Ca l'Olivella de Font Clara
autoria desconeguda
The farmhouse is located near the village of Lavern, next to the Sant Sadurní road. Detached house composed of basement, ground floor and two floors. It has a gable roof and tower topped by a balustrade. The façade has a symmetrical composition with four balconies from a portal on the first floor. In the second, there are semi-circular arched windows. The roof has eaves with modillions. Ca l'Olivella was born in the 16th century, within the context of the creation of new farms (properties of peasant origin), with the sale by the monarchy to merchants or wealthy farmers arising from the sentence of Guadalupe. It was later redone in an eclectic style.second half of the 19th century
Sant Pere de Lavern Church
autoria desconeguda
Church of a single nave with an apse. The portal is vaulted and above there is a rose window; the bell tower is to the left of the main façade, it has openings for the bells and a crowning of stepped battlements. Inside, there is an interesting Romanesque immersion basin. It has a round outer upper edge, with triple concave and convex mouldings and undecorated corbels. It also retains an almost illegible external inscription "Fecit gleopa". The rectory, now half-abandoned, is attached to the temple and preserves many old decorative elements, such as a watchtower and carved stone windows. The church is of Romanesque origin but was completely redone in the 1920s, in neo-Romanesque style, taking advantage of the old stones (some of them with markings and drawings of the stonemasons).first half of the 20th century
Cal Maristany
Large farmhouse with a rectangular plan, consisting of a ground floor and a first floor, with a gable roof of Arabic tiles. On the north façade we can see, on the first floor, an arcade with five-pointed basket-handle arches, with mouldings and capitals, rectangular windows with moulded sills and lintels. We also find some oculi. On the south façade, on the other hand, the basket-handle arches are lower and we also find oculi. The head has a quadrangular tower composed of ground floor, main floor and attic, with hipped roofs with wooden beams topped by corbels. On the first floor there is a curved balcony and twin windows with five-pointed gabled arches in the attic. A bastion stands out at the main entrance.20th century
Rehabilitació de Cal Ros i Cal Moro
STEM Arquitectes, Esteve Aymerich Serra, Inés de Rivera Marinel·lo, Anton Maria Salvadó i Cabré
Es tracta d'un projecte de rehabilitació integral, on la volumetria ha de mantenir la seva configuració original, formada per dues cases adossades Cal Ros i Cal Moro, i un cobert tancat a tres cares. La substitució de la coberta permet regularitzar la seva geometria i reconfigurar el porxo, que com a extensió de la sala estableix una nova relació amb l'era orientada a sud-est. El programa manté la independència de les dues cases amb una nova escala interior que comunica les dues plantes i dona sentit comunitari a tot el conjunt, format pels dos habitatges en planta baixa i les futures ampliacions en planta inferior, amb accés independent des de la vinya. La consolidació estructural consisteix en una estructura metàl·lica a l'interior dels murs de pedra, i nous forjats amb biguetes i revoltons de formigó vist. Tot i l'acabat tradicional amb morter de calç per als tancaments exteriors, s'opta per trasdossar l'interior amb aïllament i taulells de viroc donant més confort a les estances.2014 - 2017