1893 - 1895
second half of the 19th century
1908 - 1909
Casino Berguedà
Ignasi M. Colomer i Oms, Roc Cot i Cot
Edifici situat en una cantonada d'un carrer en desnivell que inclou una sala de cinema en una ala, i una sala de cafè i un restaurant a l'altre. La façana té un sòcol de pedres de tipus maçoneria i la part superior, arrebossada amb alguns motius decoratius a les zones altes i els ampits de les obertures amb rajola, alguns elements amb maó. La coberta és de teula àrab. Està estructurada en una sola planta i l'element més característic és poster la forma de les obertures, falsos arcs apuntats fets per aproximació de filades. Roc Cot va iniciar el projecte i Ignasi Colomer el va continuar. És una obra de l'any 1913 en el qual hi varen participar diferents arquitectes. El primer projecte fou del mestre d'obres Francesc Joan Canal (1902) remodelat després per l'arquitecte Roc Cot i Cot i acabat definitivament per l'arquitecte Ignasi M. Colomer el 1913. L'edifici fou reformat el 1940 i definitivament el 1955 al adaptar-se a cinema; d'aquests reformes són l'actual escalinata, l'entrada d'accés que funciona com a sala d'exposicions i les remodelacions de la sala que anul·laren els balcons i la decoració interior.1913
1920 - 1922
Coliseum Cinema
Francesc de Paula Nebot i Torrens
The Coliseum Cinema is a building for public use designed by Francesc de Paula Nebot and completed in 1923, originally intended for the projection of films from Barcelona, and since 2006, also for the theatrical production. The Coliseum Cinema is located at 595 Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, Barcelona, in a block of houses framed by Diputació, Balmes and Rambla Catalunya Streets. It is configured as a building between partitions, developed on a quadrangular plot and currently has a capacity for almost 1700 people. The building was designed by Francesc de Paula Nebot, in an eclectic style close to the French Beaux-Arts movement and inspired by that of the Paris Opera House. The façade stands out for the monumentality of both its composition and the decorative and structural elements that make it up. This is configured as a large arch that - like a monumental niche - is flanked by two towers with a square section and three floors. The first two levels of the towers frame the great arch itself and present a decoration of a very classicist taste, with attached pilasters that frame a small alcove covered with a pierced circular pediment, in the centre of which there is a carved mask reminiscent of the classic Greek tragedies. This first body is finished with a Doric entablature with triglyphs and metopes that mark the passage to the second body, uniquely decorated with a porthole framed by garlands and crowned by a mascaron. As for the third floor of the towers, this is arranged above the level of the cornice, giving rise to exempt towers with a square base where on each of the four sides there are half-point niches where sculptures are arranged. This first body - with attached pilasters - is finished with double pediments (triangular and circular) and serves as the basis of a second octagonal body that allows it to develop a crowning like a porticoed temple with columns and an octagonal dome. The central body, which takes the form of a monumental niche through a large lowered half-point arch with a coffered vault, houses a semicircular structure that, like a classical temple, partially protrudes from the lead of the façade. This body is configured on the ground floor as a porticoed element with pairs of Corinthian columns that support a smooth, running entablature that serves as a base on a second level, also with pairs of columns between which a stone balustrade develops. This body supports through a powerful entablature a cornice that is crowned in the central part with an element of curved shapes and four pairs of sculptures, two on each side. These sculptures - made by Pere Ricart - represent allegories of the arts, such as music and theatre. The central body of the building is finished with a large octagonal dome, the drum of which is configured with semicircular arches framed by pilasters that protrude from the line of entablature and into which portholes open surrounded by volutes and crowned by a lion's head. The interior of the building is made through the porticoed body of the ground floor, which gives access to a semicircular lobby. In this, there are five semi-circular arched doors, one on each of the two sides and three at the front, between which the cinema's two box offices are arranged. These lockers are shaped like niches with vegetal decoration and topped by an entablature, while being differentiated according to the type of entrance they sold, through plates that say: "amphitheatre" and "main floor", respectively. Even today the original woodwork is preserved in the lobby, with a convex structure in which the doors that give access to the large performance hall open. The construction of the Coliseum Cinema responds to the desire to build "a sumptuous cinema" that would be the most elegant venue in the city and that could also host other types of shows. It is for this reason that in 1919, Josep Solà and Guardiola, Victorià Saludes and the Marquis of l'Argentera set up the company "Metropolitana S.A.", promoter of the work. Designed by Francesc de Paula Nebot, it was inaugurated on October 10, 1923. The works cost four and a half million pesetas at the time. Originally, it had 1,815 seats, distributed on three levels: platform and two floors in the shape of a half horseshoe, with 50 boxes around the platform. During the Civil War, the block on which the cinema is located was one of the most affected during one of the bombings in 1937. Much of the construction surrounding the Coliseum was demolished but fortunately this building was not one of the most affected. Currently, it has capacity for 1,689 people. From 1939 to 1941 it was owned by Ufilms and from then on it was operated by Cines y Espectáculos S.A. In 1958 it was acquired by the Balañà family, who are the current owners. Even today it has a single room, large, with a single screen, where big premiere films are screening and plays are performed. One of the most representative elements of the building is the large dome that crowns it, and which was originally intended to host a casino that was never installed there. On the other hand, over time, several entities have stayed there. Craftsmen such as Fernández Casals, Gonçal Batlle and Torra Pasan participated in the luxurious decoration, while the sculptures on the façade are the work of Pere Ricart. The metal structure was made by Torres Herreries. -
Titan Cinema
The Cine Titan building is a Noucentista construction dating from 1926, extended in 1996 to house a civic centre. The new library programme required an increase in floor space, which was resolved by excavating a basement and creating a mezzanine. The new section of the building is complemented by the presence of interspersed courtyards, a large skylight and the widening of the façade openings. The visual connection between inside and outside and between top and bottom is direct and increases the natural light on all floors. The screening of this new transparent component is provided by special louvres and glazing, which ensure the correct solar exposure and visual control and become the new image of the main façade. An edicule on the south corner creates a unique element on the other side of the roundabout tower. Most of the furniture elements and railings are prefabricated wooden beams, in order to achieve maximum light with the minimum number of supports.1926
Cinema Olimpia
El carrer Àngel Guimerà, que corre paral·lel al Passeig de Pere III, la via més important de l'Eixample manresana de finals del segle XIX i del Modernisme, conté una sèrie d'edificis noucentistes de diversa estètica. El Cinema Olímpia s'adscriu al llenguatge monumentalista classicista del Noucentisme, pel seu caràcter públic. Està construït entre mitgeres, planta rectangular, i consta d'una planta i un pis a doble alçada, amb una composició unitària. La façana, ordenada simètricament, té cinc obertures per planta, organitzades segons cinc eixos verticals: tres centrals amb portals en planta baixa i balcons bombats amb balustres al pis principal i vidrieres de traça geomètrica, que corresponien a l'antic amfiteatre; els balcons es tanquen amb un arc rodó motllurat i reixeta. El coronament superior està format per un fris de finestres petites (de ventilació per a l'espai sota coberta), alternades amb permòdols, els quals sostenen una cornisa motllurada i amb dentellons, un acroteri massís i, al damunt, un conjunt escultòric amb medalló central, amb el nom del cinema i cimat amb corona, flanquejat per volutes i pinacles. La coberta és a dues aigües, de teula plana. Actualment, l'interior està totalment modificat i ocupat per una botiga de Zara. Originàriament, a la planta baixa es desenvolupava el vestíbul i platea (en desnivell), amb l'escenari al fons. Un bon tros de l'escenari i la sala ocupaven el pati interior de l'illa. La part alta de l'edifici estava ocupada per l'amfiteatre, suportada per pilars de fosa, i el foyeur. -