

In this first stage, the catalogue focuses on the modern and contemporary architecture designed and built between 1832 –year of construction of the first industrial chimney in Barcelona that we establish as the beginning of modernity– until today.

The project is born to make the architecture more accessible both to professionals and to the citizens through a website that is going to be updated and extended. Contemporary works of greater general interest will be incorporated, always with a necessary historical perspective, while gradually adding works from our past, with the ambitious objective of understanding a greater documented period.

The collection feeds from multiple sources, mainly from the generosity of architectural and photographic studios, as well as the large amount of excellent historical and reference editorial projects, such as architectural guides, magazines, monographs and other publications. It also takes into consideration all the reference sources from the various branches and associated entities with the COAC and other collaborating entities related to the architectural and design fields, in its maximum spectrum.

Special mention should be made of the incorporation of vast documentation from the COAC Historical Archive which, thanks to its documental richness, provides a large amount of valuable –and in some cases unpublished– graphic documentation.

The rigour and criteria for selection of the works has been stablished by a Documental Commission, formed by the COAC’s Culture Spokesperson, the director of the COAC Historical Archive, the directors of the COAC Digital Archive, and professionals and other external experts from all the territorial sections that look after to offer a transversal view of the current and past architectural landscape around the territory.

The determination of this project is to become the largest digital collection about Catalan architecture; a key tool of exemplar information and documentation about architecture, which turns into a local and international referent, for the way to explain and show the architectural heritage of a territory.

Aureli Mora i Omar Ornaque


About us

Project by:

Created by:


2019-2025 Aureli Mora i Omar Ornaque

Documental Commission:

2019-2025 Ramon Faura Carolina B. Garcia Eduard Callís Francesc Rafat Pau Albert Antoni López Daufí Joan Falgueras Mercè Bosch Jaume Farreny Anton Pàmies Juan Manuel Zaguirre Josep Ferrando Fernando Marzá Moisés Puente Aureli Mora Omar Ornaque


2019-2025 Lluis Andreu Sergi Ballester Maria Jesús Quintero Lucía M. Villodres Montse Viu

External Collaborators:

2019-2025 Helena Cepeda Inès Martinel

With the support of:

Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura

Collaborating Entities:



Fundació Mies van der Rohe


Fundación DOCOMOMO Ibérico


Basílica de la Sagrada Família


Museu del Disseny de Barcelona






EINA Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona




Fundació Domènench Montaner.

Design & Development:

edittio Nubilum

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The Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya is one of the most important documentation centers in Europe, which houses the professional collections of more than 180 architects whose work is fundamental to understanding the history of Catalan architecture. By filling this form, you can request digital copies of the documents for which the Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya manages the exploitation of the author's rights, as well as those in the public domain. Once the application has been made, the Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya will send you an approximate budget, which varies in terms of each use and purpose.


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Works (27)

On the Map

All works


Chronology (28)

  1. Edifici Annex al Convent de Santa Clara

    Alexandre Soler i March

    Edifici Annex al Convent de Santa Clara

    Edifici de grans dimensions. Treballat en pedra i decorat amb totxos tot el voltant de l'estructura i obertures. La façana principal està dividida en 5 cossos, tres d'ells que sobresurten -tant en relleu com en alçada-. Els dos cossos més extrems són llisos en la part inferior i en la superior contenen una decoració a mòduls d'arc mig apuntat amb la repetició d'aquesta figura per triplicat en el seu interior. El cos principal -central- presenta obertures en tota la seva superfície ressaltades amb l'ornamentació del totxo. Els dos cossos més enfonsats també presenten obertures en els diferents pisos, on s'altera la decoració. Aquesta mateixa decoració, una mica canviada, menys rica, la trobem en les façanes laterals. Església Construcció romànica tardana, amb un interessant portal on s'insinuen trets gotitzants. D'una nau, amb volta apuntada de pedra, sobreaixecada. Prolongada per l'Oest amb un cos de dues alçades, amb arcs torals apuntats i cor recolzat en arcs rebaixats. Capelles laterals al presbiteri, que està sobreaixecat. Adossades a l'església seguint l'alineació del carrer Nou (façana nord) hi ha unes dependències construïdes en carreus de pedra amb dos portals adovellats, per on es fa actualment l'accés al convent. Portada romànica Portada que presenta arcs en degradació amb tres arquivoltes que descansen sobre una sola imposta que recorre tota la portalada. Les columnes que suporten les arquivoltes són coronades per capitells d'esculturació simple i senzilla. De les 6 columnes de que constava aquest portal, actualment només n'hi ha quatre, ja que en manca una per banda. El timpà no presenta ornamentació. És un portal que podria haver estat obrat posteriorment al període romànic. Convent La part antiga del convent és una monumental construcció gòtica inacabada, de mitjan segle XIV. L'edifici nou, construït paral·lelament a l'altre cos, és de grans proporcions, format per tres cossos rematats de forma escalonada, units per dos cossos més baixos a manera de passadissos, ordenats simètricament i de quatre plantes d'alçada. És una construcció en maó vist i paredat comú, seguint el llenguatge modernista-historicista. Un pati interior separa els dos edificis conventuals. 1322.- s'inicia la construcció d'una casa prop de la Culla per habitatge de les monges de Santa Clara. S.XIII.- Existeix la capella dedicada a Sant Blai i Sant Llàtzer de la que es creu que prové la portalada. S.XX .- Es construeix l'actual edifici convent.
  2. Torre de l'Amo de Can Bassacs

    Alexandre Soler i March

    Torre de l'Amo de Can Bassacs

    It is a large four-sided building made up of various structures that form a monumental architecture; a synthesis, stylistically speaking, of historicist and Catalan Art Nouveau architecture. It is structured in elevation, mainly on the ground floor and three floors, with a monumental two-coloured roof with several slopes made up of green and red ceramic tiles. With a square floor plan, it incorporates an atrium on one of the façades on the ground floor and over a tribune, a structure that is reproduced in the rest of the elevations, giving the complex the appearance of an attached tower, which enhances the castle-like appearance of the complex. In addition, in the central part of the building there is a rectangular-shaped building with a tile-covered lantern, of which the crenellated structure and the decoration with arcatures imitating Lombard Romanesque style stand out, decoration that is also found in the friezes of the roofs and in the attached tower. In short, the use of structural elements associated with medieval architecture is a constant throughout the building. An example of this medievalism are the groups of trigeminate windows topped with semicircular arches and separated by columns that are located throughout the top floor, or the decorations on the imposts of the opening sills, which in some cases reproduce floral motifs. In terms of Catalan Art Nouveau decoration, the roof of the building is decorated with a number of chimneys covered with coloured ceramic tiles forming a mosaic or frieze which, together with other decorative motifs, reinforces the Catalan Art Nouveau character of the building. Also noteworthy are the decorations on the fronts of the balcony slabs, made with glazed ceramic tiles that reproduce floral motifs. Above the main doorway there is a balcony with a unique railing made up of quadrilobed oculi with a slab made of iron beams and flat brick vaults covered and painted with geometric motifs. On this same main façade, at the height of the lintel of the first floor, there is a coat of arms with the letter B, the initial letter of the original owner of the tower. The entire work is covered with a rendering that imitates irregular rows of stone ashlars. In short, a monumental building that reproduces the character of a medieval castle with decorations that recall the Art Nouveau style. The country house of the owners of Cal Bassacs, as in most of the textile colonies, was built as a home for the owners, generally temporary; it is a large stately building that also serves as a place of dominion. Its monumentality favours the symbolism of the building, showing that the entrepreneur is the master and externalising his social and economic status. The founding owners of the Cal Bassacs factory and colony were the married couple Joan Teixidor i Ballús and Raimunda Bassacs i Fornell, from Berga and Gironella respectively. Both families were linked to the spinning and/or textile industry prior to the construction of the Cal Bassacs factory, at least since the 18th century. The first news related to the factory begins at the beginning of the sixties of the 19th century, first with the purchase of the land and then with the beginning of the works of the factory, which would finally end up with the construction of two factories. The Teixidor-Bassacs family also had a workshop in their usual residence, located in what is now the Plaça de la Vila de Gironella. The business with the Cal Bassacs factories was basically to rent them, although some of the successors also founded a company dedicated to spinning and weaving. The tower was built around 1900, in the area of the garden that was used as the factory's warehouse. The tower had a chapel located at ground floor level, on the east side of the main entrance door, and which had direct access – this was used for some years to celebrate masses until the parish church of Santa Maria de Cal Bassacs was built. In the last years of the textile factory, part of the tower was also used as a factory warehouse.
  3. House of the owner of the Colony l'Ametlla de Casserres

    Alexandre Soler i March

    House of the owner of the Colony l'Ametlla de Casserres

    The house has an almost square floor plan with the main façade facing south, with a large porch with semicircular arches. Both to the east and west, the house has a similar distribution of space, while the north-facing façade has a circular tower that includes the spiral staircase to access the top floor, where the servants' quarters were originally located. Its exterior has a certain fortified character; if we look at the façade of the tower, the facing is of quilted stone left exposed and the roof is tamed with black slate, understandable in the spirit of the Berguedà businessmen of the time. The tower reproduces the outline of the Central European Gothic castle with a circular tower crowned by a conical roof and covered with black slate. It dates from after the organisation of the colony, towards the end of the 19th century. It was abandoned when the factory closed in 1966. However, in the 1970s it was acquired by a private individual who restored it again as a dwelling.
  4. Fàbrica Llubià

    Alexandre Soler i March

    Fàbrica Llubià

    This architectural complex is located to the right of the Llobregat river, on one side of the Bauma bridge, very close to the BP-1121 road. The Bauma Factory is a construction made up of two buildings, the Roca and Llubià one, named after the two owners, and the new factory, located on the banks of the river, arranged side by side, following the line of the river course, and separated by the Torre del Amo. The first, older one, built to carry out the finishing and shipping processes, has a single storey and is characterised by a row of twenty-three openings in segmental arches. The second, which was used for spinning and weaving, as well as the flock store, the office and the turbine room, has four storeys and a gable roof, giving it a unitary character. The Torre del Amo is a construction attached to the factory walls on the west corner, forming a main façade facing Monistrol and another one facing the road. The ground plan of the building is made up of two polygonal bodies, a square one equivalent to the porch and a rectangular one, where a lookout tower and the building's outbuildings are located. There is a staircase after the porch with three ovoid arches supported by two pillars with vegetal capitals and a three-slope roof. The tower is square in plan and has a lookout tower crowned with battlements. The unifying element between the two bodies is the roof with two slopes, made of green and reddish tiles. The walls are of exposed brickwork, and the full spaces and openings form vertical strips that fit in perfectly with the general composition of the factory buildings. The facing has several balconies with arches that vary from segmental arches to convex arches and lintelled arches. The plinths, imposts, arches and tympanums are covered with glazed tiles and ceramic friezes that form multicoloured geometric and vegetal compositions. The Bauma factory was founded in the mid-19th century when Narcís Roca and Francesc Llubià joined forces to create the Bauma textile colony. At first, the Bauma factory was known by the names of the two owners: Roca and Llubià, names that lasted until 1929, although they changed hands several times. The saga began with the Güell family, and later, in 1892, it passed into the hands of the Dalmau i Tolrà brothers, who were well known in the textile world. And thirdly, in 1896, they were owned by Joan Vial i Solsona, coinciding with the period of maximum splendour of the factory and the colony. With this new owner, the company underwent significant growth and modernisation in both the factory and the colony, as both parts underwent major extensions and improvements. Also from this period are the extraordinary and emblematic buildings of the Torre del Amo and the Church, built between 1905 and 1908. The Dalmau family kept the property until 1917, when it was taken over by the Parera i Vives brothers, and after 1920 it passed into the hands of Bartomeu Puiggros e Hijos de Bartomeu Puiggros. Finally, in 1930, it passed into the hands of Josep Balcells-Dolors Morató, until 1963, when it closed its doors, to be acquired a few years later by the final owners: Nerpel S.A., who started up the factory again, restored important parts of the building, such as the Torre del Amo, which was in a state of disrepair, and kept the property under the name of Balcells S.A. until 1990, when the company finally ceased to operate, a few years after the death of the new owner, Jaume Amor Ruiz, one of the last great textile entrepreneurs of the industrial era. Bauma is known as the oldest of the three large colonies in the municipality of Castellbell i el Vilar, followed by Colonia Burés and Colonia Borràs. To reach the factory you have to cross a bridge, owned by the factory, which was built in 1859, and which has had to be rebuilt after several floods.
  5. Torre de l'Amo de Can Vial

    Alexandre Soler i March

    Torre de l'Amo de Can Vial

    This architectural complex is located on the right side of the Llobregat river, next to the Bauma bridge, very close to the BP-1121 road. The Bauma factory is a construction made up of two buildings, that of Roca i Llubià, the two owners, and the new factory. Both are located on the banks of the river, arranged side by side, following the course of the river, and separated by the Torre de l’Amo. The first, the older one, built to carry out the finishing and shipping processes, has a single storey and is characterised by a row of twenty-three openings in segmental arches. The second, which was used for spinning and weaving, as well as the yarn store, the office and the turbine room, has four storeys and a gable roof. In both constructions, an almost identical facing wall is used, thus giving them a unified character. The Torre de l’Amo is a construction attached to the walls of the factory on the west corner, forming a main façade facing Monistrol and another one facing the road. The ground plan of the building is made up of two polygonal bodies, a square one equivalent to the porch and a rectangular one, where a lookout tower and the building's outbuildings are located. Access to the building is from a staircase located after the porch, which has three ovoid arches supported by two pillars with vegetal capitals and a three-slope roof. The tower has a square floor plan and a lookout tower crowned with battlements. The unifying element of both bodies is the gable roof, covered with green and reddish tiles. The walls are of exposed brickwork, and the filled spaces and openings form vertical strips that fit in perfectly with the general composition of the factory buildings. The facing has several balconies with arches that vary from segmental arches to convex arches and lintel arches. The plinths, imposts, arches and tympanums are covered with glazed tiles and ceramic friezes that form multicoloured geometric and vegetal compositions. The Bauma factory was founded in the mid-19th century when Narcís Roca and Francesc Llubià joined forces to create the Bauma textile colony. At first, the Bauma factory was known by the names of the two owners: Roca i Llubià, names that lasted until 1929, although they changed hands several times. The saga began with the Güell family, and later, in 1892, it passed into the hands of the Dalmau i Tolrà brothers, well-known in the textile world. And thirdly, in 1896, they were owned by Joan Vial i Solsona, coinciding with the period of maximum splendour of the factory and the colony. With this new owner, the company underwent significant growth and modernisation both as a factory and as a colony, as both parts underwent major extensions and improvements. Also from this period are the extraordinary and emblematic buildings of the Torre de l’Amo and the Church, built between 1905 and 1908. The Dalmau family kept the property until 1917, when it was taken over by the Parera i Vives brothers, and after 1920 it passed into the hands of Bartomeu Puiggros e Hijos de Bartomeu Puiggros. Finally, in 1930, it passed into the hands of Josep Balcells-Dolors Morató until 1963, when it closed its doors, to be acquired a few years later by the final owners: Nerpel S.A., who started up the factory again, restored important parts of the building, such as the Torre de l’Amo. It was in a state of disrepair and kept under the name of Balcells S.A. until 1990, when the company finally ceased to operate, a few years after the death of the new owner, Jaume Amor Ruiz, one of the last great textile entrepreneurs of the industrial era. Bauma is known as the oldest of the three large colonies in the municipality of Castellbell i el Vilar, followed by Colònia Burés and Colònia Borràs. To reach the factory you have to cross a bridge, owned by the factory, built in 1859, and several floods have made it necessary to rebuild it.
  6. Església de la Sagrada Família de la Colònia la Bauma

    Alexandre Soler i March

    Església de la Sagrada Família de la Colònia la Bauma

    Església monumental, situada al peu de la carretera de Manresa a Terrassa, a mà dreta, en el barri de la Bauma. Forma part del conjunt de construccions de la colònia industrial de la Bauma. La planta de l'església presenta una gran nau central i dues laterals. L'espai interior està distribuït en tres trams, determinats per tres columnes a ambdós costats i tres més d'intercalats. L'absis és semicircular i en ell s'hi obren cinc finestres. Els vitralls laterals estan tapiats amb un envà per la part de dins, encara que visibles pel cantó de fora. Les columnes no són treballades, sinó senzillament buixardades. A l'altar major hi ha una escultura de la Sagrada Família. La façana principal presenta una porta adovellada, de mig punt i una gran rosassa, a mà dreta s'alça una torre circular. L'aparell és força irregular. A ambdós laterals hi ha quatre contraforts, obrats amb grans carreus. En conjunt l'església té un aspecte esvelt i amb verticalitat. Va ser construïda durant els anys 1905-1908 per iniciativa del senyor Vial, propietari de la fàbrica, i del Bisbat. L'església, juntament amb el casino i la torre de l'amo eren edificacions típiques de les "colònies" fabrils de l'època, i manifesten la solidesa dels propietaris, enfront les cases humils dels treballadors. El projecte de l'església és de l'arquitecte A. Soler i March. Les obres es començaren el mes de gener de 1905 i s'acabaren a l'abril de 1908. Fou inaugurada pel Bisbe de Vic, Dr. Torras i Bages i hi assistiren també el governador Civil de B. Sr. Angel Osorio. La riuada dels dies 19-20 de setembre de 1971 va inundar les barriades de vora el riu, quedant molt deteriorades les dependències i el sòl de l'església. Els veïns de la Bauma van construir-la , tot aportant donacions en diner i treball.
  7. Antoni Abadal i Portella House

    Alexandre Soler i March

    Private house built as a second residence. It is a large building with an irregular floor plan that takes advantage of the great unevenness of the terrain to modulate different bodies, all of which are joined together around a large central garden. There are three main bodies arranged online – the two at the ends have a gable roof and the one in the middle has a roof terrace. At one end there is a round tower with battlements. The walls are plastered and painted white, except for the openings, which are covered with a moulding painted in a different colour. There is a profusion of decorative elements used: mosaics on the windows, doors and overhangs, white plaster that contrasts with the reddish colour of the tiles, stained-glass windows... The house of Cal Abadal dates from the early 20th century (1909) and was built by the Mas d'Abadal family as an urban residence. The country house is one of the oldest in the municipality and is mentioned in documents dating back to the end of the Middle Ages. The house is located in the historic centre of Avignon, to the east of the parish church, and preserves in very good condition all the gardens as well as all the mosaics that decorate the cornices and balconies. It is a building typical of the stylistic trends of the early 20th century: between modernism (due to the use of polychrome ceramics) and medievalist historicism (due to the neo-Romanesque forms and reminiscences of Castellers).
  8. Església de la Mare de Déu de la Mercè de la Colònia Monegal

    Alexandre Soler i March

    Església de la Mare de Déu de la Mercè de la Colònia Monegal

    Església de la colònia Monegal. Es tracta d'un edifici d'una sola nau allargada amb transsepte molt marcat. L'entrada es fa pels peus on hi ha una torre de secció quadrada. La coberta exterior és a dues aigües de teula romana i la interior, amb volta de creueria. La nau està flanquejada per dues capelles als peus, quasi tocant a la torre d'entrada; l'absis és de petites dimensions. Exteriorment recorda una catedral gòtica ja que té contraforts amb uns petits pinacles als laterals, la torre campanar és rematada per una agulla, les finestres són allargades, els arcs d'entrada del pòrtic, apuntats, etc. El parament és de pedra i maó perfectament treballats i disposats en fileres, donant un aspecte força homogeneïtzant. Església datada vers finals s. XIX, construïda quan s'organitzà la colònia tèxtil on està ubicada.
  9. Albareda Flour Mill

    Alexandre Soler i March

    An isolated industrial building that occupies almost half a block. The building consists of three sections: in the middle there is the flour mill, with a ground floor and three storeys with a gabled roof; attached to the flour mill, another section with a ground floor and two storeys (warehouse), and on the other side, the house with a ground floor and two storeys. The façade of the flour mill that faces Passeig del Riu has large windows framed with door jambs and arches made of exposed brick, against a background of white plaster. The warehouse has a bush-hammered stone façade, and the house has an exposed brick façade (angles and openings), and the rest is rendered. Inside, the flour mill has a structure of cast iron pillars, wooden façades, wrought iron and wooden floors.
  10. Concurs Anual d'Edificis i Establiments Urbans

    Menció Especial. Category: Arquitectura - Millor Edifici Construït
    Heribert Pons House

  11. Can Roura

    Alexandre Soler i March

    Can Roura

    Building between partition walls, consisting of a ground floor and two landings, with a gable roof. The façade is crowned by an archery and barbican. The building alternates historicist elements (thresholds and portal) with other formal modernist elements (medallions, sgraffitos, borders and ceramics). The industrial activity of the 19th century brought the textile industry to Granollers, which began its growth with the cotton manufactures and their auxiliary industries, extending the urban fabric outside the walls and near the communication routes. Thus, they began the extension of the urban centre between Congost and the railway of France. In this way, the Barcelona-Ribes Road became the axis of the city, the wide area at the end of the 19th century, where we find the architectural movements of the last hundred years represented.
  12. Edifici de Sitges de la Farinera La Favorita

    Alexandre Soler i March

    Edifici industrial format per un conjunt de construccions junt al riu. Del conjunt d'edificis en destaca la nau principal, al costat del riu, de planta baixa i tres pisos, un cos de magatzem i sitges i un altre cos vora la via del tren que fa de moll de càrrega. Tots tres estan units per passarel·les metàl·liques cobertes. Coberta a dues aigües de teula. Formen un pati per on passa la carretera, separada per una tanca de ferro. Sistema constructiu: sòcol de pedra i la resta de totxo arrebossat i pintat en ocre, amb alguns elements d'obra vista i ceràmica verda. Origen: antic molí del s.XVI. 1861: 26 d'agost . inauguració. 1873: ampliació. 1916: Cos de sitges. 1923-i 1936: incendi. Posteriorment es fa refer.
  13. Sitjes House

    Alexandre Soler i March

    Sitjes House

    Block of flats between partitions. Ground floor, three storeys and attic added later. Classical and symmetrical composition. Symmetrically ordered façade. On the ground floor there is a large, central, bell-shaped arch and two round side arches (one of which serves as the entrance to the building). Façade centred by a tribune with arches supported on columns, occupying the first and first floors, with a lintelled gallery on the third floor, supported by columns. Balconies on both sides of the tribune, decorated with classicist jambs and lintels and cast iron railings.
  14. Arau House

    Alexandre Soler i March

    Arau House

    It is a representative house of a family of textile manufacturers. It consists of a ground floor and a first floor with an attic. The façade is of cut stone in the frames of the openings and the cornices, with a plinth of quilted carved stone, and above the plinth there is a frieze of green glazed ceramic with plant motifs in relief. The door and windows are decorated in a manner reminiscent of Corinthian capitals. The first-floor balcony is accessed by three neo-Gothic arcades. The balcony railing was also neo-Gothic, but was replaced by a new one. The rest of the façade is plastered in the imitation of the stonework. A tower juts out from the chamfer above the roof. The site on which the building stands was developed before the 14th century. The house was built in the 20th century by the Arau family, fabric manufacturers and dyers of the village, but they no longer live there.
  15. Casal Regionalista

    Alexandre Soler i March

    Casa de planta baixa i dos pisos, el darrer dels quals es troba situat sota els pendents pronunciats de les cobertes. La caixa d'escala es troba situada tocant a la mitgera i el seu cos queda rematat amb una torre mirador de planta quadrada. La part posterior de l'edifici és d'una sola planta de doble alçada, amb un entresolat en forma de ferradura que circumval·la el doble espai il·luminat per una gran claraboia circular. Aquesta part posterior correspon a la part de l'antic cinema que es conservà en les obres que donaren lloc al cos de planta baixa i dues plantes que dóna al Passeig. [Fitxa Catàleg Aj. Manresa] Als primers anys del segle XX es construí al número 12 del Passeig de Pere III. un edifici destinat a cinema. Aquest immoble, amb el nom de Cinematògraf Principal -també conegut com a Ca l'Abadal- fou projectat per l'arquitecte Ignasi Oms Ponsa. El 1913 l'edifici fou comprat pel diputat a Corts de la Lliga Regionalista Josep Claret i Asols. Aquest edifici fou destinat com a seu del Casal Regionalista, associació catalanista adherida a la Lliga, El 18 de setembre de 1913. Josep Claret sol·licità llicència per enderrocar i reconstruir la primera crugia de l'edifici de l'antic Cinematògraf Principal. Les obres comportaren enderrocar la façana i la primera crugia estructural de l'edifici modernista projectat per Ignasi Orna i Ponsa. Al seu lloc s'hi construí un nou cos amb una nova façana. Aquestes obres foren projectades -pel que sembla indicar la documentació existent- per l'arquitecte modernista barceloní Alexandre Soler i March. Aquest nou cos que s'edificà al front del Passeig, substituint el precedent, és el que actualment encara existeix en aquesta finca. El nou edifici, que mes endins de la primera crugia conservava la configuració interior de l'antic cinema, continuà destinat a seu social del Casal Regionalista fins a 1921 o 1922. El 1922 l'edifici fou comprat per la Banca Arnús. El 6 de setembre de 1923, la Banca Arnús inaugurà la seva sucursal en aquest edifici. L'adequació de l'immoble per a la instal·lació de la sucursal fou projectada per Alexandre Soler i March. El 1952 l'edifici passà a mans del Banco Central, el qual al 1954 el va vendre al Banco Popular Español. L'any 1958 el Banco Popular Español sol·licità llicència per realitzar obres en l'edifici. Aquestes obres consistirien bàsicament en modificar les obertures i el material ceràmic vidriat de la façana de la planta baixa de l'edifici: s'eliminaren les obertures en arc de manera que la façana de la planta baixa adoptà la configuració actual. [Fitxa Catàleg Aj. Manresa]
  16. Grup Escolar Lluís de Peguera

    Alexandre Soler i March

    Grup Escolar Lluís de Peguera

    Edifici de pedra d'estructura irregular molt decorat en la seva façana. A la part inferior presenta unes arcades (en la part central) i un porxo que en els seus espais laterals comunica amb el pati posterior. Té dues ales de construcció molt més recent que el prolonguen i amplien i espatllen la construcció ja que aquests dos annexes són d'un estil racionalista degenerat que degraden força l'estructura antiga. Així mentre aquesta és totalment de pedra, la nova és d'alumini i vidre blau. A la planta baixa hi ha ubicada la Biblioteca Popular Joaquim Sarret i Arbós. Aquest edifici té caràcter commemoratiu de les gestes manresanes en la Guerra del Francès. L'any 1811 les Corts de Cadis acordaren erigir un obelisc quan fos possible. Però al cap d'un segle, el diputat Soler i March (germà de l'arquitecte) ho recordà al parlament tot presentant la proposta de canviar l'obelisc per un edifici cultural.
  17. Joan Ramon Selgas House

    Alexandre Soler i March

    Joan Ramon Selgas House

    Building between partitions located in Carrer del Roser. The building consists of a ground floor, two storeys and an attic. Catalan Art Nouveau influences are evident in the composition of the façade, in the construction materials and, especially, in the profusion of decorative elements used (oval window, iron grilles and stained-glass windows). The house was renovated in the early 1930s, when its height was increased and the first floor was raised, with the characteristic tribune protruding from the profile. The crowning of the façade is also noteworthy, with a gable with a mixed composition and portholes. This building is attributed to Alexandre Soler i March, although this attribution is not entirely certain. In 1931, its owner, Joan Ramon Selgas, commissioned Josep Marfà to renovate the house, who respected the original style of the house to a great extent. For some years, the ground floor of the building housed the post office.
  18. Església de Sant Josep de Manresa

    Alexandre Soler i March

    Edifici de dimensions reduïdes i de planta més aviat quadrada. Presenta una rica decoració d'elements romànics i gòtics que es combinen amb altres de disseny modernista o d'inspiració naturalista, això en les parets exteriors. Té una petita torre adossada a un costat. L'edifici no queda aïllat sinó que està completament rodejat per altres construccions. El portal d'entrada està elevat per uns esglaons, i és molt senzill: presenta unes arquivoltes en degradació a l'arc de la porta. Coronat amb un relleu amb la imatge de sant Josep. 1903.-Manuel -Ignasi Vallés i Pons cedeix els terrenys de les Tortonyes per l'edificació d'una església, gràcies a la guarició del seu fill. Aquest mateix any el bisbe Torres i Bages i els bisbes de Lleida i Tortosa donen donatius per construir la nova església. 1913.- col·locació d'un baix relleu en pedra amb la imatge de Sant Josep, obra de l'escultor Ferrer. 1935.- reconstrucció: acabament piramidal del campanar.
  19. Mare de Déu del Roser de la Colònia Gomis Church

    Alexandre Soler i March

    Mare de Déu del Roser de la Colònia Gomis Church

    Neo-Romanesque style church of the 20th century following the Romanesque forms of the 11th century and synthesising great contributions of the Catalan Romanesque style from different places in order to achieve a prototype of a Romanesque church. The style used within the historicist forms is the First Romanesque or Lombard Romanesque: it has blind arches, Lombard bands, semi-circular arches, barrel vaults, a bell tower with floors which is separate from the church and regular stones placed at the junction. The dome that crowns the transept forms a Latin cross plan that tends to the Greek cross. It has three apses in degradation and the central one has three apsidioles. The Neo-Romanesque church of La Mare de Déu del Roser in Colònia Gomis was inaugurated in 1930 and is the work of the architect Alexandre Soler i March. It was the last work of the colony, which was made up of the factory, the housing for the workers and the church with additional religious buildings. La colony had been founded in 1891 by the industrialist Francesc Gomis i Soler and until recent years has been dedicated to cotton yarns and fabrics.
  20. Church of Christ the King in Manresa

    Alexandre Soler i March

    Large church with a floor plan of three naves (a wider central one presided over by the apse and two much smaller side naves with side chapels). The façade clearly shows the interior division. The more majestic central section has a grand staircase and portico, while the side sections are unequal: the right-hand nave is higher than the left (in Alexandre Soler i March's original design the two side naves were two towers, and one of them was the bell tower). The central nave is crowned by a cross and above the portico there is a terrace, from which there are three Gothic-style windows with three and two lobes respectively. The façade of the central nave is made of stone and the side façades are made of brick with padded corners. Located next to the door and in the 17th-century Baroque style, we find the Santo Cristo (Holy Christ) made in wood carving. 1942 - laying of the first stone. 1949 - Alexandre Soler i March dies and the project is continued by the Manresa architect Josep Mª Armengou. 1957 - Blessing of the temple.
  21. Can Forrellat

    Alexandre Soler i March

    Edifici situat al carrer de Sant Jeroni. Es tracta d'una construcció en forma de U, formada per dues naus longitudinals (fàbrica) i un darrer buc horitzontal, suposadament destinat a la zona d'habitatges. Les naus longitudinals tenen cobertes a dues aigües amb careners perpendiculars a les corresponents façanes principals. Aquestes, que donen al carrer Sant Jeroni, s'uneixen a través d'un mur i presenten la mateixa composició: una obertura d'arc escarser amb emmarcament de maó i una finestra d'ull de bou decorada amb gelosia, també de maó. Ambdues façanes estan rematades per una franja d'arrebossat que ressegueix l'entaulament. El parament de les naus és de pedra vista. L'accés al conjunt es realitza a través d'una porta de ferro forjat situada al centre del mur que separa les dues naus, i està flanquejada per dos pilars de secció quadrangular i de maó coronats per elements decoratius esfèrics. El darrer edifici, aquell destinat a habitatges, té una planta rectangular i està format per diversos cossos a diferents nivells. Quan hom accedeix a l'immoble, ho fa a través d'un primer volum de planta baixa i pis i coberta a dues aigües que precedeix el cos principal. Aquest últim presenta unes golfes i un pis més, quedant la planta baixa per sota del nivell del carrer a causa del fort desnivell del terreny. La coberta, a dues aigües i amb carener perpendicular a la façana principal, queda trencada per una torre de secció quadrada que sobresurt un nivell respecte al cos principal i que té una coberta plana. Al lateral esquerre del volum principal s'aixeca un altre cos, de planta baixa i dos pisos i una coberta a dues aigües amb carener paral·lel respecte a la façana principal. Els diferents volums estan arrebossats i pintats amb la mateixa tonalitat a excepció de les plantes baixes, que presenten pedra vista. Totes les cobertes són fetes de teula àrab.
  22. Terme de l'Agulla Cross

    Alexandre Soler i March

    Cross with a circular base that widens into a collar and immediately becomes smaller again as it rises in three superimposed concentric circles. The shaft of the column is also cylindrical and is topped by a decorated capital with a small, very simple roof on top. The whole structure is made of stone, while the cross that crowns it is made of iron.


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