

In this first stage, the catalogue focuses on the modern and contemporary architecture designed and built between 1832 –year of construction of the first industrial chimney in Barcelona that we establish as the beginning of modernity– until today.

The project is born to make the architecture more accessible both to professionals and to the citizens through a website that is going to be updated and extended. Contemporary works of greater general interest will be incorporated, always with a necessary historical perspective, while gradually adding works from our past, with the ambitious objective of understanding a greater documented period.

The collection feeds from multiple sources, mainly from the generosity of architectural and photographic studios, as well as the large amount of excellent historical and reference editorial projects, such as architectural guides, magazines, monographs and other publications. It also takes into consideration all the reference sources from the various branches and associated entities with the COAC and other collaborating entities related to the architectural and design fields, in its maximum spectrum.

Special mention should be made of the incorporation of vast documentation from the COAC Historical Archive which, thanks to its documental richness, provides a large amount of valuable –and in some cases unpublished– graphic documentation.

The rigour and criteria for selection of the works has been stablished by a Documental Commission, formed by the COAC’s Culture Spokesperson, the director of the COAC Historical Archive, the directors of the COAC Digital Archive, and professionals and other external experts from all the territorial sections that look after to offer a transversal view of the current and past architectural landscape around the territory.

The determination of this project is to become the largest digital collection about Catalan architecture; a key tool of exemplar information and documentation about architecture, which turns into a local and international referent, for the way to explain and show the architectural heritage of a territory.

Aureli Mora i Omar Ornaque


About us

Project by:

Created by:


2019-2025 Aureli Mora i Omar Ornaque

Documental Commission:

2019-2025 Ramon Faura Carolina B. Garcia Eduard Callís Francesc Rafat Pau Albert Antoni López Daufí Joan Falgueras Mercè Bosch Jaume Farreny Anton Pàmies Juan Manuel Zaguirre Josep Ferrando Fernando Marzá Moisés Puente Aureli Mora Omar Ornaque


2019-2025 Lluis Andreu Sergi Ballester Maria Jesús Quintero Lucía M. Villodres Montse Viu

External Collaborators:

2019-2025 Helena Cepeda Inès Martinel

With the support of:

Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura

Collaborating Entities:



Fundació Mies van der Rohe


Fundación DOCOMOMO Ibérico


Basílica de la Sagrada Família


Museu del Disseny de Barcelona






EINA Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona




Fundació Domènench Montaner.

Design & Development:

edittio Nubilum

Suggestion box

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We kindly invite you to help us improve the dissemination of Catalan architecture through this space. Here you can propose works and provide or amend information on authors, photographers and their work, along with adding comments. The Documentary Commission will analyze all data. Please do only fill in the fields you deem necessary to add or amend the information.

The Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya is one of the most important documentation centers in Europe, which houses the professional collections of more than 180 architects whose work is fundamental to understanding the history of Catalan architecture. By filling this form, you can request digital copies of the documents for which the Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya manages the exploitation of the author's rights, as well as those in the public domain. Once the application has been made, the Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya will send you an approximate budget, which varies in terms of each use and purpose.


* If the memory has known authorship or rights, cite them in the field above 'Comments' .

Remove * If the photographs has known authorship or rights, cite them in the field above 'Comments'.
You can attach up to 5 files of up to 10 MB each.

Informació bàsica de protecció de dades

Responsable del tractament: Col·legi d Arquitectes de Catalunya 'COAC'
Finalitat del tractament: Tramitar la sol·licitud de còpies digitals dels documents dels quals l’Arxiu Històric del COAC gestiona els drets d'explotació dels autors, a més d'aquells que es trobin en domini públic.
Legitimació del tractament: El seu consentiment per tractar les seves dades personals.
Destinatari de cessions o transferències: El COAC no realitza cessions o transferències internacionals de dades personals.
Drets de les persones interessades: Accedir, rectificar i suprimir les seves dades, així com, l’exercici d’altres drets conforme a l’establert a la informació addicional.
Informació addicional: Pot consultar la informació addicional i detallada sobre protecció de dades en aquest enllaç

Works (11)

On the Map

All works


Chronology (12)

  1. Escola d’Educació Infantil i Primària Vila Olímpica

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Oriol Capdevila i Arús, Francesc Gual i Traginé, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Escola d’Educació Infantil i Primària Vila Olímpica

    Construcció d’un edifici de nova planta per a ubicar-hi un Centre d’Educació Infantil i Primària de 2 línies per a 450 alumnes amb una superfície total construïda de 3.600 m2. La proposta inicial de la orientació que creem que ha de tenir el projecte del Centre d’Educació Infantil i Primària "Vila Olímpica", ha tingut en compte la voluntat de aconseguir un bon projecte, de qualitat arquitectònica per que pugui col·laborar a la bona qualitat de l’ensenyament a partir d’uns criteris constructius rigorosos que permetin la construcció del centre i el seu manteniment posterior amb uns costos continguts, dins de les previsions raonables. El projecte es basa en els següents punts: • Implantar l'edificació aproximadament sobre els nivells actuals del terreny per tal d'evitar costos de moviments de terres i perquè el desnivell existent entre les plataformes del solar i les rasants de l'avinguda Salvador Espriu i del carrer Jaume Vicens i Vives permeten optimitzar la protecció dels vents de mar i del soroll del trànsit de les vies ràpides de la Ronda del Litoral. • Proposar un edifici de dues plantes, per tal d'alliberar terrenys per als patis de joc i camp d'esport i alhora estalviar costos de construcció reduint les superfícies de fonaments i de coberta. • Organitzar l'edifici en una planta en forma de L, oberta en diagonal cap a migdia i, per tant, d'esquena al carrer Carmen Amaya. Així s'aconsegueix protegir l'escola del brogit del trànsit d'aquest carrer, molt agreujat pel pas de camions i pel seu soroll d'arrencada a causa dels dos semàfors situats en una pujada forta, al costat del Centre Abraham. • Situar el camp d'esports al Nord, fora de l'àmbit de les aules per evitar les distraccions a les hores de classe i possibilitar-ne un ús independent, si calgués. • Optar per incorporar l'Escola Bressol a la resta de tot el centre d'educació, situant-lo a la planta baixa d'un dels seus cossos i compartint l'edifici. La finalitat és doble: aconseguir un centre integrat, que és pedagògicament interessant i reduir els costos de construcció. • Orientar bé totes les aules. No hi ha cap aula gran que miri cap al Nord ni cap a Ponent. Totes tenen accés directe al jardí i als patis de joc; els pàrvuls i l'Escola Bressol perquè són a la planta baixa, i les aules de primària a través d'un carrer interior i escales comunes. • Situar l'entrada del Centre al carrer Carmen Amaya perquè facilita l'accés a peu pla del Parvulari i de l'Escola Bressol. Prop de l'entrada, a la planta baixa hi ha l'administració. • Col·locar les aules especialitzades de Primària (música i audiovisuals, plàstica i informàtica) a la planta pis en un lloc ben relacionat amb la resta de les aules. • Organitzar l'extrem de l'ala Nord-Est de l'edifici, que és una cua de la L, amb el menjador i la cuina arran de terra i el gimnàs, a sobre. Així el gimnàs està al mateix nivell que les aules de Primària. Un sistema de rampes connecta el gimnàs i el camp d'esports. El menjador pot ser usat per a altres activitats si convé i pot, també, extendre’s, en cas de necessitat, cap el vestíbul d'entrada. • Col·locar el porxo per a activitats de lleure a l'ombra i a recer de la pluja al costat del camp d'esports, sense interferir en les activitats docents de les aules. • Donada la proximitat de l'edifici al mar i a les platges, proposem un edifici en el que, tot i estar composat per volums a diferents alçades, hi predomini l'horitzontalitat. Per tant, les cobertes de l'edifici, tot i ser planes són prou inclinades (5%) per assolir la millor estanqueïtat a la pluja i una bona vista de l'edifici a vol d'ocell. • Els murs de tancament de l'edifici estaran aïllats per la part exterior i acabats amb estuc. Les parts inferiors d'aquests murs seran de totxo vidrat, i la part superior es rematarà amb un ràfec per a la seva protecció i conservació. • Utilitzar en els interiors de l'edifici materials resistents a l'erosió que se sol produir en una escola infantil, acústicament adequats, de bon envelliment i de fàcil manteniment, encara que no siguin els més barats possibles. Creiem en la bondat i l'eficàcia econòmica d'un manteniment fàcil.
  2. Mossos d'Esquadra Central Police Station

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Oriol Capdevila i Arús, Francesc Gual i Traginé, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Mossos d'Esquadra Central Police Station

    This is the building that will house a police station (Mossos d’Esquadra) and the offices of the Catalan Traffic Service. It is located in Plaça d’Espanya, at the junction of Gran Via and Paral·lel, two important avenues in the Eixample. The proposal is based on two autonomous bodies, each aligned on the two perimeter avenues and a central space that acts as a large lobby. The façades are structured with a modular system that allows them to be modified according to the variation of internal needs. Continuous bands of photovoltaic panels extend over this modulation. The location is very significant and will be the reason for an urban reconsideration of the whole of Plaça d’Espanya.
  3. Office Building for the UGT

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Oriol Capdevila i Arús, Francesc Gual i Traginé, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Office Building for the UGT

    This is project of an office building of 9,238 m2 with an L-shaped floor plan and different heights, located on a plot that is part of the "Urban Project of Robador Street’s block and its surroundings" promoted by Foment Ciutat Vella. It faces the streets of Sant Rafael, Sadurní, Sant Josep Oriol, the Rambla del Raval and a new square located between the building and the hotel. There are 2 floors of parking in the basement which occupy the perimeter of the office building, as well as that of the new square and the hotel. The building has been designed to be able to have many uses, from occupation by a single institution to a more fragmented subdivision of the space. The ground floor is interrupted by a hole that acts as a pedestrian passage between the new square and Sadurní Street, which allows direct communication from the Rambla del Raval to the housing block and the shops on the ground floor as well as in the new building of the Filmoteca de Catalunya in Salvador Seguí Square.
  4. Extension of Costa i Llobera Primary School

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Oriol Capdevila i Arús, Francesc Gual i Traginé, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Extension of Costa i Llobera Primary School

    Prior to the expansion, the school was a set of three rectangular buildings located around a common space, a large open-air roof overlooking Barcelona, which serves as the centre of the school and leisure space. The extension consists of a fourth building of similar volume to the existing ones, designed using the same compositional and constructive criteria as the current buildings, in order to obtain a set with volumetric and topographical coherence that will accommodate a total of 910 students from 3 to 17 years old (from kindergarten to Senior High School). The new building is distributed on the ground floor, two floors and a basement – a multipurpose room and a gym – which match the levels of the current floors. On the ground floor, a bridge that connects (piercing the new building) the current courtyard with that of the extension is built, and it forms a large free space around the buildings. This floor is divided by the connection step. The first and second floors are connected on one side to the nearest existing building by glass bridges and on the other by the outdoor garden via metal stairs and a bridge. The ground floor and the first two floors are connected by a glazed staircase similar to the other school buildings. In the basement, at the same level as the main entrance of the current school, there is the multipurpose space / gym, with the corresponding changing rooms, which is partially developed under the playground.
  5. Auditorium and Gaudí Hall at Milà House

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Oriol Capdevila i Arús, Francesc Gual i Traginé, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Auditorium and Gaudí Hall  at Milà House

    The adaptation of the basements of La Pedrera for Auditorium and Sala Gaudí, tries to be very neutral and respectful of what remains of the original work. This is not a restoration that tries to return everything to its origin. It is about not adding, being neutral and discreet and avoiding imitations of Gaudí. It was necessary to assume the required structural reinforcements, the passage of the installations and comply with the current regulations. Caixa Catalunya Auditorium: 185 seats, side boxes for 78 seats extendable to the 110 m² outdoor patio, two simultaneous translation booths, a control room, three screens for cinematographic and audiovisual sessions, and a stage with a technical platform for conferences, with talks and theatrical or musical shows in a small format. Sala Gaudí: 92 seats, a control room interconnected with the translation and control booths of the Auditorium, a screen and a space for multipurpose shows and events without a fixed stage. General spaces: an entrance ramp/lobby, a gate, two cloakrooms, eight toilets, a toilet for the disabled, two dressing areas with toilets, showers and changing rooms, a kitchen-office and a guest room.
  6. Line 3 Metro Station: Liceu

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Oriol Capdevila i Arús, Francesc Gual i Traginé, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Line 3 Metro Station: Liceu

    The project aims to design a very bright and clean station considering that it is a collective space with a very high density of daily circulation. The walls and ceilings of the platforms are covered with illuminated glass panels printed with the banana leaves that cover La Rambla. The aim was to translate the spatial and environmental virtues of the urban environment into the underground.
  7. La Casa dels Xuklis

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Oriol Capdevila i Arús, Francesc Gual i Traginé, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    La Casa dels Xuklis

    This building is designed to accommodate families with children from outside the city suffering from cancer who are undergoing treatment in Barcelona. La Casa dels Xuklis is a pioneering project in Europe led by the Foundation of Children With Cancer and born from the AFANOC's initiative. It goes one step further than Maggie's centres in Scotland by adding a ground floor residence with patio. The construction of the residence is based on the typology of the courtyard – the Greek house, the Roman atrium, the Islamic courtyard, the Christian cloister – which responds to different cultural and social customs. We have identified the four pavilions with the four seasons of the year and the four orientations of the day. The residence provides accommodation for 25 families in "individual houses" of 30 m2, located around the courtyard. Each home has an articulated pitched roof to ensure cross ventilation which eliminates the dangers of air conditioning for these sufferers. It also has an independent Day Centre that allows non-resident families to enjoy a more domestic space where they can relax and communicate with the other families, patients and professional caregivers of the centre and where they receive specialised medical assistance and support. The 1,989 m2 building is located on land handed over by the Barcelona Council and is surrounded by gardens.
  8. La Torre Blanca

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Oriol Capdevila i Arús, Francesc Gual i Traginé, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    La Torre Blanca

    It is a building with 19 floors and two basements with different types of housing: single or duplex flats and one, two, three and four bedrooms. The dwellings are grouped around a vertical street and are articulated through three "urban squares" located one at street level, another one in the centre of the tower and along four floors, and the third at the top of the building with a stepped "skyline" at the top, without mechanical installations because they are located on each floor to provide service to the respective homes. The building is treated as a pure geometric figure: the prism, with specific exceptions where voids are produced that correspond to spaces of communal use: lobbies, duplex housing, community terrace, swimming pool and solarium so that they have natural lighting. The façade is composed of a series of repetitive horizontal elements that are only interrupted in the intersections with voids and elements of the building's general stairs.
  9. RBA Office Building

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Oriol Capdevila i Arús, Francesc Gual i Traginé, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    RBA Office Building

    The office building of 19,000 m2, 17 floors and 4 basements is located in the new 22@ district of the Poblenou district. It has a pedestrian crossing that crosses the building on the first three floors, two low silver entrances and two cores of vertical access. On the intermediate floors, there are the most public spaces, with an auditorium and terrace for the social activities of the publisher and the management offices and the library are located on the upper floors. The building exhibits two grammatical currents, one related to the shape and scale of the building, and the other to the detail of its chameleonic façades. The first one has to do with the irregular shape of the volume of the building that was predetermined by the planning of the site. Based on this, we realised that by projecting a simple rectangular composition on the main façade facing west in the style of the painter Piet Mondrian, the rectangle of the upper floors could float on the base. The terrace that remained between the two rectangles could become an ideal space for the company's outdoor social activities. The lower rectangle, on the other hand, could be detailed on a more human scale in contrast to the metropolitan scale of the upper rectangle. The second one raises the various solutions that could be adopted in terms of the orientation of the façades. The narrow north-facing façade, which overlooks Diagonal Avenue, did not require any protective elements and could be made entirely of glass. On the other hand, the long west-facing façade had to be protected from the heat and the intense light of the afternoon sun. For this, brise-soleils were placed on each floor, and screen-printed glass screens, which protect the slightly tinted glass of the horizontal windows, which introduce a more human relationship with the street. On the narrow south façade, horizontal terraces prevent the vertical penetration of the midday sun. The east façade, sheltered by the office building located ten metres away, did not need solar protection. Another factor that was taken into account was the reference to the industrial past of the neighbourhood, expressed through the simple structural frame with white aluminum profiles and light-coloured ceramic panels, alluding to the few brick factories still existing today.
  10. Disseny Hub Barcelona

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Oriol Capdevila i Arús, Francesc Gual i Traginé, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Disseny Hub Barcelona

    The building is made up of two parts: one which is underground (taking advantage of the change in level caused by the urbanisation of Les Glòries Square) and another one that emerges above the +14.50 m level. The latter is a parallelepiped cut on biases with the same width as Àvila Street, so that it acts as an end and an indicator of the relations between the Eixample and the square without closing the views of the large central park. The underground deck has the treatment and use of public space, related, therefore, to the future Les Glòries Square project. The green carpet is one of the primary components and has been made with natural elements that guarantee sustainability and easy maintenance. The luminous graphics and the pergola complement the urban square located on the other side of the building, next to Meridiana Avenue. The bar restaurant is exteriorised at level +6.98 m, and offers an attraction to the public space. The lake is a compositional underline that links the various levels. The Catalan Energy Institute (ICAEN), once the building has been processed, has issued the energy qualification certificate with an A classification.
  11. Mostres d'Arquitectura (Barcelona)

    Shortlisted. Category: Edificis d'Habitatges Plurifamiliars de Promoció Privada
    La Torre Blanca


Routes & Notes (1)


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