming the grilles and railings, of a geometric type, reminiscent of those designed by Gaudí. Grandstand: Iron structure and leaded stained glass decoration in soft colours with geometric patterns presided over by rounded inflexion arches like those inside the entrance. This tribune has the most important windows, together with the windows of the Working Class Athenaeum from Igualada, and they are almost the only ones in modernist decoration in Igualada. Refurbishment promoted by Antoni Capell i Balañà. Tribune: The recovery of leaded glass, very typical of the stained glass windows of medieval cathedrals, is recovered by the Catalan Art Nouveau movement, as are other applied arts (wrought iron, ceramics, etc.) which, due to Arts & Crafts, a trend born in England, spread throughout Europe.
  4. Casa Poncell

    Ignasi M. Colomer i Oms

    Compositivament l'edifici és dividit en tres parts: una central, més ampla, que està flanquejada per dues que sobresurten, tant en profunditat com en alçada. L'edifici és coronat per uns merlets esglaonats, molt propis d'aquest autor, i que ens recorden la influència que l'edifici té de la casa Macaya de Puig i Cadafalch. També hi trobarem utilitzat el totxo en la barbacana, modalitat constructiva molt característica d'aquest arquitecte. També cal destacar la barbacana en el finestral de la sala d'estar i a la porta d'entrada. Promotor de l'obra: Nicolau Poncell i Sitges, tipògraf.
  5. Cal Senyor Magí

    Ignasi M. Colomer i Oms

    Edifici de tres plantes construït amb carreus de pedra, on destaca la decoració de la façana feta a base dels propis elements estructurals de l'edifici, com són les dues portes d'entrada a la planta baixa, sustentades sobre dos pilars amb capitells decorats amb motius heràldics i florals, i les finestres, així com la sanefa que cobreix la part més alta de l'edifici. Obra promoguda per el Sr. Magí Castellfort i Llambés, comerciant.
  6. Balcells House

    Ignasi M. Colomer i Oms

    The composition is limited by the parallel axes of the openings. The decorative system is based on the shapes used in the openings and the materials used in them. Thus we see how the architect has used the sharp arch and ashlar on the ground floor, while on the first floor and the other floors he has used exposed brick and green ceramic. The most important element of this building is the barbican, also made of brick, which crowns the building. Promoter of the work: Joan Balcells i Gubern, tanner.


  • Journal Article

    Nota necrólogica.

    Anuario : Asociación de Arquitectos de Cataluña (1915), p. 89-102

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