

In this first stage, the catalogue focuses on the modern and contemporary architecture designed and built between 1832 –year of construction of the first industrial chimney in Barcelona that we establish as the beginning of modernity– until today.

The project is born to make the architecture more accessible both to professionals and to the citizens through a website that is going to be updated and extended. Contemporary works of greater general interest will be incorporated, always with a necessary historical perspective, while gradually adding works from our past, with the ambitious objective of understanding a greater documented period.

The collection feeds from multiple sources, mainly from the generosity of architectural and photographic studios, as well as the large amount of excellent historical and reference editorial projects, such as architectural guides, magazines, monographs and other publications. It also takes into consideration all the reference sources from the various branches and associated entities with the COAC and other collaborating entities related to the architectural and design fields, in its maximum spectrum.

Special mention should be made of the incorporation of vast documentation from the COAC Historical Archive which, thanks to its documental richness, provides a large amount of valuable –and in some cases unpublished– graphic documentation.

The rigour and criteria for selection of the works has been stablished by a Documental Commission, formed by the COAC’s Culture Spokesperson, the director of the COAC Historical Archive, the directors of the COAC Digital Archive, and professionals and other external experts from all the territorial sections that look after to offer a transversal view of the current and past architectural landscape around the territory.

The determination of this project is to become the largest digital collection about Catalan architecture; a key tool of exemplar information and documentation about architecture, which turns into a local and international referent, for the way to explain and show the architectural heritage of a territory.

Aureli Mora i Omar Ornaque


About us

Project by:

Created by:


2019-2024 Aureli Mora i Omar Ornaque

Documental Commission:

2019-2024 Ramon Faura Carolina B. Garcia Eduard Callís Francesc Rafat Pau Albert Antoni López Daufí Joan Falgueras Mercè Bosch Jaume Farreny Anton Pàmies Juan Manuel Zaguirre Josep Ferrando Fernando Marzá Moisés Puente Aureli Mora Omar Ornaque


2019-2024 Lluis Andreu Sergi Ballester Maria Jesús Quintero Lucía M. Villodres

External Collaborators:

2019-2024 Helena Cepeda Inès Martinel

With the support of:

Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura

Collaborating Entities:



Fundació Mies van der Rohe


Fundación DOCOMOMO Ibérico


Basílica de la Sagrada Família


Museu del Disseny de Barcelona






EINA Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona




Fundació Domènench Montaner.

Design & Development:

edittio Nubilum

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The Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya is one of the most important documentation centers in Europe, which houses the professional collections of more than 180 architects whose work is fundamental to understanding the history of Catalan architecture. By filling this form, you can request digital copies of the documents for which the Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya manages the exploitation of the author's rights, as well as those in the public domain. Once the application has been made, the Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya will send you an approximate budget, which varies in terms of each use and purpose.


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All works
  • Can Guineu

    autoria desconeguda

    Large building rebuilt in 1851 following the characteristics of Eclecticism. It consists of a basement, a ground floor and a floor under the attic, with a terrace and a roof of Arabic tiles. It has an interior courtyard with palm trees and galleries of cast iron columns, and a cloister with a high and low gallery of semicircular arches. The imperial staircase and the interiors, with period furniture and accessories, are also noteworthy. Can Guineu is located in the centre of Sant Sadurní, between two important axes of the area, Carrer de l'Hospital and Carrer de Sant Antoni. It was originally a manor house. In 1703 it became the property of the Mir family, when Pau Mir bought it from the administrators of the Hospital de la Santa Creu. In 1851, after a trip made by the owners to Andalusia, the house was renovated and extended in accordance with the dominant aesthetic criteria at that time.


  • Madurell House

    Carles Gauran i Casals

    Very spacious house with a gable roof, between partitions, two floors and an attic. The stone should be highlighted as an expensive element on the façade, with three portals, a large balcony that covers the full width of the house, and three upper balconies. The façade also preserves important remains of paintings imitating coloured marbles. The interior is divided by a large staircase that starts from the central stone portal, at the height of the first floor, leaving the basements for cellars.


  • Cal Gual

    Josep Torres Ferran

    House between partitions with a ground floor and main floor. It does not have direct access from the street, as the garden keeps it separated from the public road. At the back it opens to a patio. The double curved staircase that gives access to the main floor from the garden stands out. The railing is iron, with a different design to that of the project, as is the crowning balustrade. The door, with a lintel decorated with reliefs, retains a modernist design. The ground floor, where the carriages were, has been adapted as a car park. NH This was one of the first houses to be built on Carrer Diputació, taking advantage of a project designed by Carrer Raval in 1880, which will eventually be located in this location. Having overcome the conflict of the Carline war and in a moment of economic prosperity, the town grew again, once again overcoming the walls. Carrer Diputació will be the symbol of a new prosperity that goes hand in hand with the improvements in communications that mean the opening of the road from La Llacuna to Sant Boi and better access to the train station.


  • Josep Mestres House

    Josep Déu Busquets

    The Josep Mestres House is a ground-floor, two-story roofed and gabled building between partitions, originating from the refurbishment of an earlier building. In the composition of the façade, the decreasing size of the openings, as the building rises, is also accompanied by a decrease in the carriageway in the manner of Renaissance palaces, which provides it with visual solidity. Neo-Gothic insinuations are constant, in the modulation of the arches of the nine upper windows, in the emphasised cornice, in the water-break mouldings above the portal, etc., as in the more typically 19th-century elements such as the terra cotta balustrade, the crowning of the façade, suitable for the sundial, or the fan-shaped strip of the semi-circular arched main door.


  • Massana House

    Venceslau Güell i Puigrobí

    Building between three corridors with a basement, ground floor, two floors and an attic under the rooftop. The façade has a curved balcony on the first floor, double opening windows in the attic, a balustrade on the roof, and pilasters and mouldings that form a grid. The construction presents an eclectic style. The house is part of a set of houses corresponding to the 19th-century extension of Sant Sadurní on Carrer de Sant Antoni. The initial project of the work, which is kept in the City Council archive, dates from July 24, 1884. It was approved by the Provincial Council on November 29 of the same year. The work was commissioned by Pere Massana and carried out by the master builder Venceslau Güell.


  • Calixtus House

    Narcís Aran Vidal

    Calixtus House

    It is a building organised on the ground floor, first floor, roof and turret with a viewpoint, with galleries and a garden, located on a corner, where the historicist taste is palatable in each of its elements: the upholstery on the ground floor, the moulded ceramic balustrade on the plane, on the roof and gazebo, the cast iron grills, the classic palmettes, the cast iron columns with classic capitals, the flat brick vaults, the classic Baroque echo panels and permodules, etc. Mention should be made of the extraordinary modernist stained glass added to the gallery later and the large garden.


  • Can Ferrer del Mas

    autoria desconeguda

    Magnificent Moorish Revival ensemble. The building is largely built with brickwork, often using procedures characteristic of Catalan palaces, such as the vaulted brick vaults. The horseshoe arch and the top of the building, which form the main fence presided over by two large horseshoe arch gates, each protected by two cylindrical towers, are among the most used elements. It is worth mentioning the slightly rectangular cloister formed by 5 x 6 horseshoe arches organised on two floors, with three interior palm trees. This cloister, forged with metal beams and ceramic tumblers, contains the utensils necessary to produce wine, particularly the vats, on the ground floor. Among the dates we have been able to see in the building, they refer to the year 1888 on a forged grate, the year 1924 on a fountain and the year 1925 on the chapel without worship. The work, although within the eclectic style, presents some contradictions, possibly due to later extensions, such as the side porch. On the other hand, doubts also arise from its chronology in relation to the figure of Ali Bey (the adventurer and spy Domènec Badia i Labric) whose life spans between 1766 and 1818, a period possibly too advanced in relation to the shapes of Can Ferrer del Mas. However, if this relationship is confirmed, it would really be an advanced phenomenon in the history of neo-Moorish architecture, not only at a national level, but also internationally. The main house and the rest of the interior buildings have been demolished and rebuilt only partially on their south façade.


  • Formosa Ragué House

    Ramon Maria Riudor i Capella

    It is an apartment building chamfering with Carrer Marc Mir, with a ground floor, two landings and a roof. The building stands out for its balanced volume and the way it solves the chamfer. It is crowded with eclectic elements: corners, quilts, large cornice supported by panels and modillions, corbels with drawings under the balcony, banister and stepped gable, windowsills below portals and windows, etc., but motifs of naturalistic ornamentation that introduce us to the modernist language appear in the finishes of the windowsills, on the main entrance door and on the staircase.


  • Cal Mota

    Enric Figueres i Ribas

    It is a building composed of a ground floor, a main floor, a roof and turret with a gallery and rear garden in which the mixture of elements of different styles, characteristic of eclecticism, is a fact: medieval windows, neo-Renaissance bossages, pilasters and neoclassical capitals, Moorish Revival geometric stucco, marble balustrades, wrought iron gratings, cast iron columns, glazed ceramic scales, etc., form a very rich and representative ensemble of the image of Sant Sadurní.


  • Casa de la Vila a Sant Sadurní d'Anoia

    Ubald Iranzo i Eiras

    Aquest edifici, construit entre 1896 i 1900, en substitució de l'antic ajuntament probablement de l'any 1673, és resolt amb planta baixa, principal, golfes i terrat sobre planta rectangular. El cos princicpal, centrat a la plaça, conté la torre del rellotge i l'estructura vista del campanar, de ferro forjat. El Modernisme està només intuït, hi resta encara l'encarcarement en la modulació clàssica i la constant utilització d'elements arquitectònics del període anterior.

    1896 - 1900

  • Old Public Schools in Sant Sadurní d'Anoia

    Miquel Madorell i Rius

    Old Public Schools in Sant Sadurní d'Anoia

    The building, built in the first decade of the century, is developed on the ground floor and first floor on a U-shaped surface that embraces a patio, occupying a whole block of the Sant Sadurní area. Remains of a certain eclecticism appear in it, especially with the use of capitals on false padded pilasters in the central body. At the back of the façade there is a contemporary construction that connects with the existing building by extending its plinth. The central courtyard works as a shared area of the complex. On November 27, 2017, the building began to function as the new headquarters of the Municipal Library.


  • Rigol House

    Miquel Madorell i Rius

    Rigol House

    It is a construction between partitions, with a ground floor, two floors and a roof, conditioned by the length of the plot and the small width of the façade. Undoubtedly, all the emphasis of the work is on the façade, which solves with considerable finesse the problem of a façade with a minimal entrance angle, at a point where the street narrows. The result is a symmetrical composition crowned by a magnificent pinnacle at the edge, which, adapting perfectly to the environment, helps to shape it.
  • Codorniu Cava Cellars

    Josep Puig i Cadafalch

    Codorniu Cava Cellars

    The complex constitutes an austere fabric of industrial constructions where Puig i Cadafalch aims to demonstrate the validity of the construction procedures of the past for modern needs and programs. The large cellar uses half-point arches made of six courses of brick supporting recessed vaults that reach the façade, combined with slightly pointed arches. The pavilion of expeditions chooses to use a large, inverted catenary made exclusively of brick, supported by crossbeams also made of brick and with a stone enclosure. Puig i Cadafalch uses the shapes given by the support elements to compose the façades, both frontal and lateral, in a way that expresses this support, although it also introduces other strictly ornamental elements, such as the stepped profiles of the openings, the lattices of brick, the series of buttresses or the stone pinnacles.
  • Agricultural Athenaeum

    Miquel Madurell i Rius

    Agricultural Athenaeum

    The building was started in 1908, still in full modernist euphoria, and a year later, thanks to the efforts of a handful of people from Sant Sadurní d’Anoia, it was finished. The progressive spirit of the entity is reflected architecturally with a balanced building, where the style is already devoid of eclectic elements. The work is distributed over two floors, with a symmetrical composition on the only façade, in which a central body stands out with interesting pinnacles of naturalistic ornamentation.


  • Lluís Mestres House

    Santiago Güell i Grau

    Building between partitions of three corridors. It has a ground floor, two floors, a turret and a rear garden. The access door, the balconies and the balconade with railings with naturalistic ornamentation stand out from the façade, as well as the mouldings and the crowning with roof railing and ornamented gable. The decoration of the façade is completed with quilting simulation. The construction follows the aesthetics of Modernism. This is one of the most remarkable examples of modernism in Sant Sadurní. Santiago Güell's project, preserved in the City Council's archive, dates from February 10, 1909, and was approved on June 10 of the same year. The work was carried out between 1910 and 1912. It seems possible that the building was the result of the refurbishment of an earlier construction. Casa Mestres is located in one of the axes of the large 19th century area of Sant Sadurní, centered on Carrer del Raval, a sector that is currently affected by a process of tertiarisation.

    1909 - 1912

  • Santacana Roig Department Store

    Domènec Boada i Piera

    Santacana Roig Department Store

    A single-storey building, irregular and adapted to the configuration of the surrounding streets. The most interesting elements it presents are six flat brick vaults with lattice beams, reflected externally on the side facings of the façade. There is only one access door through the chamfer. The decoration is mainly concentrated on the main facade, with a combination of classical and naturalist inscription elements (crowning palmette, pinnacles, floral garlands...) that responds to a certain eclecticism based on modernist and noucentista aesthetics.


  • The Rectory of Sant Sadurní d'Anoia

    Francesc Folguera i Grassi

    The Rectory of Sant Sadurní d'Anoia

    Old building between partitions restored in 1925. The rehabilitation forms an architectural ensemble with the new façade of the parish church, to which it adjoins at right angles. It consists of a ground floor and two floors and a gable roof. On the first floor two balconies open, with a sundial between them, and on the top floor there is a gallery. In this project, Folguera was inspired by the classic models from Italy. The surface of the façades of the two buildings was graffitied.


  • Ferrer i Salles Foundation Hospital

    Ignasi Brugueras Llobet, Josep Ros i Ros

    Isolated public building surrounded by a garden on the corner of Carrer Cesar Martinell and Carrer d’En Ferrer i Sallés. It has a T-shaped plan and it is accessed by a central front tower with a ground floor and two floors. The side wings have a ground floor, a floor and an attic. The gable roof is covered by Arabic tiles. The windows and doors show stepped lintels. Attic windows open on the roofs. It connects via an elevated walkway with the new floor building of the Casa dels Avis. What was supposed to be the old hospital located on Carrer Torres i Bages built from the donation of a piece of land by Josep Ferrer Sallés was never finished and finally in 1928 it was replaced by a new hospital. This hospital was commissioned in 1928 while the Manel Raventís square was being developed by the architect Ygnacio Brugueras. Three years later, Josep Ros i Ros collaborated there, designing the access, the stairs and the fence. Later, in 1956, the Hospital was expanded by annexing a new body, the project for which Moliner was responsible. The last intervention was in 2002 when Ramón Fuste Sitges designed an elevated walkway that connected to the Old People's Home after the conversion of the hospital into a residence for the elderly. In 1988 the Foundation was extinguished, and the City Council transferred management to the mutual insurance company La Aliança.


  • Formosa House

    Francesc Folguera i Grassi

    Formosa House

    Magnificent country house between partitions with two floors. It has recently been completely remodeled by "La Caixa" and only the façade has been saved. It is embroidered with sgraffitos representing Sant Jordi, the balconies have terracotta railings and the entrance halls are of the same material. This façade gives a great category to the main street of Sant Sadurní.
  • Freixenet Winery

    Josep Ros i Ros

    The original building is by the architect Josep Ros i Ros, who had already evolved from Modernism towards more contained and sober Noucentisme projects, takes on a character of great volumetric forcefulness for being an isolated building with a ground floor and three floors, the latter being designed as a gallery with a large barbican supported by beams. The gable roof is covered by Arabic tile. As it is an isolated building, the entire perimeter is conceived as a façade, both those facing the street and those facing the interior of the property. The perimeter is also protected by the inclusion of a fence that in what would be the main façade is based on iron splinters alternating with pillars and with the characteristic balls. The façade designed for visitors facing a small garden with a staircase, porch and a mixed gable that recalls vernacular architecture and houses a ceramic pediment with the decorative drawing of grapes and cava glasses, as well as the name of the brand, “Cavas Freixenet” stands out. Regarding the composition and treatment of the rest of the façades, the interplay of voids and fillings follows a symmetrical distribution with openings spaced apart and others with oval openings. Corresponding to the axes of symmetry we find balconies with iron beams on the first floor. The entire façade is stuccoed, except for the wide plinth treated in rustic walling. And with respect to the limits of each façade, there is the application of the quilting of stone ashlars that increase the sobriety of the whole and are in tune with the access openings based on semi-circular arches with stone voussoirs. It is an industrial complex dedicated to the exploitation and production of wine, with the brand "Freixenet, S.A.". As a production centre it was founded in 1861 and it was in 1914 when the production of sparkling wine began. Following the Barcelona International Exhibition, in 1929, they created a well-known icon with the so-called "Freixenet boy"; created by a German designer by order of Pere Ferrer Bosch, founder of the company.


  • Sant Sadurní d'Anoia Pension Fund building

    autoria desconeguda

    The building takes up all the Carrer Francesc Moragas, but also has an entrance from Carrer Hospital and Carrer Sant Antoni. It has three bodies, each intended for different uses - the central hall and staircase, the one on the left is a museum and library, and the one on the right is offices and housing. The building is currently used as offices. The image of the building responds to the criteria set by the institution since the same aesthetic is found in other contemporary buildings of La Caixa. The decoration mixes classicist elements, such as the columns and pediments, and Gothic elements such as the attic windows. At the end of 1931, La Caixa presented the request to erect a building along Carrer Vilaró, later called Francesc Moragas. The permit states that the work will be done in an easement area and that it is exempt from paying taxes thanks to the statutes of the funds. Although it does not refer to the acquisition of the land, it belonged to M. Dolors Vilaró i Raventós in 1892, when, on the occasion of a refurbishment of the house, she ceded part of it in order to widen the alley that would bear her name. The La Caixa project was not simply limited to opening offices but also offered a library and a museum, which would not be inaugurated until the 1950s. The museum would be dedicated to honouring old age, a festival closely linked to Sant Sadurní since it originated in this municipality and later spread to other Catalan towns.


  • Miró House

    Cèsar Martinell i Brunet

    Building with an L-shaped plan. It occupies the chamfer of a plot that also contains the industrial buildings of the Miró Caves. It has a complex and symmetrical structure, organised around the garden. The central body consists of a ground floor and a floor with a porch and upper balustrade. The lateral wings also consist of a ground floor and a floor; on the ground floor there is a series of arcades supported by columns and the first floor is slightly set back from the plane of the façade. It has two towers at the ends and a dome on the central axis of symmetry. The roofs are made of Arabic tiles. There are notable elements within the noucentista language used by the architect: semicircular arches, classical columns, balusters, vases and crowning balls. It has a direct parallel in the Palau de les Arts Gràfiques of the Barcelona International Exhibition of 1929, due to the arrangement of the floor plan and also due to the solution of the entrance porch and the treatment of the volumes. Casa Miró is located on the wide street of Carrer de la Diputació, next to the Miró Caves building, built a few years earlier. The project, preserved in the City Council archive, dates from mid-1929, although it was not approved until June 13, 1932. The completion of the work was entrusted to the architect Cèsar Martinell, who in 1929 had already directed the construction of the wineries.

    1929 - 1932

  • School of Mural Painting and Arts and Crafts of El Penedès

    Garcés -Sòria Arquitectes, Jordi Garcés i Brusés, Enric Sòria i Badia

    School of Mural Painting and Arts and Crafts of El Penedès

    An unfinished building from 1884 that was supposed to be the Hospital of Sant Sadurní d'Anoia has been converted into a School of Mural Painting and School of Arts and Crafts. The nave of the chapel, the central core of the old project, was very suitable for its use as a practical workshop for the muralists. The annex building of very little architectural interest, in poor condition and with many alterations due to its successive uses, could house the classrooms and services of the two centres, which is why they proceeded to demolish and replace all the interior forgings. The new work appears on the outside as the irruption of the current windows that interfere, in its air, with the old order, scratched by a previous work of solidifying the whole that highlights the compactness of the original factory. This feature is possibly the main quality of the existing one. With the new cover of the nave of the chapel, which seeks the correct lighting of its interior, the contrast between the two unusual volumes that make up the whole was accentuated. The additions of white marble aim to accentuate the involuntary tone of unfinished work that the irregular stone ensemble already has and turn it into a statement. With the layout of the two sections of stairs, one through the rear courtyard and the other pointing to the chapel, each of them is given an itinerary of a certain visual interest.

    1985 - 1987

  • Mercè Rossell i Domènech School of Viticulture and Oenology

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Mercè Rossell i Domènech School of Viticulture and Oenology

    The school is located near a small plateau in the wine region of El Penedès. It completes old agricultural buildings such as a country house and part of the attached cellars. Most of the new buildings are located on the north side of the property, creating an open courtyard in the manner of traditional agricultural spaces. An old right-of-way requires the new one to be connected to the existing one, by means of a bridge and an underpass. Part of the old constructions are absorbed by the new constructions, such as the small country house integrated into the main entrance, or the ruins at the northern end, carefully valued by the opening of the assembly hall. The construction is erected with load-bearing walls of brick and exposed prefabricated concrete beams. The school contains classrooms, laboratories, assembly hall, student residence and restaurant.

    1985 - 1988

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