Casa Planell
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Edifici d'habitatges de planta baixa i quatre pisos, amb cornisa i terrat. La façana principal a la Baixada de la Seu està ordenada simètricament segons tres eixos verticals que corresponen als tres portals de planta baixa. Tipologia clàssica amb entresòl, principal i dos pisos, la diferenciació social dels quals ve marcada per la importància dels balcons: a l'entresòl, baranes a pla de façana; a la planta principal, balconada, i a la resta, balcons individuals decreixents en alçada. Té pilastres de separació dels balcons, quasi planes, rematades amb capitells jònics. Cornisa amb permòdols i imbricacions. La façana al carrer del Bisbe és plana, amb escasses obertures.1832
Bonaventura Coma House
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Building between partitions that occupies the chamfer of Carrer de la Barceloneta and Carrer de Colom. It consists of a basement, first floor and three additional floors. The roof is made of Arabic tiles. The height of the slabs decreases as the street level increases. The construction responds to the characteristics of eclecticism. The Bonaventura Coma House is located in front of the Casa de la Vila, in the Eixample from the end of the 19th century.second half of the 19th century
Borruell i Panzano House
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It is a building between partitions with a backyard. It was originally for single-family use. The property consists of a ground floor, split into a semi-basement and mezzanine, and two floors. It is covered by a gable roof and a staircase body protrudes from it attached to the middle. The staircase, with a Catalan vault and a single section, is attached to the partition and gives access to the main floor. The load-bearing walls are of common masonry. The floors are made of wooden beams and tiles. The main façade is composed on vertical axes with arched portals framed with stone on the ground floor, and a landing balcony on the mezzanine. The openings of the upper floors are linteled and framed with stone. On the first floor we find a balcony followed by two openings, two balconies and a side window. On the second floor there are two balconies and three windows. The cornices separating the different plants are made of stone. The facing of the ground floor is stone cladding. -
Cal Pere Nadal
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Three-storey corner building. On the ground floor we find the access door on one side while the side facing the other street has rectangular windows with bars. On the first floor there are wrought iron balcony window openings with roller blinds. The upper part is the most characteristic part of the building because it presents on both sides of the house triple windows with semi-circular arches, separated from each other by a brick frame. These are several houses distributed inside the urban core of Pla del Penedès. They are interesting buildings mainly for their façade composition. You can see elements of "educated" architecture with the use of the language of eclecticism in coexistence with details of popular architecture. In general, these buildings make up the area of the 19th and 20th centuries. -
Berger House
Building between partitions consisting of ground floor, mezzanine, first floor and attic, with a roof covered with Arabic tiles. The crown is supported by corbels of classical inspiration, which establish a compositional rhythm with those of the main floor. The façade is symmetrical and has an identical arrangement of openings on each floor. The formal characteristics of the building are those of the language of eclecticism. The Berger House was built during the second half of the 19th century, in the Eixamplea area which started in 1865 around the station. Initially it consisted of a ground floor and a main floor. In 1897 the architect Santiago Güell i Grau directed the expansion and restoration project, signed on August 6 and approved on the 17th of the same month. This project is preserved in the town's municipal archive. -
Olivella House
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House between partitions and three corridors. It consists of a ground floor and a main floor, with an attic and a roof. The ground floor has a central door and two windows, one on each side, with semicircular arches and very interesting bars. Three moulded balconies open onto the upper floor. It has an eclectic style. On one of the bars on the ground floor the date 1885 appears, probably the date of the construction of the house. In 1899, the work of extending a floor appears documented, commissioned by Josep Olivella and directed by the architect Santiago Güell i Grau (the project is preserved in the archives of Vilafranca Town Hall). It was presented on April 26 and approved on March 3. -
Guilamany House
Building between three corridor-partitions, consisting of ground floor, mezzanine, two floors and attic. The roof is of Arabic tile on two sides. The façade has a symmetrical composition. The ground floor has a centrally arched doorway and two rectangular moulded openings at the sides. The first floor shows a balcony and the second three balconies. In both cases the openings are rectangular and followed by classically inspired mouldings. The façade is crowned with a cornice supported by panels. The work is of eclectic language. The construction is located within the fortified enclosure during the First Carline War (Seven Years' War) and among stylistically heterogeneous buildings. -
Matamala House
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The building consists of a semi-basement, ground floor and four landings. Out of all the façades, the corner solution stands out, with a rotunda tribune at the level of the first floors, where it forms a terrace with a balustrade and a tower with a conical roof made of ceramic scales. The tribune has arcades on columns with Tuscan (first floor) and Corinthian (second floor) capitals on both floors. The rest of the openings on the façades of both streets are vertical with isolated iron balconies. Those on the third floor are resolved in a Neoclassical style, with pediments and balusters. The upper part is finished with a cornice and balustrade. The façade to the courtyard has curvilinear tribune galleries with wooden shutters. At the end of the courtyard there is a small pavilion with a hipped roof, on the corner with the street. -
Viladomiu Vell Colony
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The Viladomiu Vell settlement is located about one kilometre south of Cal Bassacs. It is a colony built parallel to the river, from north to south, and at the entrance to the colony we find the church on one side (together with some annexe buildings) and on the other side, the owners' tower, while a little further up is the director's chalet. Thus, firstly, the most emblematic spaces of symbolic power, the church and the tower, then the central part destined for the workers' dwellings, and in the final part, the industrial zone, the factory. The dwellings are distributed in three rows of parallel blocks that make up the urban space, streets and squares; thus, in the upper street, the westernmost one, there are two blocks arranged in a row, one next to the other. Broadly speaking, these are buildings with an elongated rectangular ground plan, consisting of three storeys (ground floor and two upper floors) and a semi-basement floor accessible from the street below, as the ground is slightly uneven, and these are basically used as garages. The main façade that opens onto calle de Puig Sacalm is the characteristic gallery façade, made up of three rows or open gallery streets with openings of segmental arches supported on pillars. On this façade we find the entrances to the ground floors and the stairwells leading to the upper floors. Three of the lateral façades of these blocks remain without cladding, allowing us to see the stone walls with solid brick reinforcement in the corners and in the framing of the openings, in the case of the northernmost block, which also forms a decorative plasterwork. In this same block, we can see the openings of the southern lateral façade at ground floor level, with the openings framed in stone ashlars. The other blocks, one on the central street or row and two on the street below, also placed one next to the other, are also elongated rectangular in plan, with three storeys (ground floor and two storeys) and a gable roof of Arabic tile with an eave decorated with a geometric combination made of solid brick. The walls show the ground floor made of stone ashlars and the rest with the surface rendered and painted. The openings in the main and side façades are straight-cut and regularly distributed; the access portals to the interior staircases all open onto Puig Llançada street; the rear façades (in the westernmost block on the west and the easternmost blocks open onto the river to the east) have openings leading to balcony galleries, most of which have now been modified and closed off. The block of flats on the east side facing the church has an inverted L-shaped plan, with a volume facing the church that housed the schools and community spaces. Between the two we find the main square of the colony, the church square. Delimited between the three rows of blocks and at the southern end by the access to the factory, there is another square - Puig Sacalm street, the street above, which is like a promenade, with benches and plane trees. The Viladomiu Vell colony was founded by Tomàs Viladomiu Bertran, a member of a lineage linked to the spinning and weaving industry since ancient times. The origins of the family are documented from the beginning of the 16th century in Vilada, from where they moved to Berga. Over the years, there are numerous reports documenting the Viladomiu family's relationship with textile manufacturing, showing the evolution and growth of their business by adapting to the new demands and needs of each period. Tomàs Viladomiu's father moved to Sallent when he married Antònia Bertran, from the Cal Rei house, a town where he would continue to work in the wire and fabric business, and where the founder of the Viladomiu colonies was born, who would continue the family's business trajectory. Tomàs Viladomiu Bertran decided to set up a factory and colony up the Llobregat river, seeing the possibilities offered by the area, which was still scarcely industrialised. The chosen location was the land at Plana de Santa Marc, which he bought from the Feliu brothers. The history of the colony of Viladomiu began in 1868 with the application for the use of water to build a factory. Work began with the construction of the first building, the lock and canal, and the first buildings to house the workers. Subsequently, the colony would grow and incorporate elements, the church (1885), the wall, the tower (1910), the schools, extending the blocks of flats, enlarging the factory, etc. Once production had started (1871), the company ‘Viladomiu e Hijos’ bought and began the process of building a new colony on land further south of Viladomiu Vell. In this case, the land was bought from the same family, the plot where the new project was to be built was called the Llave de San Marcos, the names of the land would be used while both colonies were under the same company. From 1896, Tomàs Viladomiu's sons split the inheritance and each colony, Viladomiu Vell and Viladomiu Nou, were managed by different companies. In 1882 the company obtained the status of agricultural and industrial colony, which allowed it to benefit from certain tax exemptions. From the foundation of the Viladomiu Nou colony until 1989 it was managed by different companies linked to the Viladomiu family. The management of the colony and factory of Viladomiu Nou was done through different companies, as they changed over the years - 1869-1887: Viladomiu and Sons, 1888-1896: Viladomiu Sons, from this point onwards each Viladomiu colony undertook its own business path, 1896-1906: José Viladomiu Montañá, 1907-1927: José and Jacinto Viladomiu; 1928-1934: José Viladomiu Senmartí; 1934-1989: Manufacturas Viladomiu S. A. The Colonia Viladomiu Vell is included in the ‘Plan director urbanístico de las colonias industriales del Llobregat’; the municipality of Gironella is included in the Pla together with the municipalities of Avià, Balsareny, Berga, Casserres, Gaià, Navàs, Olvan and Puig-reig (DOGC no. 4940 published on 03/08/2007). At the southern end of the complex is the industrial area, the factory, with access through a large open doorway in the perimeter wall delimiting the factory space; in the access area there are some buildings built in the 20th century, including offices, the weighbridge, etc. The main feature of the production complex is the large central nave with an elongated rectangular floor plan, three levels of openings and a gable roof made of Arabic tile. Surrounding it are other halls and buildings, several of the structures attached to the central nave, with different volumes and finishes, being buildings of different functionalities and chronologies. On the north side of the complex there was the chimney of the steam engine, which no longer exists. Parallel to the river and the colony runs the canal that carries the water from the lock, located a few metres upstream, to the factory. The orchard area around the canal is also worth mentioning. A few metres from the owner's tower there is also the director's chalet – a four-storey house attached to the land on the west side, with a ground floor, first floor and ground floor-roof. On the first floor, there is a balcony-like gallery that continues on the roof and a ground floor level that develops on the roof itself, showing only lateral façades between the different roof planes. The roof is made of flat ceramic tiles with eaves supported by wooden beam heads.