

In this first stage, the catalogue focuses on the modern and contemporary architecture designed and built between 1832 –year of construction of the first industrial chimney in Barcelona that we establish as the beginning of modernity– until today.

The project is born to make the architecture more accessible both to professionals and to the citizens through a website that is going to be updated and extended. Contemporary works of greater general interest will be incorporated, always with a necessary historical perspective, while gradually adding works from our past, with the ambitious objective of understanding a greater documented period.

The collection feeds from multiple sources, mainly from the generosity of architectural and photographic studios, as well as the large amount of excellent historical and reference editorial projects, such as architectural guides, magazines, monographs and other publications. It also takes into consideration all the reference sources from the various branches and associated entities with the COAC and other collaborating entities related to the architectural and design fields, in its maximum spectrum.

Special mention should be made of the incorporation of vast documentation from the COAC Historical Archive which, thanks to its documental richness, provides a large amount of valuable –and in some cases unpublished– graphic documentation.

The rigour and criteria for selection of the works has been stablished by a Documental Commission, formed by the COAC’s Culture Spokesperson, the director of the COAC Historical Archive, the directors of the COAC Digital Archive, and professionals and other external experts from all the territorial sections that look after to offer a transversal view of the current and past architectural landscape around the territory.

The determination of this project is to become the largest digital collection about Catalan architecture; a key tool of exemplar information and documentation about architecture, which turns into a local and international referent, for the way to explain and show the architectural heritage of a territory.

Aureli Mora i Omar Ornaque


About us

Project by:

Created by:


2019-2025 Aureli Mora i Omar Ornaque

Documental Commission:

2019-2025 Ramon Faura Carolina B. Garcia Eduard Callís Francesc Rafat Pau Albert Antoni López Daufí Joan Falgueras Mercè Bosch Jaume Farreny Anton Pàmies Juan Manuel Zaguirre Josep Ferrando Fernando Marzá Moisés Puente Aureli Mora Omar Ornaque


2019-2025 Lluis Andreu Sergi Ballester Maria Jesús Quintero Lucía M. Villodres Montse Viu

External Collaborators:

2019-2025 Helena Cepeda Inès Martinel

With the support of:

Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura

Collaborating Entities:



Fundació Mies van der Rohe


Fundación DOCOMOMO Ibérico


Basílica de la Sagrada Família


Museu del Disseny de Barcelona






EINA Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona




Fundació Domènench Montaner.

Design & Development:

edittio Nubilum

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The Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya is one of the most important documentation centers in Europe, which houses the professional collections of more than 180 architects whose work is fundamental to understanding the history of Catalan architecture. By filling this form, you can request digital copies of the documents for which the Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya manages the exploitation of the author's rights, as well as those in the public domain. Once the application has been made, the Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya will send you an approximate budget, which varies in terms of each use and purpose.


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All works
  • Bonaplata Textile Mill

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    Bonaplata Textile Mill

    Josep Bonaplata and Silvestre Puig founded the company "Bonaplata i Cia" in 1829, specialising in the manufacture of yarns, fabrics and colour prints. In 1831 it was renamed "Bonaplata, Vilaregut, Rull i Cia."; originally located in a pre-existing building on 52 Tallers Street (owned by Francesc Guiu). Later, land was bought and sold by Francesc Guiu, Ramon Prats i Pi and an old industrial factory occupied by the Col·legi de Sant Vicenç Ferrer. At that time, renovation and extension works were carried out under the direction of the master builder: Domènec Vidal. As a result of the first workers' riots, the factory under study was set on fire and destroyed.


  • Igualadina Cotonera

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    El terreny on s'ubicà el conjunt, conegut com "colònia Godó", i centre fabril tenia una extensió de 15.000 m2 amb dues naus de planta longitudinal amb gran quantitat d'obertures a l'exterior a fi i efecte de facilitar l'entrada d'aire a l'interior de les naus. La central amida 50 x 14 m. amb una superfície aproximada de 700 m2, i té cinc plantes d'alçada. Una part de la fonamentació és de maó massís, fent arcades que s'entenen sobre un terreny arenós degut a la proximitat del riu. Les naus de les quatre plantes tenen una estructura molt simple que ve donada per l'estructura rectangular de l'edifici. Com a suport dels sostres hi ha tres fileres de pilars de ferro colat; a les primeres plantes s'intercalen amb pilars de fusta de la mateixa forma. Els sostres són de post de fusta amb taulons de reforç per aguantar el pes dels telers. L'última planta té dues vessants, restant una nau central amb una filera de pilars i encavallades de fusta; al sostre hi ha claraboies. Junt a la façana oest s'aixeca la xemeneia de planta quadrada i feta de maó. L'element més remarcable de tot el conjunt és la porta d'accés al recinte formada per un arc escarser fet amb dovelles de pedra llisa i un acabament triangular que ve a ser com una recreació se l'arc de triomf romà. Fundada el 1842, sota la promoció de la família Godó, fou als seus inicis una de les indústries de la manufactura del cotó més importants de Catalunya, tan per la diversitat en la manipulació com pel nombre d'obrers que hi treballaren. A més va ser la primera fàbrica de teixits d'Igualada que va fer servir la màquina de vapor i també la primera que va instal·lar llum elèctrica el 1885. El seu propietari més conegut fou en Joan Godó i Llucià, que ha donat nom al carrer. A més d'empresari fou polític i cap del partit de Sagasta a Igualada, arribant a ser diputat en Corts pel districte d'Igualada on també havia estat alcalde. Aquesta empresa fou coneguda amb noms diferents depenent del propietari: entre 1842-1853, Fabril Igualadina Cotonera; 1853-1868, Companyia Fabril Igualadina Cotonera; 1868-1873, Igualadina Cotonera S.A.; 1873-1876, deixà de funcionar; 1880-1936, Joan Godó i Llucià se'n feu càrrec; 1936-1939, durant la guerra civil fou col·lectivitzada; 1939-1957, Joan Godó i Pelegrí la recuperà; 1957-1967, S.A. Textil Igualadina. Finalment el 1967 desapareix la societat, quedant l'edifici i annexes abandonats. Sofrirà posteriors enderrocaments, restant encara, però, intactes la nau central i la xemeneia del vapor. Inclòs a l'Inventari del Patrimoni Arquitectònic Espanyol de caràcter Històric i Artístic. [Província de Barcelona, 1979-1980, r.:1095]


  • Sedó Colony

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    Sedó Colony

    Former textile factory with several warehouses, chimneys, an aqueduct, houses for the workers and a church with a school. They are simple and functional stone and brick constructions with gable roofs. The preserved chimneys have various shapes, from rectangular to helical. The 1400 HP Turbine Planas is preserved. The Sedó Colony was founded in 1846 by Miquel Puig i Catasús, who built a textile factory o an old flour mill that already existed ("Can Broquetes"). It would grow rapidly until it adopted the characteristics of an industrial colony and, finally, in the 20th century, it would become one of the largest and most important companies in the economic and industrial history of Catalonia. After the death of Miquel Puig (1863), he was replaced by his son, Josep Puig i Llagostera, who started the construction of houses for the workers, expanded the factory and planned various development works. His administrator and substitute, Antoni Sedó i Pàmies, was who would culminate the process of growth and formation of the industrial colony that would bear his name and who developed the entire textile production process. At the same time, he enlarged the workers' colony with new housing for the workers and their families, with the installation of shops, schools, the church, a dispensary, cinema and casino, among others. The workers' colony was located right next to the factory and was structured in elongated blocks of ground-floor and two-storey houses that formed seven parallel streets. In the middle of these parallel streets was the church and, on either side, the schools. After the Spanish Civil War of 1936-1939, the colony reached its maximum growth, but, at the same time, the first symptoms of crisis would begin. Currently, the Sedó colony has been converted into an important industrial estate where there are different companies and industrial activities. The central core of the Sedó Colony Museum is located in one of these industrial spaces.


  • Fàbrica la Escocesa

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    Fàbrica la Escocesa


  • 1855 - 1857

  • Rusiñol Colony

    Rusiñol Colony

    Halfway between the colony and the urban factory, Can Remisa featured housing, a chapel, a company store, an inn and a small school. Throughout the 1880s, the Rusiñol family expanded the colony and built an imposing manor named Cau Faluga by Santiago Rusiñol, a true gem of industrial modernism. The walled complex, situated between the river and the cultivated fields, is dominated by the chimney—a cylindrical tower over 40 meters tall—and the imposing owners' manor, a building that displays eclectic features, blending romantic and modernist architecture. In several parts of the colony, modernist elements can be found, such as lampposts with wrought-iron detailing, although the colony itself belongs to the pre-modernist style. It is enclosed by a wall made of river stones and cement. The colony was organised linearly, with factory buildings ready for expansion. Parallel to these, the workers' homes and the owner's residence—used seasonally—were located. The colony was also structured around a large open space, which included an intriguing two-storey building for the owners, a single-storey work nave with an unfinished central section intended for expansion, and two housing blocks for the workers.


  • 1858 - 1859

  • La Bauma Colony

    La Bauma Colony

    This architectural complex is located on the right bank of the Llobregat river, on one side of the Bauma bridge, very close to the BP-1121 road. The Bauma Factory is a construction made up of two buildings, that of Roca i Llubià, the two owners, and the new factory. Both are located on the banks of the river, arranged side by side, following the course of the river, and separated by the Torre del Amo. The first, the older one, built to carry out the finishing and shipping processes, has a single storey and is characterised by a row of twenty-three openings in segmental arches. The second, which was used for spinning and weaving, as well as the yarn store, the office and the turbine room, has four floors and a two-slope roof. In both buildings, an almost identical masonry facing is used, giving them a unified character. Torre del Amo is a construction attached to the walls of the factory on the west corner, forming a main façade facing Monistrol and another one facing the road. The ground plan of the building is made up of two polygonal bodies, a square one equivalent to the porch and a rectangular one, where a lookout tower and the building's outbuildings are located. Access to the building is from a staircase located after the porch, which has three ovoid arches supported by two pillars with vegetal capitals and a three-slope roof. The tower has a square floor plan and a lookout tower crowned with battlements. The unifying element of both bodies is the two-sloped roof, with green and reddish tiles. The walls are made of exposed brickwork, and the fillings and openings form vertical strips that fit in perfectly with the general composition of the factory buildings. The facing has several balconies with arches that vary from segmental arches to convex arches and lintel arches. The plinths, imposts, arches and tympanums are covered with glazed tiles and ceramic friezes that form multicoloured geometric and vegetal compositions.


  • Can Ricart

    Josep Oriol i Bernadet

    Can Ricart

    Can Ricart, dating from 1854, is one of the first mechanical stamping factories for cotton fabrics in Catalonia. It is located next to the central park and faces the industrial axis of Pere IV, together with Oliva Artés, Ca l’Alier, la Escocesa, and Ca l’Illa. The complex is made up of several neoclassical buildings and a series of green spaces that connect them to each other. Its interest lies in the unitary style of the pieces that make it up; that is to say, in the analogy of their shapes, rhythms and spatial arrangements.

    1853 - 1860

  • Fàbrica de Cal Gallifa

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  • Salt Factory

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    Chimney of a former spinning mill also known as the l'Aranya factory. It is cone-shaped, has scaffolding in patterned brick and is finished in circular section mouldings that reinforce the crowning element. 1862.- construction of the factory. 1863.- it starts operating.

    1862 - 1863

  • 1868 - 1869

  • Fàbrica Can Llopis

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    second half of the 19th century

  • Xemeneia de Can Galta Cremat

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  • Xemeneia de la Fàbrica Cura

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    La xemeneia pertany a una antiga fàbrica d'alcohols. És de base quadrada i té un cos troncocònic, amb un anell al coronament. Bastida en totxo vist. La base (cos prismàtic de totxo) es troba a l'interior d'una nau, destinada actualment a aparcament privat. El cos de xemeneia emergeix per sobre la coberta de la nau.
  • Roca Umbert Factory

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    Roca Umbert Factory

    Isolated industrial premises with a rectangular plan, consisting of a basement, ground floor and two floors. The façades are equal and flat with a symmetrical composition formed by a series of pillars with semicircular arches, the pillars have a double height value giving the whole a monumental character. It is the largest industrial building in Sant Feliu. It had been an important textile factory and for many years it has employed many people in the town. In 70s, and due to the serious economic crisis and in particular that of the textile sector, most of the machines had to stop, leaving many people unemployed. It is currently partially exploited, and textile products are produced there. The plans for this building have been attributed to Gaudí, but this has not been verified.
  • Farinera El Sucre

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  • Cal Boyer

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    Fàbrica coneguda com el "Vapor Nou", data de l'any 1897 i esdevé un exemple molt característic de la indústria tèxtil cotonera. Formada per dues grans naus longitudinals de dues plantes d'alçada, amb grans obertures exteriors sobre les quals descansen uns arcs escarsers coberts d'estuc vermell a fi i efecte de donar una nota de color i aconseguir la dinamització del conjunt. Destaca la gran xemeneia construïda amb totxo cuit i que presideix majestuosament tot el conjunt. En Joan Boyer i Ferrer era propietari d'una fàbrica tèxtil a mitjans del s. XIX. Arran de l'arribada del tren a Igualada, que permeté portar carbó i així utilitzar la màquina de vapor, traslladà la fàbrica l'any 1897 a la zona del Rec. El 1910 es fa una ampliació en el mateix carrer del Rec. El 1978-79 es tancà aquesta indústria. El 1981 aquest edifici el comprà l'ajuntament d'Igualada per instal·lar-hi el Museu Comarcal.
  • Gomis Colony

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    Gomis Colony

    The colony consisted of a factory, a row of houses and the Neo-Romanesque Church of the Virgin of the Rosary. The Can Gomis textile industrial colony was founded in 1891 by Francesc Gomis i Soler from Manresa. Dedicated from its beginnings to the production of cotton yarn and fabrics, in 1909 a power plant was installed here, supplying electricity to Monistrol de Montserrat, Olesa de Montserrat, the mountain and the Monastery of Montserrat, as well as other towns. The plant became part of the Segre group of hydroelectric forces created by the same company. The Neo-Romanesque church of the Gomis Colony, dedicated to the Virgin of the Rosary, was designed by architect Alexandre Soler i March. In the summer of 1985, the Gomis Colony factory was closed, at that time employing 72 workers, 80% of whom came from the town of Monistrol de Montserrat. Years later, the factory reopened and remains in operation today.
  • 1865 - 1907

  • Colònia de Cal Bassacs

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    Colònia de Cal Bassacs

    La colònia tèxtil de Cal Bassacs està conformada per el recinte fabril o industrial, el conjunt de diferents naus que es disposen alineades una a continuació de l'altra, junt amb magatzems, espais destinats a oficines, al davant de la fàbrica es localitzen els edificis destinats a allotjar treballadors, i en una gran parcel·la, delimitada per un mur de tancament, la torre, la residència dels senyors que incloïa una petita capella, al voltant de la torre hi ha uns jardins i també una construcció més moderna. La majestuositat de la torre, a més de trobar-se emplaçada presidint el conjunt també destaca per les seves dimensions, les característiques constructives i el treball ornamental dels seus acabats. Pel que fa als habitatges per els treballadors, aquests estan situats al davant de la fàbrica per el costat de ponent conformant un carrer, anomenat carrer indústria; el conjunt està format per edificis de planta baixa, i dues plantes pis, amb coberta a dues vessants amb el carener paral·lel a l'eix del carrer. Mostren un total de quatre portals d'accés a les respectives escales interiors; sembla que es tracta d'edificis construïts en diferents etapes, a grans trets les façanes, excepte l'edifici de més al nord, la resta disposen d'obertures que a planta baixa disposen d'emmarcaments de maó massís (porta d'accés a l'escala interior, portal d'accés a la planta baixa i alguna finestra) amb llindes d'arc rebaixat, la resta d'obertures són simples, de línies rectes; destacar que l'edifici que afronta amb el situat a l'extrem nord, disposa d'obertures a balcons amb voladís. Pel que fa a l'edifici de l'extrem nord del conjunt, aquest destaca per tenir una distribució regular de les seves obertures, tots amb emmarcament de maó massís, de les que destaca la finestra central de la planta primera amb una col·locació dels maons diferenciada. En l'edifici de l'extrem més sud, es pot veure que està bastit en part amb murs de pedra en algunes parts i la resta de toves, i a les cantoneres carreus de pedra ben tallada. i en part de toves A la part posterior, trobem diferents tipus d'obertures, en un cas, el de més al sud, només disposa de finestres senzilles, les dues següents són amb galeries a cada planta, aquestes de línies rectes i la resta disposen de galeries amb obertures formades per arcs de mig punt tot i que d'acabats diferents, i combinades amb finestres. El matrimoni format per Raimunda Bassacs i Joan Teixidor i Ballús van ser els fundadors de la fàbrica de Cal Bassacs. La nissaga Bassacs era originària de Prats de Lluçanès, on feien de paraires, es van traslladar a Gironella, on ja hi consten al 1717. A finals del segle XVIII i primera meitat del segle XIX, van formar part de diverses companyies de filatura i teixit de cotó. Pel que fa a la família Teixidor, era originària de Berga i també es documenta la seva dedicació als filats i teixits de cotó durant molts anys, al segle XVII consten la seva participació en una societat berguedana. El 1861 el matrimoni resideix a Gironella, més concretament a la que actualment s'anomena plaça de la Vila, llavors plaça de l'església, on consta que tenien un taller amb 10 telers de mà, un ordidor i una màquina de fer bitlles, es té constància que el 1896 aquest taller encara funcionava. A l'abril de 1861 el matrimoni va comprar una peça de terra a Maria i Ramon Fígols de Gironella, al peu del Llobregat a toca del pont de Sant Marc i per tant a peu del camí. El 30 de maig de 1862, Joan Teixidor va demanar permís a l'Ajuntament de Gironella per construir un molí fariner de dues moles i una fàbrica als terres adquirits. L'inici de les obres s'iniciaren el 1869, amb les obres de la resclosa i l'obtenció del permís per construir un molí amb dues moles i una rúbrica. Sembla que el model inicial es modificar, ja que el molí no es va construir i van bastir dues rúbriques. Al 1871 van comprar un nou tros de terra, moment en el que costa que la fàbrica ja tenia 158 pams de llarg per 14 d'ample. L'any 1872 van obtenir permís per extreure pedra del llit del riu amb la recomanació que no s'afectés les restes del pont de Sant Marc. Per tal de fer front, a les necessitats de capital per la fàbrica de Cal Bassacs, el matrimoni també comprà una casa a Avià amb 11 telers, una màquina de bitlles i un ordidor. Una altra font de finançament, va ser externa, concretament arran d'una hipoteca feta amb Antoni Manent Llonch, qui fou fundador de la colònia Manent de Puig-reig entre altres negocis; el deute es tancar el 1884. Consta que a mesura que anaven construir naus, les llogaven a petits empresaris. El 1880 Miquel i Josep Santesteban hi tenien 12 i 10 telers respectivament. El 1884 una de les dues fàbriques devia estar totalment acabada, ja que consta que la van llogar a l'empresa de Manresa "Antoni Torra e Hijos y Cía", passava a acollir més de 4000 fusos i 94 telers mecànics. Una altra part fou llogada a "Estapé Camps" que hi instal·lar 12 telers mecànics. Una de les rúbriques va ser donada en vida al fill Antoni, qui la posà en funcionament, la donació fou confirmada en el testament de Joan Teixidor Ballús, que morí al 1891. En el moment de la seva mort consta que les dues fàbriques ja estaven acabades, també els magatzems i les cases per els treballadors. Els hereus dels seus béns vans ser la seva filla Concepció Teixidor Bassacs i el seu gendre Josep Fusté Teixidor. Els fills continuaren el negoci amb línies diferents. Antoni, malalt, va acabar llogant la fàbrica a altres industrials; a la seva mort, la fàbrica va recaure, part en mans de la seva dona Carme Vila Marces, i part a la seva filla i hereva, Carme Teixidor Vila. L'hereva va continuar llogant la fàbrica, un dels empresaris que l'arrendà va ser Josep Sanglàs i Alsina de Manlleu, que es dedicà a la fabricació de maquinaria destinada a la filatura de cotó, essent considerada la primera empresa catalana d'aquestes característiques, va arribar a tenir una plantilla de 300 treballadors als anys XX. Amb la mort prematura de l'hereva, la mare, Carme Vila rebé la fàbrica, qui la va llogar a l'empresa "Josep Fusté i Cia.", els familiars que feien anar l'altra part de la fàbrica de Cal Bassacs, la que havia rebut Concepció Teixidor (muller de Josep Fusté). (segueix a observacions). Destacar que a la façana principal dels habitatges destaca un dels edificis que compten amb dos balcons amb voladís, un sobre de l'altre, el de la planta baixa és de voladís de fusta suportat per biguetes de fusta, a manera de permòdols, i el del pis de sobre és de biguetes metàl·liques amb rajols i també caps de bigues de fusta a manera de permòdols i tirant de ferro. Les baranes en un i altre són de barrocs senzills amb decoració de volutes al sòcol i sota el passamà. Cal Bassacs està inclòs en el "Pla director urbanístic de les colònies industrials del Llobregat"; el municipi de Gironella està comprès dins el Pla juntament els d'Avià, Balsareny, Berga, Casserres, Gaià, Navàs, Olvan i Puig-reig (DOGC núm. 4940 publicat el 03/08/2007). (segueix d'Història): Amb la mort de Carme Vila, la part de la fàbrica passa a Ricard Teixidor Masjuan, qui el 1946 crearia la societat "Hilados y Tejidos Fusté, S.A.". La fàbrica heretada per la Concepció Teixidor, havia anat estant destinada a fabricació directa per part de l'empresa de la família, l'esmentada "Josep Fusté Teixidor y Cia". El 31 de maig de 1914 es va cremar la fàbrica; Concepció ja vídua, va rebre l'ajuda del director Esteve Esparbé Garriga. Tot i l'aturada que implicà l'incendi, es va reprendre l'activitat i el 1919 llogà la fàbrica veïna als parents. Durant uns anys van funcionar dues raons socials a les fàbriques de Cal Bassacs. El fill de la Concepció Teixidor, Salvador Fusté va casar-se el 1920 amb Bernada de Martín i Llobet de Berga. Salvador va morir jove, va fer hereu el seu nebot, Josep M. Minoves Fusté, seria el principal accionista de la companyia "Hilados y Tejidos Fusté, S.A.". No va ser fins al finals del segle XX que les dues famílies hereves de les fàbriques de Cal Bassacs van formar una única empresa, unint les dues fàbriques en la mateixa societat anònima.

  • Els Toldos Factory

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    Els Toldos Factory

    This mansion is made up of different sections where the old textile factory is also located. The structure of the house is reminiscent of a medieval castle due to the use of turrets, barbicans, battlements on the upper ends of the walls... It has a central body which is higher than the rest, with a large coat of arms and a niche with a sculpture above it. There is also a chimney in the shape of a human figure. It is built with exposed brick and stone. The house belonged to the Ventura family, owners of the adjoining factory "Los Toldos", where awnings and boat sails were made.
  • Viladomiu Vell Colony

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    Viladomiu Vell Colony

    The Viladomiu Vell settlement is located about one kilometre south of Cal Bassacs. It is a colony built parallel to the river, from north to south, and at the entrance to the colony we find the church on one side (together with some annexe buildings) and on the other side, the owners' tower, while a little further up is the director's chalet. Thus, firstly, the most emblematic spaces of symbolic power, the church and the tower, then the central part destined for the workers' dwellings, and in the final part, the industrial zone, the factory. The dwellings are distributed in three rows of parallel blocks that make up the urban space, streets and squares; thus, in the upper street, the westernmost one, there are two blocks arranged in a row, one next to the other. Broadly speaking, these are buildings with an elongated rectangular ground plan, consisting of three storeys (ground floor and two upper floors) and a semi-basement floor accessible from the street below, as the ground is slightly uneven, and these are basically used as garages. The main façade that opens onto calle de Puig Sacalm is the characteristic gallery façade, made up of three rows or open gallery streets with openings of segmental arches supported on pillars. On this façade we find the entrances to the ground floors and the stairwells leading to the upper floors. Three of the lateral façades of these blocks remain without cladding, allowing us to see the stone walls with solid brick reinforcement in the corners and in the framing of the openings, in the case of the northernmost block, which also forms a decorative plasterwork. In this same block, we can see the openings of the southern lateral façade at ground floor level, with the openings framed in stone ashlars. The other blocks, one on the central street or row and two on the street below, also placed one next to the other, are also elongated rectangular in plan, with three storeys (ground floor and two storeys) and a gable roof of Arabic tile with an eave decorated with a geometric combination made of solid brick. The walls show the ground floor made of stone ashlars and the rest with the surface rendered and painted. The openings in the main and side façades are straight-cut and regularly distributed; the access portals to the interior staircases all open onto Puig Llançada street; the rear façades (in the westernmost block on the west and the easternmost blocks open onto the river to the east) have openings leading to balcony galleries, most of which have now been modified and closed off. The block of flats on the east side facing the church has an inverted L-shaped plan, with a volume facing the church that housed the schools and community spaces. Between the two we find the main square of the colony, the church square. Delimited between the three rows of blocks and at the southern end by the access to the factory, there is another square - Puig Sacalm street, the street above, which is like a promenade, with benches and plane trees. The Viladomiu Vell colony was founded by Tomàs Viladomiu Bertran, a member of a lineage linked to the spinning and weaving industry since ancient times. The origins of the family are documented from the beginning of the 16th century in Vilada, from where they moved to Berga. Over the years, there are numerous reports documenting the Viladomiu family's relationship with textile manufacturing, showing the evolution and growth of their business by adapting to the new demands and needs of each period. Tomàs Viladomiu's father moved to Sallent when he married Antònia Bertran, from the Cal Rei house, a town where he would continue to work in the wire and fabric business, and where the founder of the Viladomiu colonies was born, who would continue the family's business trajectory. Tomàs Viladomiu Bertran decided to set up a factory and colony up the Llobregat river, seeing the possibilities offered by the area, which was still scarcely industrialised. The chosen location was the land at Plana de Santa Marc, which he bought from the Feliu brothers. The history of the colony of Viladomiu began in 1868 with the application for the use of water to build a factory. Work began with the construction of the first building, the lock and canal, and the first buildings to house the workers. Subsequently, the colony would grow and incorporate elements, the church (1885), the wall, the tower (1910), the schools, extending the blocks of flats, enlarging the factory, etc. Once production had started (1871), the company ‘Viladomiu e Hijos’ bought and began the process of building a new colony on land further south of Viladomiu Vell. In this case, the land was bought from the same family, the plot where the new project was to be built was called the Llave de San Marcos, the names of the land would be used while both colonies were under the same company. From 1896, Tomàs Viladomiu's sons split the inheritance and each colony, Viladomiu Vell and Viladomiu Nou, were managed by different companies. In 1882 the company obtained the status of agricultural and industrial colony, which allowed it to benefit from certain tax exemptions. From the foundation of the Viladomiu Nou colony until 1989 it was managed by different companies linked to the Viladomiu family. The management of the colony and factory of Viladomiu Nou was done through different companies, as they changed over the years - 1869-1887: Viladomiu and Sons, 1888-1896: Viladomiu Sons, from this point onwards each Viladomiu colony undertook its own business path, 1896-1906: José Viladomiu Montañá, 1907-1927: José and Jacinto Viladomiu; 1928-1934: José Viladomiu Senmartí; 1934-1989: Manufacturas Viladomiu S. A. The Colonia Viladomiu Vell is included in the ‘Plan director urbanístico de las colonias industriales del Llobregat’; the municipality of Gironella is included in the Pla together with the municipalities of Avià, Balsareny, Berga, Casserres, Gaià, Navàs, Olvan and Puig-reig (DOGC no. 4940 published on 03/08/2007). At the southern end of the complex is the industrial area, the factory, with access through a large open doorway in the perimeter wall delimiting the factory space; in the access area there are some buildings built in the 20th century, including offices, the weighbridge, etc. The main feature of the production complex is the large central nave with an elongated rectangular floor plan, three levels of openings and a gable roof made of Arabic tile. Surrounding it are other halls and buildings, several of the structures attached to the central nave, with different volumes and finishes, being buildings of different functionalities and chronologies. On the north side of the complex there was the chimney of the steam engine, which no longer exists. Parallel to the river and the colony runs the canal that carries the water from the lock, located a few metres upstream, to the factory. The orchard area around the canal is also worth mentioning. A few metres from the owner's tower there is also the director's chalet – a four-storey house attached to the land on the west side, with a ground floor, first floor and ground floor-roof. On the first floor, there is a balcony-like gallery that continues on the roof and a ground floor level that develops on the roof itself, showing only lateral façades between the different roof planes. The roof is made of flat ceramic tiles with eaves supported by wooden beam heads.
  • Cal Pons Colony

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    Cal Pons Colony

    The Pons colony is characterised by the fact that it is one of the textile colonies that was established and developed in a relatively short period of time (1875-1910), which gives it a great sense of unity. The two owners' towers, the director's tower and the church are the most emblematic buildings of Cal Pons, together with the garden. In 1908, King Alfonso XIII travelled to the Llobregat basin and paid a visit to the Pons colony. Church of Sant Josep The church has a Latin cross plan and is 32 metres long. The main nave is covered with a ribbed vault, and the side chapels act as buttresses for the central nave. At the intersection of the main nave and the transept there is an octagonal dome. The polygonal apse has an ambulatory that leads to the crypt and the sacristy. In 1879, the isolated bell tower was erected and in 1907 the family pantheon was built, where Lluís Pons i Enrich and his wife, Anna Roca, were buried. Externally, the church has a haughty appearance reinforced by the dome, the bell tower and the set of pinnacles. The main façade, facing south, is made of well-cut ashlars, while the rest of the building harmoniously combines rubble stone with brick. It is a neo-Gothic building that was constructed in sixteen months, the work of the architect Josep Torres i Argullol. The interior was decorated by Francesc Morell, brother of the factory manager at the time. School, convent, theatre and girls' home. The buildings have two storeys: the ground floor was used as a school and the upper floor was used as a convent, the priest's home and the residence for working girls. Like the rest of the buildings in the colony, the construction materials used were stone for the walls and brick for the windows and doors. The old tower (a fortified town before 1885) and the new tower (inaugurated in 1897) are monumental buildings in a medieval historicist style. They were designed as medieval castles surrounded by gardens. The old tower was the first to be built. It is a solid but slender building, with a very marked central body. The Catalan spiral staircase stands out. It is eclectic in style with a Gothic influence. The new tower is a large construction built on a rock at the end of the colony's gardens. In its structure, the central body predominates over both sides. The main façade, with a double staircase, faces north. The exterior walls combine brick, plaster and mosaics. It has many medieval-style decorative details: capitals with bestiary, floral decoration, gargoyles, blind arches on the eaves of the roof, etc. In the entrance hall there are allegorical paintings that refer to the continents of America, Africa, Asia and Europe. It is a landscape in the background with a female figure who brings some element that refers to each continent. In the representation of Europe, the background landscape is the Pons colony seen from the foot of the Llobregat. It was initially the continuous residence of the owners, later it served as a second residence and in the mid-20th century the furniture was auctioned off and it was converted into a towel factory. The architect of these two buildings is unknown. However, it seems that it could have been Josep Torres i Argullol or Alexandre Soler i March, architects who worked for the Pons family. The director's villa was built before 1900, it is more austere and smaller, and its architect is also unknown. The garden When the colony was designed, the intention was to turn the estate into an enclosed garden that would isolate it from the outside world. The garden was for the private use of the owners of the colony and the director's family. But when the Pons family were not there, the workers could use the garden and the adjoining forest. In this space there was a great diversity of plant species (some of which have since disappeared): banana trees, lime trees, mulberry trees, trumpet trees, horse chestnut trees, palm trees, poplars, holm oaks, fir trees... In the private garden of the new tower, two 1900s gazebos made of brick and wood stand out, overlooking the Llobregat river and the colony. Until the 1950s and 1960s, the colony was the most active cultural centre in the municipality of Puig-reig. The magazine “Colònia Pons” was published and the Home School and the School of Labour linked to the Industrial School of Barcelona were created. The factory workers received training that was truly cutting edge at the regional level. On 25 March 1886, construction began on the church of the Pons colony dedicated to the Virgin of Montserrat. It was consecrated on 10 August 1897. It was built at the same time as the large factory, the workers' housing and the two towers. In the mid-20th century, and especially in the wake of the Spanish Civil War, the towers where the owners resided were abandoned and a progressive deterioration of the cultural activities and the park, which had an interesting collection of exotic birds, began. The moments of splendour of the Pons colony coincide with the early days of its existence, between 1880 and 1930.

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