

In this first stage, the catalogue focuses on the modern and contemporary architecture designed and built between 1832 –year of construction of the first industrial chimney in Barcelona that we establish as the beginning of modernity– until today.

The project is born to make the architecture more accessible both to professionals and to the citizens through a website that is going to be updated and extended. Contemporary works of greater general interest will be incorporated, always with a necessary historical perspective, while gradually adding works from our past, with the ambitious objective of understanding a greater documented period.

The collection feeds from multiple sources, mainly from the generosity of architectural and photographic studios, as well as the large amount of excellent historical and reference editorial projects, such as architectural guides, magazines, monographs and other publications. It also takes into consideration all the reference sources from the various branches and associated entities with the COAC and other collaborating entities related to the architectural and design fields, in its maximum spectrum.

Special mention should be made of the incorporation of vast documentation from the COAC Historical Archive which, thanks to its documental richness, provides a large amount of valuable –and in some cases unpublished– graphic documentation.

The rigour and criteria for selection of the works has been stablished by a Documental Commission, formed by the COAC’s Culture Spokesperson, the director of the COAC Historical Archive, the directors of the COAC Digital Archive, and professionals and other external experts from all the territorial sections that look after to offer a transversal view of the current and past architectural landscape around the territory.

The determination of this project is to become the largest digital collection about Catalan architecture; a key tool of exemplar information and documentation about architecture, which turns into a local and international referent, for the way to explain and show the architectural heritage of a territory.

Aureli Mora i Omar Ornaque


About us

Project by:

Created by:


2019-2025 Aureli Mora i Omar Ornaque

Documental Commission:

2019-2025 Ramon Faura Carolina B. Garcia Eduard Callís Francesc Rafat Pau Albert Antoni López Daufí Joan Falgueras Mercè Bosch Jaume Farreny Anton Pàmies Juan Manuel Zaguirre Josep Ferrando Fernando Marzá Moisés Puente Aureli Mora Omar Ornaque


2019-2025 Lluis Andreu Sergi Ballester Maria Jesús Quintero Lucía M. Villodres Montse Viu

External Collaborators:

2019-2025 Helena Cepeda Inès Martinel

With the support of:

Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura

Collaborating Entities:



Fundació Mies van der Rohe


Fundación DOCOMOMO Ibérico


Basílica de la Sagrada Família


Museu del Disseny de Barcelona






EINA Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona




Fundació Domènench Montaner.

Design & Development:

edittio Nubilum

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We kindly invite you to help us improve the dissemination of Catalan architecture through this space. Here you can propose works and provide or amend information on authors, photographers and their work, along with adding comments. The Documentary Commission will analyze all data. Please do only fill in the fields you deem necessary to add or amend the information.

The Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya is one of the most important documentation centers in Europe, which houses the professional collections of more than 180 architects whose work is fundamental to understanding the history of Catalan architecture. By filling this form, you can request digital copies of the documents for which the Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya manages the exploitation of the author's rights, as well as those in the public domain. Once the application has been made, the Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya will send you an approximate budget, which varies in terms of each use and purpose.


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Informació bàsica de protecció de dades

Responsable del tractament: Col·legi d Arquitectes de Catalunya 'COAC'
Finalitat del tractament: Tramitar la sol·licitud de còpies digitals dels documents dels quals l’Arxiu Històric del COAC gestiona els drets d'explotació dels autors, a més d'aquells que es trobin en domini públic.
Legitimació del tractament: El seu consentiment per tractar les seves dades personals.
Destinatari de cessions o transferències: El COAC no realitza cessions o transferències internacionals de dades personals.
Drets de les persones interessades: Accedir, rectificar i suprimir les seves dades, així com, l’exercici d’altres drets conforme a l’establert a la informació addicional.
Informació addicional: Pot consultar la informació addicional i detallada sobre protecció de dades en aquest enllaç


Més de cinquanta anys des de la seva fundació RBTA es manté en la primera línia de la professió. En l’actualitat, l’empresa familiar està dirigida per Ricardo Bofill Levi i els seus fills, Ricardo E. Bofill i Pablo Bofill, i els seus socis Peter Hodgkinson i Jean-Pierre Carniaux. Des d’una antiga fàbrica de ciment reconvertida a les afores de Barcelona, RBTA aplica el seu humanisme visionari i la seva intel·ligència cultural en llocs molt diferents del globus terraqui. Format per un equip cohesionat, a la vegada que heterogeni, de professionals de més de vint nacionalitats l’estudi inclou arquitectes, urbanistes, interioristes dissenyadors gràfics i industrials. Aquest enfocament multidisciplinari i global promou una sensibilitat cultural que marca tots els seus projectes d’arquitectura, disseny urbà i interiorisme.

RBTA aplica una metodologia de treball participativa basada en el diàleg permanent entre els membres del seu equip, els seus socis locals i el promotors. Especialitzat en projectes d’escala urbana, infraestructures de transport, equipaments públics i comercials, vivenda social i de luxe, edificis d’oficines, el respecte de RBTA per les característiques específiques del lloc es manifesta a la seva capacitat per a gestionar una gran diversitat de projectes, equips, clients, llocs, estils, programes i escales. La companyia ha demostrat la seva gran capacitat per a abordar amb la mateixa implicació i sofisticació contextual ambiciosos projectes urbans, que actuen com a centres urbans generant relacions entre l’entorn i els seus habitants, i petits dissenys domèstics que contribueixen a millorar la qualitat de vida dels usuaris. Amb més de 1000 projectes en el seu port foli, RBTA destaca en l’escena arquitectònica mundial.

El respecte per la història és un tema recurrent a tot el treball de RBTA. La perspectiva històrica en el disseny arquitectònic permet a l’equip analitzar i interpretar de manera constant els trets diferencials de cada lloc i de la seva herència cultural. Desmarcant-se de les teories urbanístiques socialistes i modernes, que promovien la construcció de blocs aïllats i repetitius col·locats en grans espais oberts, RBTA defensa el model de ciutat mediterrània sostenible amb un espai públic be definit i traçat, amb carrers proporcionats i places. El tema de la vivenda social en països en vies de desenvolupament és una de les preocupacions prioritàries dels membres de l’equip. Adaptant-se al context local, el projectes residencial de RBTA garanteixen l’èxit social, financer i pragmàtic de cada operació. La habilitat de RBTA per a integrar la dimensió històrica en els seus projectes es tradueix en solucions innovadores als problemes socials del nostre temps.

Des de la seva seu de La Fàbrica, RBTA es manté fidel a la filosofia que va inspirar a l’equip fundador des de la seva creació a principis dels anys 60. Les seves propostes per a la Place de l’Europe de Luxemburg i l’ambiciós projecte de la ciutat de Moscú, que a més de dissenyar una nova xarxa de transport urbà incorpora grans espais verds, són coherents amb una nova forma d’urbanisme que integra la cultura urbana , la natura i la història. Altres projectes a gran escala, com a la Terminal 1 per l’aeroport de Barcelona, en la línia de l’anterior Terminal 2 construïda pels Jocs Olímpics de 1992, i l’icònic W Hotel Barcelona, inspirat a la tradició local, reflecteixen el respecte de l’equip per les seves arrels mediterrànies, definint nous estàndards de senzillesa, funcionalitat i luxe.

Projectes com a la torre residencial Shang Xian Fang a Shanghai, un edifici de vivendes de luxe a Miami i la seu del banc panameny Multibank, reafirmen la presència de RBTA al panorama arquitectònic actual. Treballs recents a Orient Mitjà i Nord d’Àfrica demostren la capacitat dels membres de l’equip per a treballar en contexts culturals i religiosos sensibles. El projecte Noble K’ouran Oasis a Arabia Saudí, amb un disseny circular inspirat en la tradició islàmica, aspira a convertir-se en una fita mundial d’innovació. De línies clares i proporcions generoses, l’equipament incorpora una àmplia varietat de funcions interconnectades i activitats a l’aire lliure relacionades amb el paisatge local i els valors de l’Alcorà. L’escola de Gestió Industrial a la ciutat marroquina de Benguerir és un nou hub tecnològic que incorpora conceptes tradicionals i moderns. El disseny sostenible d’aquest campus universitari recupera solucions vernaculars per a adaptar-se a les severes condicions climàtiques de la zona.

Altres exemples de projectes de recent construcció inclouen l’edifici Alexandria a Sant Petersburg, programa combinava de manera equilibrada vivendes, oficines i locals comercials. Com a exemple del treball de RBTA a la Federació Russa, el sobri disseny d’Alexandria respon al seu entorn històric i la seva privilegiada situació davant al riu.

Un dels elements que ha mantingut l’equip de RBTA a l’avantguarda creativa de la professió arquitectònica és el seu permanent esperit d’investigació. La curiositat combinada amb l’estudi de la forma i la matèria son constants en la seva evolució estilística, contribuint a l’original síntesis de les formes clàssiques i geomètriques que marquen els seus projectes. Entre 1990 i 2000, la investigació sobre la utilització del vidre i l’acer es va plasmar en nombrosos projectes d’oficines, seus socials i equipaments culturals.

Durant aquest període RBRA va produir un gran nombre de projectes ambiciosos i molt eficients per als clients de prestigi en l’àmbit públic com el Palau de Congressos de Madrid i la Terminal 2 de l’Aeroport de Barcelona, i per a marques com Christian Dior, Swift i Cartier. La torre de 77th West Wacker Drive a Chicago combina la tecnologia de un gratacel modern amb un vocabulari clàssic, mentre que el Citadel Center, en el numero 44 de la llista dels edificis més alts de Chicago, està dissenyat amb línies més modernes i depurades. Conciliant la modernitat amb la tradició, el disseny de la seu de BNP Paribas a París incorpora l’ús extensiu del vidre mentre manté les proporcions d’un temple clàssic. L’edifici Shiseido a Tokyo és un altre clar exemple de la diversificació estilística de RBTA. Situada al districte comercial de Ginza aquesta seu corporativa es va construir am els sistemes de construcció més avançats i va provocar una reforma definitiva a la normativa urbanística de la zona.

A principis dels 80 RBTA va consolidar la seva seu a Paris per a centrar-se en el disseny urbà i la construcció de vivendes socials a la regió. La construcció simultània de quatre projectes, Les Arcades du Lac i Le Viaduc a Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Le Palais d’Abraxas, Le Théatre i L’Arc a Marnée-la-Vallée, Les Echelles du Baroque a Paris i Antigone a Montpellier, marquen un dels períodes més prolífics del despatx. Aquests grans projectes urbans recuperen les grans avingudes, els eixos de circulació central i la naturalesa monumental de l’arquitectura tradicional francesa. Durant dues dècades l’equip va treballar en el disseny inclusiu i la construcció del districte Antigone a Montpellier, més de 400.000 m2 de superfície construïda que inclou vivendes, oficines, comerços, equipaments i espais públics. El màster pla a gran escala reflexa l’organització d’una ciutat típicament mediterrània que honora el passat Renaixentista de Montpellier. Recorrent a l’arquitectura clàssica per a preservar l’escala i les proporcions humanes, Antigone trenca amb la monotonia de la construcció prefabricada per a crear “un palau per al poble”.

Els projectes de les “Noves Ciutats” franceses van motivar que al 1971 part de l’equip es traslladés a Paris. Durant aquest període RBTA va incorporar elements simbòlics en els seus projectes com a referència a l’arquitectura monumental francesa. Propostes de vivendes urbanes com La Petite Cathédrale i Les Espaces d’Abraxas representen la integració de les idees del moment respecte a la vivenda social per a la creació del que l’equip anomena “monuments habitables”. Les Espaces d’Abraxas aborda, a més, la qüestió de la manipulació de les formes clàssiques de l’arquitectura per a produir un nou concepte residencial.

Després d’abordar temes socials en el context espanyol, RBTA va aprofundir en els problemes urbans dels països en vies de desenvolupament. A principis de les 70 una part de l’equip es va instal·lar a Algèria per a col·laborar amb el govern algerià en la planificació urbanística i la construcció de vivendes. Aquest primer treball a Algèria va culminar dos anys més tard amb la implementació del projecte Poble Agrícola Houari Boumédienne a la zona sud-est del país.

L’estratègia arquitectònica de RBTA continua regint-se per una lògica geomètrica dirigida a l’organització dels elements a l’espai. Desenvolupat inicialment de manera teòrica en el projecte “La Ciutat a l’espai”, el seu enfocament formal es materialitza al 1975 amb la construcció de l’icònic projecte de vivenda social Walden 7. Aquest complex d’apartaments de disseny radical i grans proporcions inclou 446 unitats residencials distribuïdes en 14 plantes, que maximitzen tant l’escala com la complexitat. Els apartaments obtinguts per medi de la repetició de mòduls estan connectats a través d’impressionants patis interiors; exaltant l’estigmatitzada tipologia de vivenda social, el projecte va motivar replantejar el tractament de les àrees més desfavorides de la ciutat.

Els primers treballs de RBTA des dels anys 60 presentaven ja els detalls característics de l’arquitectura vernacular catalana. Un clar exemple d’allò és la primera vivenda unifamiliar construïda per l’equip a Eivissa, una casa de formes orgàniques al costat del mar que utilitza els materials i els sistemes de construcció tradicionals reflectint el genius loci de l’illa. Més tard, però sempre a partir del respecte per la cultura i tradició del lloc, l’equip obre el foc per abordar els problemes de planificació urbana a nivell local en el context social i polític de l’època. A mida que l’escala dels projectes augmenta, l’equip concep una metodologia formal per a abordar grans operacions públiques, sense sacrificar per allò el detall i l’especialitat dels treballs més domèstics.

Amb la seva visió inesgotable, els membres de l’equip de RBTA continuen la seva evolució pràctica i teòrica. La gran sensibilitat amb què afronta les transformacions socials del moment permet a RBTA abordar de manera única els projectes, aportant un valor afegit al seu treball. Independentment de l’escala, els projectes de RBTA son sempre emblemàtics en el seu context, sigui urbà o rural.

Works (18)

On the Map

All works


Chronology (22)

  1. El Sargazo Apartments

    RBTA - Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura, Ricardo Bofill Leví

    El Sargazo Apartments

    The complex, located in a pine forest near Castelldefels beach, consists of 33 summer apartments grouped in several buildings and a tower that houses a water tank and other facilities. These are compact volumes, with rationalist windows, plastered and painted in different ranges of red.
  2. Johann Sebastian Bach 28 Apartment Building

    RBTA - Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura, Emili Bofill i Benessat, Ricardo Bofill Leví

    Johann Sebastian Bach 28 Apartment Building

    The plot’s peculiar conditions lead to a distributive solution that leaves aside the typological repertoire of urban environment housing. The only façade to the street faces north. On the south side, the connection space with the inner courtyard is very small and is located in a corner. Bofill chooses to place the living rooms on the side of the street and direct the bedrooms towards the inner courtyard, creating one of its own which guarantees good lighting and ventilation in the back of the apartments. The two bedroom wings open in a staggered direction, and the master bedroom is at the end, in the best position. In the remaining spaces between both bodies are the kitchens, with an opening to the courtyard, and the bathrooms, at the partitions. The façade facing the street combines some ceramic lattice locks with wooden shutters, which close the living rooms asymmetrically.
  3. FAD Award

    Shortlisted. Category: Architecture
    Johann Sebastian Bach 28 Apartment Building

  4. FAD Award

    Award-Winner / Winner. Category: Architecture
    Nicaragua Dwellings

  5. Nicaragua Dwellings

    RBTA - Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura, Emili Bofill i Benessat, Ricardo Bofill Leví

    Nicaragua Dwellings

    This is a controlled rent housing program on a north-facing corner plot. The distribution frees up a large courtyard at the back, which allows for lighting and ventilation of the bedrooms in the side homes. The central house faces the street, although it offers almost blind walls on the corner and opens to the east and west. The building offers an image of brick screens that open in a fan towards the two favourable orientations, from where the view is more transparent. A unique housing developed on three levels gives rise to the declining volumes of the roof.
  6. Johann Sebastian Bach - Francesc Pérez-Cabrero Dwellings

    RBTA - Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura, Emili Bofill i Benessat, Ricardo Bofill Leví

    Johann Sebastian Bach - Francesc Pérez-Cabrero Dwellings

    The building meets a program of 12 rent-free homes and 21 controlled rent homes, plus a secluded penthouse understood as a unique piece. Bofill refers to the traditional construction with a brick factory to fit the circular perimeter of the square and provide it with a defining character. Both hierarchies of houses are reflected on the façade and, in the manner of the local modernist tradition, small-scale elements (drainage pipes, gargoyles, chimney pipes, railings) are used to give expressiveness to the building, understood as a delicate work of brick factory and iron elements that adopt a sculptural quality.
  7. FAD Award

    Shortlisted. Category: Architecture
    Johann Sebastian Bach - Francesc Pérez-Cabrero Dwellings

  8. Lafi Phyto-Chemical Laboratories

    RBTA - Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura, Ricardo Bofill Leví

    Lafi Phyto-Chemical Laboratories

    Designed for the manufacture of phytochemicals, this building is the perfect example of RBTA regionalist period, with large cubic volumes suspended in the void and special attention given to the design details. The building is of exposed traditional red brick, with large glazed window openings. Conceived as a single building, it reveals itself as three pavilions which have been adapted to the undulating site. The different species of plants along the façade and the domestic appearance of the building facilitated its integration into what was a rural setting at the time, and it has been taken to be a private villa for decades. The progressive degradation of the area as a result of indiscriminate industrial development has left the laboratories looking today like a lush green garden amid a sea of eyesores.
  9. Club Esportiu Mas Pei

    RBTA - Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura, Ricardo Bofill Leví

    Club Esportiu Mas Pei

    Sited on a cliff, this sports club that includes a swimming pool, tennis courts and a restaurant, offers dramatic views over the Catalan Costa Brava. Perfectly integrated in its natural environment, the building’s roof garden has been planted with native vegetation around the swimming pool. Another example of RBTA’s Critical Regionalism period, the design widely incorporates the use of exposed red brick and tiles that resonates with the local culture.
  10. Gaudí Neighbourhood

    RBTA - Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura, Ricardo Bofill Leví

    Gaudí Neighbourhood

    El projecte respon a un encàrrec de l’Administració per fer un conjunt d’habitatges socials en un indret perifèric de Reus. Bofill opta per fer una lectura positiva de la vida col·lectiva de la petita localitat industrial, i reprodueix al nou barri l’amalgama de locals comercials, supermercats, bars, equipaments de lleure i els mateixos habitatges. El barri està format per torres de vuit plantes, resultat de la combinació d’un nombre limitat de tipus d’habitatges, que incorporen dos, tres i quatre dormitoris. De l’acoblament dels diferents tipus en surt una varietat de plantes sempre orientades als quatre vents, que poden juxtaposar dues torres en un mateix bloc i que poden variar en alçària d’una planta a l’altra. Totes les torres queden unides per quatre nivells de passeres que permeten circular horitzontalment sense necessitat de baixar al carrer. L’èxit de l’operació va portar a projectar-ne una segona i una tercera fase.
  11. El Castell de Kafka Residential Building

    RBTA - Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura, Ricardo Bofill Leví

    El Castell de Kafka Residential Building

    The approach to the project is born from the influence that the Archigram group exercised in the sixties on some members of the Taller de Arquitectura. It was a matter of clearly separating the order of the circulations from the order of the houses, and of conceiving some vertically growing cubes that could be connected to the network of circulations without their own structural servitudes. The stairwells are made of load-bearing brick walls, which extend to support half of each unit, while the other half rests on a metal pillar located in one corner. Each cube contains an environment – living room-dining room or bathroom-bedroom - separated by a difference in level. The law of vertical growth follows the guidelines of a mathematical equation. It was about adapting architecture to unconventional forms of leisure, linked to a dramatic conception of existence which was very typical of that decade.
  12. Bofill House

    RBTA - Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura, Ricardo Bofill Leví

    Bofill House

    Bofill construeix la casa d’estiueig dels seus pares al voltant d’una antiga masia en runes, i reparteix les diferents parts del programa en pavellons independents. Un gran basament es relaciona amb el terreny exterior per mitjà d’escalinates i conté la piscina, que actua com a centre de tot el conjunt. El pavelló principal, en forma de L, conté la sala d’estar, la sala de música i el dormitori principal a la planta baixa, i la biblioteca, la sala de jocs i una segona sala d’estar a la primera planta, que queda connectada amb la piscina a través d’una escalinata. Un segon pavelló a tocar de la piscina conté el menjador, entès com a centre de reunió de tota la casa. Els mòduls restants, de 3 x 6 x 6 metres, contenen els dormitoris dels fills i queden encavallats al basament. A la plataforma central es genera un paisatge d’escalinates i xiprers que alliberen la vida a la casa de qualsevol forma de relació funcional.
  13. Walden 7

    RBTA - Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura, Ricardo Bofill Leví

    Walden 7

    With a lower budget than that usually used for social housing, and with atypical financing instruments, Ricard Bofill and Taller de Arquitectura manage to carry out a set of homes that start from the criticism of the existing city and propose architectural and existential alternatives. These are 18 towers that curve as they rise until they touch the neighbouring towers, leaving in the centre large, interconnected voids that encourage the relationship between the different homes. The set shows on the outside facings covered with red ceramic and with very small openings. The inner courtyards, on the other hand, are treated with very bright colours. The types of housing try numerous combinations starting from a square module, which can be doubled or form groups of four, establishing new possibilities of interrelation between the inhabitants of each unit.
  14. Taller de Arquitectura

    RBTA - Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura, Ricardo Bofill Leví

    Taller de Arquitectura

    In 1973 Ricardo Bofill discovered a disused concrete factory on the outskirts of Barcelona, an industrial complex from the beginning of the 20th century. "In front of me - he says - there were 30 immense silos, a very tall chimney, four kilometers of underground, gigantic machinery rooms. During my first visit to the old cement factory, I suddenly thought that something horrible could become something very beautiful, just as idiocy can sometimes be transformed into genius. The concrete factory corresponds to the first period of the industrialisation of Barcelona and was not built according to a previous general plan but by juxtaposing different elements. The result was then a series of volumes added to each other and different manufacturing chains that recall vernacular architecture but with an industrial aspect. I kept going deeper and little by little I realised that the different aesthetics developed since the last World War were present in the factory: the hard and sculptural treatment of matter, with broken volumes, stairs that go nowhere, powerful spaces already useless and strange proportions yet full of magic. I decided to keep that factory with the intention of transforming the roughness into a work of art and set up my Architecture Workshop there which, in the long term, could be used as a foundation for research on the shape and design of the city. This transformation has been carried out gradually and even now I continue to add new workspaces by adapting the old ruins still standing. However, I believe that the factory will always be a work in progress, which is part of its fascination". After deconstructing the existing volumes, there were eight silos that Ricardo Bofill adapted to accommodate the offices, model laboratory, archives, library and a space, the largest of all, which preserves the skin and breadth of the old building and is named "La Catedral". This has the function of an exhibition hall for the projects, multimedia projections, meeting with clients and visitors and social and cultural gatherings linked to the professional activity of the architect. The Architecture Workshop is surrounded by large green spaces planted with olive, cypress, palm and eucalyptus trees.
  15. El Prat Airport Terminal 2

    RBTA - Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura, Ricardo Bofill Leví

    El Prat Airport Terminal 2

    Barcelona airport was the subject of a major remodelling to go from six million passengers a year to approximately twelve million, also doubling the aircraft parking capacity. The project included the installation of twelve telescopic gangways for direct boarding of aircrafts. The solution adopted takes into account the configuration of the airfield and specifically of the platform, narrow and elongated, which had to be extended. The terminal building was designed in line, taking advantage of a large part of the existing structure, with four modular piers in the shape of a triangle that minimally penetrate the platform allowing better use of it. This linear solution, determined also by the situation of the Cargo Terminal and the technical building, is reinforced with an element that emphasises this linearity: an elevated pedestrian street that groups the modular elements, serves as a separation between the ground sides and air and allows easy separation between national and international passage. The international passage will use a building relatively separate from the rest of the facilities. One of the triangular modules is intended especially for the air bridge with Madrid. The airport's modular design allowed it to be remodelled in phases, as it could not interrupt its operation at any time. A new façade was created, which represents a fully glazed image of the boarding modules and the elevated street. Waiting passengers can enjoy the spectacle of the planes taking off and landing from a privileged position. The triangular modules have another waiting room on the ground floor, intended for those passengers who must board, via the bus, aircraft located in remote positions. The elevated street, backbone of the airport, is an element of communication between the entire establishment. While access from the street to the planes can be done in a minimal route, the elevated street, inspired by the Rambles in Barcelona, allows waiting passengers to stroll and enjoy the different atmospheres of the same in its different sections. The passenger has access to the terminal buildings at ground level, with a direct connection to the car park and circulation roads protected by large roofs. Check-in and baggage collection takes place on the ground floor and the connection between floors is made by stairs, escalators and lifts. The rapid evolution of air technology will soon cause new remodelling in all the airports of the world, although this should not minimise the study of their architectural design, an important factor for the comfort of passengers and the image of the city.
  16. National Physical Education Institute of Catalonia

    RBTA - Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura, Ricardo Bofill Leví

    National Physical Education Institute of Catalonia

    Teacher training school. The gymnasiums are housed in two cloisters joined by a central hall. A staircase connects the south façade of the building with the outdoor courts. The building has 17 classrooms, weight room, wrestling room, 2 sports courts, changing rooms, sauna, offices, library and conference room.
  17. Vila Olímpica Dwellings

    RBTA - Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura, Ricardo Bofill Leví

    Vila Olímpica Dwellings

    This project of 113 multi-family homes is designed according to the general criteria which is common to all projects of this nature built in the Olympic Village: a perimeter building defining the shape of the streets and a more open interior with more autonomous elements, and according to the recommended uses: shops on the ground floor, housing on all floors and a car park in the first basement. The perimeter of the building is made up of two blocks which are in a parallel position regarding Wad-Ras and Pamplona Streets, at the intersection of which stands a square tower and a pedestrian crossing that surrounds it. The south façade of the houses has been set back in order to open the views to the south-east and south-west through a garden space. The main type of housing incorporates the communications core into its geometric centre, which is flanked by the service areas, clearly separating the night area, which faces north, and the day area, which faces south. The north façade is covered with ceramic brick with light concrete additions, while the south façade combines glass surfaces with other opaque concrete ones.
  18. FAD Award

    Finalist. Category: Buildings of new plant for public use
    El Prat Airport Terminal 2

  19. National Theatre of Catalonia

    RBTA - Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura, Ricardo Bofill Leví

    National Theatre of Catalonia

    The National Theatre of Catalonia is conceived as a temple, a cultural symbol of Barcelona. The main volume of the building houses, under a single gable metal roof of 56 metres of light supported by two colonnades, a large entrance hall and the large performance hall: the heart of the theatre. On the main façade, the transparency allows a view of the hall from the outside and is presided over by a staircase, suitable for outdoor performances, in front of the new Les Arts Square. Programme: classic theatre with 900 seats, experimental theatre with 400 seats, open-air theatre, sets workshop, dressing rooms, offices, bar and restaurant.
  20. El Prat Airport Terminal 1

    RBTA - Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura, Ricardo Bofill Leví

    El Prat Airport Terminal 1

    The aim of the new terminal is to be Barcelona's communication gateway with the European environment, boost connection traffic and improve accessibility to the airport by the different modes of transport (high-speed train, commuter rail and the future extension of the underground’s line 9). It will have an area of approximately 300,000 m2 and will be able to absorb a traffic of 25 million passengers, that is, the double of all the current terminals combined. The building consists of two main blocks under a single roof: a block up to 500 metres wide, where check-in, security and baggage claim processes are carried out, and which connects passengers with the different modes of transport, and another 700 metres long in which the boarding, waiting and commercial equipment areas are located. The architecture of the building combines an international and multicultural character with the luminosity and ambient warmth of Mediterranean architecture. Its transparency favours the natural lighting of all areas intended for passengers, allowing a wide view of the tracks, with the vegetation and the sea as a backdrop. Converging in the design an arrangement of maximum functionality, the incorporation of modern technologies, respect for the environment and a representative and unique architecture, the new terminal building of Barcelona Airport will be one of the benchmarks for future passenger airport terminals of the European environment.
  21. W Hotel

    RBTA - Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura, Ricardo Bofill Leví

    W Hotel

    The 5-star W Barcelona Hotel, with an area of 42,818 m2, a height of 90 metres, 485 rooms and 67 suites, is located in the port of Barcelona, on the seafront. The hotel has a panoramic bar located on the roof, two restaurants, a terrace with bar and swimming pool, two conference rooms and various other facilities. The building, embedded in the volume of the atrium, enjoys great views over the sea and has natural light.
  22. Nexus II

    RBTA - Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura, Ricardo Bofill Leví

    Nexus II

    The Nexus II building, located on the North Campus of the UPC in Barcelona and intended for cooperation and technological transfer between university and companies, is governed by the special development plan of the North Campus of Pedralbes and its occasional modification. The building, with four floors above ground of 6,000 m2 and a parking floor of 1,800 m2, has a horizontal composition and does not exhaust the permitted regulatory height. The square plan, designed for a very flexible use of the interiors, is divided into four spaces of 18m x 18m with autonomy of operation at all levels. Two large spoilers that protect from the sun highlight the horizontal effect of the composition. The façades, with a double skin of transparent glass, allow the user to be acoustically and thermally isolated from the outside, without taking away the light and the view. The Nexus II, located perpendicular to the axis that crosses the Campus from south to north, is installed on a landscaped platform next to the Girona Tower gardens, thus allowing access to the car park without ramps. The building is crossed from the first floor by a staircase that allows a fluid circulation between each floor, and, transversally, by two light gaps that guarantee optimal natural lighting of the interior spaces. The structure of the building is made of concrete and in general noble materials have been used such as clear glass on the façades, lacquered steel on the ceilings, white mats on the windows and marble on the floors. The offices are carpeted. A technical floor houses all the facilities necessary for the proper functioning of the building (air conditioning, electricity, IT, etc.).

Bibliography (6)

Routes & Notes (12)


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