

In this first stage, the catalogue focuses on the modern and contemporary architecture designed and built between 1832 –year of construction of the first industrial chimney in Barcelona that we establish as the beginning of modernity– until today.

The project is born to make the architecture more accessible both to professionals and to the citizens through a website that is going to be updated and extended. Contemporary works of greater general interest will be incorporated, always with a necessary historical perspective, while gradually adding works from our past, with the ambitious objective of understanding a greater documented period.

The collection feeds from multiple sources, mainly from the generosity of architectural and photographic studios, as well as the large amount of excellent historical and reference editorial projects, such as architectural guides, magazines, monographs and other publications. It also takes into consideration all the reference sources from the various branches and associated entities with the COAC and other collaborating entities related to the architectural and design fields, in its maximum spectrum.

Special mention should be made of the incorporation of vast documentation from the COAC Historical Archive which, thanks to its documental richness, provides a large amount of valuable –and in some cases unpublished– graphic documentation.

The rigour and criteria for selection of the works has been stablished by a Documental Commission, formed by the COAC’s Culture Spokesperson, the director of the COAC Historical Archive, the directors of the COAC Digital Archive, and professionals and other external experts from all the territorial sections that look after to offer a transversal view of the current and past architectural landscape around the territory.

The determination of this project is to become the largest digital collection about Catalan architecture; a key tool of exemplar information and documentation about architecture, which turns into a local and international referent, for the way to explain and show the architectural heritage of a territory.

Aureli Mora i Omar Ornaque


About us

Project by:

Created by:


2019-2025 Aureli Mora i Omar Ornaque

Documental Commission:

2019-2025 Ramon Faura Carolina B. Garcia Eduard Callís Francesc Rafat Pau Albert Antoni López Daufí Joan Falgueras Mercè Bosch Jaume Farreny Anton Pàmies Juan Manuel Zaguirre Josep Ferrando Fernando Marzá Moisés Puente Aureli Mora Omar Ornaque


2019-2025 Lluis Andreu Sergi Ballester Maria Jesús Quintero Lucía M. Villodres Montse Viu

External Collaborators:

2019-2025 Helena Cepeda Inès Martinel

With the support of:

Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura

Collaborating Entities:



Fundació Mies van der Rohe


Fundación DOCOMOMO Ibérico


Basílica de la Sagrada Família


Museu del Disseny de Barcelona






EINA Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona




Fundació Domènench Montaner.

Design & Development:

edittio Nubilum

Suggestion box

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We kindly invite you to help us improve the dissemination of Catalan architecture through this space. Here you can propose works and provide or amend information on authors, photographers and their work, along with adding comments. The Documentary Commission will analyze all data. Please do only fill in the fields you deem necessary to add or amend the information.

The Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya is one of the most important documentation centers in Europe, which houses the professional collections of more than 180 architects whose work is fundamental to understanding the history of Catalan architecture. By filling this form, you can request digital copies of the documents for which the Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya manages the exploitation of the author's rights, as well as those in the public domain. Once the application has been made, the Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya will send you an approximate budget, which varies in terms of each use and purpose.


* If the memory has known authorship or rights, cite them in the field above 'Comments' .

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Informació bàsica de protecció de dades

Responsable del tractament: Col·legi d Arquitectes de Catalunya 'COAC'
Finalitat del tractament: Tramitar la sol·licitud de còpies digitals dels documents dels quals l’Arxiu Històric del COAC gestiona els drets d'explotació dels autors, a més d'aquells que es trobin en domini públic.
Legitimació del tractament: El seu consentiment per tractar les seves dades personals.
Destinatari de cessions o transferències: El COAC no realitza cessions o transferències internacionals de dades personals.
Drets de les persones interessades: Accedir, rectificar i suprimir les seves dades, així com, l’exercici d’altres drets conforme a l’establert a la informació addicional.
Informació addicional: Pot consultar la informació addicional i detallada sobre protecció de dades en aquest enllaç


L'AMB és l’administració pública local que gestiona el territori metropolità de Barcelona que ocupa 636 km2 i aglutina 36 municipis on viuen més de 3,2 milions de persones. Té competències en els àmbits del transport i la mobilitat, el medi ambient i la sostenibilitat, l’habitatge, el desenvolupament econòmic, la cohesió social i el territori.

La Direcció de Serveis de l’Espai Públic és l’oficina tècnica encarregada de dissenyar i construir els espais públics de la ciutat metropolitana, una ciutat de ciutats continua, complexa i diversa.

En la Direcció de Serveis de l’Espai Públic treballen més de 130 professionals que, organitzats en equips multidisciplinaris d’arquitectes, enginyers, paisatgistes, ambientòlegs i dissenyadors, plantegen els projectes des de la transversalitat i la multiplicitat de coneixements, sota principis de gestió acurada dels recursos públics i voluntat de servei als ciutadans.

El procés de disseny i construcció de l’espai públic abasta des de les primeres idees fins a la redacció del projecte executiu, la direcció de l'obra i en algunes ocasions, la posterior gestió de l'espai construït. Els projectes executats són diversos i de múltiples escales. Es treballa amb el mateix criteri de qualitat i sostenibilitat el mobiliari urbà i els grans equipaments, les petites intervencions urbanes i els grans projectes de vertebració territorial, el front marítim i la infraestructura verda metropolitana.

En els últims 30 anys la Direcció de Serveis de l'Espai Públic de l'AMB ha realitzat més de 1.000 actuacions que vertebren i articulen el territori metropolità, algunes de les quals han estat premiades internacionalment i presentades a diverses biennals i exposicions arreu del món. A més, una amplia selecció es troba publicada als cinc volums de la col·lecció "Espais Metropolitans 1989-2017".

Works (21)

On the Map

All works


Chronology (38)

  1. FAD Award

    Finalist. Category: Outdoor Spaces
    Parc de la Solidaritat (Primera Fase)

  2. FAD Award

    Award-Winner / Winner. Category: Outdoor Spaces
    La Solidaritat Park

  3. International Biennial of Landscape Architecture

    Award-Winner / Winner
    Urbanització Riera Canyadó

  4. Joan del Moral Sports Pavilion

    Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB), Carlos Llinàs Carmona

    Joan del Moral Sports Pavilion

    The building has been built on a site classified as equipment by the General Metropolitan Plan located at the intersection of Washington and Cristòfor Colom Streets, in a low-density residential area. The land has an average longitudinal slope of 14% and borders on the north side with a future linear park area that joins Santa Eulàlia Street and Nord Street. On the west side it borders the wall that closes an isolated single-family building. Taking into account the urban situation and the conditions of the site, both in terms of dimensions and topography, an attempt has been made to place the pavilion at a level that would allow access on foot through the lowest level of the site and that, at the same time, it ensured that the emerging volume above the surrounding streets maintained a similarity with the neighbouring buildings, generally low and two-storey. This approach increases the excavation that must be carried out but minimises the impact of the building on the nearby urban environment. Access is through the southwest corner, where Washington and Cristòfor Colom streets meet - it is configured through a small double-height arcade, protected by the roof, and allows passage at street level, which is the same as the lobby and sports court. From this lobby, the circulation of spectators and athletes is distributed separately to the stands and the locker room areas. The services for the public, the concierge, the referees' changing rooms, as well as a warehouse and a facilities room are located on this floor. On the first floor there are four collective changing rooms, and one of them is adapted with access from a passageway in which the lockers are located and which has an exit to the exterior passage that separates the building from the neighbouring construction. This floor is also accessible to spectators by means of a staircase that connects with a balcony located above the track, which at the same time has the function of maintaining and collecting the retractable stands on the ground floor. The track and grandstand area are located on the ground floor, with a roof with three skylights facing north coinciding with the position of the structure's trusses. Side openings protected with wooden slats have also been provided. It should be noted that the pavilion has been located leaving a separation strip with both the neighbouring plot and the future linear park, which will open on the north side of the site. These exterior steps are accessible only for maintenance and as emergency exits. An access has also been opened for track maintenance on Washington Street, at the point where it coincides with the street level, equipped with the corresponding entrance.
  5. Rambla de Gavà

    Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB), Jordi Henrich i Monràs

    Rambla de Gavà

    Rambla de Gavà is between Carrer de Gaudí and the C-245 highway. It is 575 m long and 20 m wide, with some wider sections such as the Jaume Perich and Josep Tarradellas squares. The action consisted of the complete conversion of the promenade into a pedestrian area to enhance its urban qualities, both in use and landscape. Only the streets that cross it maintain vehicle traffic and access to the parking lots located on the promenade has been regulated with stainless steel pylons. The pavement has been unified with a single material, garnet-coloured porphyry of Asian origin, which is related to the historical memory of the Gavà stone. The pavement is medium in size, 20 cm wide, to make it very resistant to compression and bending. In the central walkway, the thickness of the pavement is 6 cm and in its lateral spaces it is 8. We have worked with a topographic section inherent to its character as a boulevard, although eliminating all unevenness to make it completely accessible. With this unitary treatment of the support plane and without obstacles, the promenade takes on new, much larger dimensions and the built urban context is highlighted, as well as the gardens of the Lluc house. The arrangement of the pavement in courses parallel to the axis of the central walk enhances the longitudinal dimension. The characteristic trees of the boulevard, the plane trees, have been maintained, renewing those specimens in poor condition. The furniture and lighting, sober and functional, enhance the spatial qualities of the walk. The lighting columns are made of anodised aluminum. The benches are of the Nu type with and without backrest. For the terraces, new unified furniture has been designed with ecru-colored umbrellas and aluminum chairs and tables, which will contribute significantly to the urban quality and order of the new promenade. In the cross streets, without differences in level with the boulevard, traffic is channeled using cylindrical stainless-steel posts. The action has also included the construction of a new sewer network, fiber optics, and all services have been buried and rebuilt. At the top of the promenade, Plaça de Batista i Roca and Carrer d'Antoni Gaudí have been completely renovated, where an underground car park has been built, allowing the promenade to be freed from its blue zone. The square, fully integrated with the promenade in terms of materials, is a large porphyry plane that allows all types of civic activities; the transition with the perimeters, located at different levels, occurs through green slopes and different stairs. A wall also appears on the border with the Sant Llorenç stream. Both the steps and the wall are finished in porphyry and the shear cut on the visible side of the stone of the wall stands out.
  6. Municipal Swimming Pools

    Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB), DataAE, Claudi Aguiló Aran, Claudi Aguiló Riu, Martí Sanz Ausàs

    Municipal Swimming Pools

    Given the small dimensions of the site, the main objective of the project is the design of a compact construction, which reduces the potential volumetry of the large surface area equipment and which encompasses, in a single form, the diversity of the program (pools + competition pool with stands + fitness rooms + changing rooms + bar + beauty areas + administration). At the same time and using contemporary construction systems, the exterior expresses, through a repeated window, the variability of its interior. The project wanders and recreates itself between uniqueness and variability.
  7. Multipurpose Hall

    Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB), Carlos Llinàs Carmona

    Multipurpose Hall

    This project responds to the need of the Pallejà City Council to have a room that meets the conditions for the realisation of cultural or recreational events with the possibility of flexibly adapting to various requirements of use and space. The building has been erected on a plot bounded by Sant Isidre, Pintor Fortuny, Velázquez and Nostra Senyora de Loreto Streets: the latter is an important axis that acts as a link between the new facility, the Molinada Park, the sports centre and the city centre. In this context, it was proposed to arrange the construction in such a way that it formed a public square with a façade and access to the street. It has been located parallel to the street so that the square is closed with the services building, bar and access, with the possibility of making their uses independent. In addition, an underground car park for 100 spaces has been planned, which can be accessed from the lowest level of the plot, on Sant Isidre Street. The enclosure of the room can be compartmentalised with movable partitions or suspended from the armatures, while the enclosure facing the square, glass for the most part, forms a longitudinal gallery that tries to facilitate circulation between the interior and the square and provide transparency from it towards the room. This gallery can also function as a distribution element towards the different rooms if several events take place simultaneously. Inside, movable curtains have been placed along the gallery to be able to darken or to optionally close some of the rooms. A set of retractable stands has been arranged which can also be moved in the longitudinal direction of the room to store them in the final part. The total capacity of the largest room is 798 seats, of which 304 correspond to the bleachers. The equipment has air conditioning given the functional characteristics of the room and the high number of people it can accommodate. The service building that includes the bar, with its own access, can function independently and has storage and a small kitchen. A concierge or locker space has also been included which complements the spaces intended for the management or administration of the room, located at the north end of it. The structure has been made with reinforced concrete pillars in the basement and a metal structure on the ground floor, with armor to cover the 18 metres that the room roughly measures in a transverse direction. The exterior coverings are mostly made of cement board and natural fibers: they form a ventilated façade, with solar protections made with the same material on the west façade. The interior coverings, in addition to the paneling, explain, both on the ceiling and on the walls, the existence of materials with sound-absorbing characteristics. The floor used is continuous terrazzo in the room, with aluminum joint and wooden platform in the access gallery and the bar.
  8. MR Park

    Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB), Jordi Henrich i Monràs

    MR Park

    The Maria Regordosa Park is in Els Quatre Cantons district, in the area of the town of Ripollet located on the right bank of the Ripoll river, is a park that already existed previously and that presented some deficiencies: excess of vegetation, lack of a perimeter sidewalk on Carrer de Tarragona, poor communication between the park, its urban environment and the Primary Healthcare Center (CAP) and pavements, inadequate lighting and furniture. The park is at the level of the buildings that front it on the north side, which is a lower level than the perimeter streets located on the south, west and east sides. The transition between the central space of the park and the perimeter streets was through slopes with a steep slope. The park, in relation to its surroundings, was really enclosed. The intervention sought to open the park as a space towards the context that surrounds it, thus creating a new perception of this space. The unevenness between the park and Carrer de Tarragona has been reduced by carrying out careful topography work. The level of the base of the slope has been raised so that it forms a plane with a slope of 1' 1.5% transverse to the hall pavement; in this way the perimeter slopes have been softened and the park has stopped being trapped. With the work, the perimeter spaces for pedestrians have been improved through new and wide sidewalks with trees, both on Carrer de Tarragona and Carretera de Terrassa and Carrer de la Verge de Montserrat. The different accesses to the park, located in the corners, have been improved, most of which are now adapted with ramps, as well as the communication between the city and the CAP through the park, through a system of integrated stairs and ramps on the new slopes with grass, and an adapted pedestrian crossing with traffic lights. The existing underpass under Carrer de Tarragona, which connects this park with the one next to the CAP, has also been maintained. The excess vegetation has been solved by removing the one that was in bad condition. A new and varied planting of trees has been done in order to achieve a flowering of the park at different times of the year. Cottonwood, lindens and mimosas on the slopes and tipuanas in the lawn, and alignment banana trees on the perimeter sidewalks. The slopes have been planted with grass and verbena (Verbena repens) in different colours (red, blue, pink, lilac), and circular patches of verbena have also been incorporated in the central hall space to qualify this space and enrich the variety of flowering vegetation in the new park. The lighting of the park and the roads has been renewed. The old street furniture has been replaced with a higher quality one and new children's games have been placed in a circular enclosure surrounded by a wooden fence. A new sewer network has also been built for the park.
  9. Marta Mata Library in the Titan Building

    Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB), Antonio Montes Gil

    Marta Mata Library in the Titan Building

    The Titan Cinema building is a noucentista construction from 1926, extended in 1996 to accommodate a civic centre. The new program of the library in 2004 required an increase in surface area, which was solved with the excavation of a basement and the provision of a loft. The new section of the building is complemented by the presence of interspersed courtyards, a large skylight and the widening of the façade openings. The visual connection between inside and outside and between top and bottom becomes direct and increases the clarity naturally on all floors. The screening of this new transparent component is carried out using special slats and glass, which guarantee the correct solar exposure and visual control, and become the new image of the main façade. An aedicle in the south corner creates a singular element on the other side of the rotunda tower. Most of the furniture elements and railings are prefabricated wooden beams, to achieve maximum light with the least number of supports.
  10. Llobregat Riverside Park

    Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB), Pepa Morán Núñez

    Llobregat Riverside Park

    The Riverside Park is part of the global project for the social and environmental recovery of the metropolitan section of the Llobregat river. At the metropolitan level, the park guarantees the continuity of the paths on the right bank of the Llobregat from Martorell to the system of metropolitan beaches. Its strategic position is the gateway to the Llobregat River from the municipality of El Prat. The park brings into play the different identities of the area where it is located, integrating the elements and traces of the past with the recovery of the environmental and landscape potential of this unique point. The project proposes a topographic modification that establishes new relationships between the detached spaces and works as a support for a vegetal cover of Mediterranean meadows and bushes, with minimal water and maintenance requirements. However, it explores ways of relating people to vegetation and its dynamics (growth, changing seasons...).
  11. Badalona Seafront Promenade

    Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB), Espinàs i Tarrasó, GRECCAT Enginyeria i Medi Ambient, Julià Espinàs Casas, Olga Tarrasó Climent

    Badalona Seafront Promenade

    The new promenade is designed on the scale of the urban front built on the industrial past of the city, establishing a dialogue with the recovered natural landscape. A careful topographical work closes the perspective of the beach against the new marina, creates the relationship squares between the two sides of the railway route in the old bridge of Eduard Maristany and the sequence of access of the city to the sea in Martí i Pujol. The integration of the accesses to the Pont del Petroli in the layout of the promenade strengthens the route in its central part. The choice of materials and the scale given to the whole by the lighting system help to understand the landscape from a metropolitan point of view. The parallel wooden and concrete walkways solve the difficulties of the property of the land (limits of the ZMT) tied together by the distribution of the vegetation of palm trees of 5 different species which, tied together by a tamarind plantation along the entire route, provide the walk with its own personality.
  12. El Carme Cultural Centre

    Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB), Martínez Lapeña-Torres Arquitectos, José Antonio Martínez Lapeña, Elías Torres Tur

    El Carme Cultural Centre

    The Centre replaces the old Carme clinic on the corner between Sant Francesc d'Assís and Francesc Layret Streets. The different geometry of the floors gives rise to the superposition of different volumes that characterise the appearance of the building. The terraces are a consequence of the displacements between volumes on each floor. The volumes of the last three floors are freed from the middle buildings and rush towards the corner with flights that protrude in Layret Street; thus, avoiding the visual presence on the streets of new partition walls that protrude from the neighbouring buildings. On the third floor, the volume recedes over the neighbouring building on Assís Street to obtain a terrace facing the sea, which serves a small interior bar. The building is a curtain wall veiled by 24 cm aluminum shutters, except on the northeast face. The large shutter slats are fixed but modify their inclination to look at each other at vision level.
  13. Can Rigal Park

    Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB), Claudi Aguiló Riu, Eva Pagés Aregall

    Can Rigal Park

    Can Rigal is a metropolitan park between Barcelona and L’Hospitalet de Llobregat. It means the return of a green area in a context of urban transformation that forms the backbone of landscape and human connections. A north-south axis connects the 2 municipalities and enables to two different areas: a Mediterranean forest of pines and oaks enhancing the landscape value of the Collserola mountain range, and a meadow area with geometric plantations of deciduous trees and platforms for leisure activities. The design incorporates sustainability criteria both in the general approach, predominant permeable vegetated areas, and in specific aspects: regulation of lighting, generation of electricity with photovoltaic panels, use of recycled materials and low maintenance plants, obtaining water by the irrigation of an existing mine and use of rainwater collected on the surface, channeled and returned by capillarity to the plant layer avoiding the saturation of the sewer network.
  14. Plaça del Riu Sec and La Farigola Walkway

    Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB), Montserrat Periel i Piquer, Manuel Reventós i Rovira

    Plaça del Riu Sec and La Farigola Walkway

    Between the Riu Sec and the railway tracks, on a previously confined asbestos-contaminated subsoil and an environment characterised by different topographic levels, there is the area where the new sports and school area will be developed in the Farigola district. Plaça del Riu Sec and the Farigola footbridge provide for the improvement of connectivity between areas and will be used as an access hall to future facilities. The square is made up of three paved strips that fold to access the lift, structuring the space. They are separated by interstitial areas, with slopes of green areas, living areas and children's games, which resolve the difference in levels to bring us closer to the residential district. The footbridge, a structure with two drawer beams, specifically solves the meeting with the extremes: in the square, a platform is both a viewpoint and access to the elevator and the staircase, and in the neighbourhood, it crosses over F. Puig Street and the tracks to look for the level of the Barcelona road.
  15. Ford Across the River Llobregat

    Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB), Aida Munsó i Griful, Francisco Javier Navarro Rodríguez

    Ford Across the River Llobregat

    The floodable ford is part of a strategy for environmental recovery and promotion of social use in the area of the Llobregat River. This is integrated into the existing network of river paths and strengthens the connection between the two banks of the river, covering a connectivity deficit between the neighbouring municipalities of Sant Joan Despí and Sant Boi de Llobregat. The ford saves 30 metres in length at the crossing point. It consists of the succession of a series of concrete boxes in situ. The width of the passable platform is sufficient for the crossing of pedestrians and bicycles, and at the same time it accommodates the discontinuous lateral protection elements and limits of the banks of the ford. The action has been completed with the concrete path that saves the unevenness on both sides, adapting to the existing slopes until reaching the gravel paths and with the restoration and revegetation of the sides of the area affected by the works.
  16. Mostres d'Arquitectura (Barcelona)

    Shortlisted. Category: Intervencions en Espais Exteriors
    Llobregat Riverside Park

  17. Mostres d'Arquitectura (Barcelona)

    Shortlisted. Category: Intervencions de Rehabilitació, tant de Promoció Pública com Privada
    Marta Mata Library in the Titan Building

  18. Els Encants School

    Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB), Roger Méndez Badias

    Els Encants School

    A school with a unique pilot pedagogical project within Barcelona’s public network. Les Glòries square: an urban environment in transformation full of potential, some of it still to be specified. A dialogue is established with the school and the Department of Education, and we are working together on a proposal to find a fit for the school community’s specific needs. The planning forces to project a school in height, finally with a ground floor + 4 floors. The dimensions of the plot invite to optimise the space for the courtyard and generate outdoor spaces within the built volume. The school has been organised in groups of two. In the ground and first floor there is the public part of the program and the children's classroom. In the second and third floor, the primary classrooms located on both sides are connected through a central gap where teaching activity is generated beyond the classes. Open spaces have been designed to stimulate student mobility through different learning environments.
  19. Remodelling of Paral·lel Avenue

    Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB), Montserrat Periel i Piquer

    Remodelling of Paral·lel Avenue

    The revitalisation of Barcelona’s Paral·lel Avenue is the starting point for the remodeling of this urban axis, located on the border of three districts: Ciutat Vella, Eixample and Sants-Montjuïc. The intervention improves pedestrian connectivity, both transversely and longitudinally, and creates new spaces for public use. The location of the bike lane on the axis of the Avenue, bounded by a longitudinal parterre and an asymmetrical sidewalk rubber divider, divides the road, minimises its impact and incorporates the new large pedestrian crossings. The new squares in the meetings with the Eixample create a unique space, a receptacle for activities, which is made up of three pedestrian areas that integrate the road network. A granite pavement with continuous joints between areas allows to recognise the character of the whole space. The unit of the set is reinforced with a mesh of lighting points that results from the placement of the Paral·lel multifunctional column.
  20. Urban Development of Green Spaces on Verdi Mònaco Streets

    Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB), Peris+Toral Arquitectes, Marta Peris Eugenio, José Manuel Toral Fernández

    Urban Development of Green Spaces on Verdi Mònaco Streets

    On an interurban scale, the project seeks to enhance the continuity of the green axis that joins different parks and squares. On a local scale, the aim is to articulate the routes that converge on the site and create a children's play area. The proposal connects the pre-existing pedestrian crossings, looking for the shortest route with sufficient development to achieve practicable slopes without architectural barriers. The topography is modified to generate two dunes of grass, carpeted and bushy, that isolate them from traffic and a gentle depression that limits children's games. The topographic jump is used as a bench and removes the fences that separate children from adults, without giving up the feeling of protection. The yellow rubber dune and the bench turn the topography into a game and suggest to the child a limit of action. The games are collective to enhance participation over individual play, and transparent to facilitate the adult's visual control in distance.
  21. Mostres d'Arquitectura (Barcelona)

    Shortlisted. Category: Intervencions Paisatgístiques i Ordenació d’Espais Urbans
    Urban Development of Green Spaces on Verdi Mònaco Streets

  22. Mostres d'Arquitectura (Barcelona)

    Award-Winner / Winner. Category: Edificis amb Ús No Residencial. Inclou Edificis de Nova Planta de Promoció Pública
    Els Encants School

  23. Mostres d'Arquitectura (Barcelona)

    Shortlisted. Category: Intervencions Paisatgístiques i Ordenació d’Espais Urbans
    Remodelling of Paral·lel Avenue

  24. Mostres d'Arquitectura (Barcelona)

    Ford Across the River Llobregat

  25. Mostres d'Arquitectura (Barcelona)

    Shortlisted. Category: Intervencions Paisatgístiques i Ordenació d’Espais Urbans
    Can Rigal Park

  26. Mostres d'Arquitectura (Barcelona)

    Shortlisted. Category: Edificis amb Ús No Residencial. Inclou Edificis de Nova Planta de Promoció Pública
    El Carme Cultural Centre

  27. Mostres d'Arquitectura (Barcelona)

    Award-Winner / Winner. Category: Intervencions Paisatgístiques i Ordenació d’Espais Urbans
    Badalona Seafront Promenade

  28. L'Escorxador Municipal Swimming Pool

    Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB), Claudi Aguiló Riu, Jordi Pruna

    L'Escorxador Municipal Swimming Pool

    The aim of the project is to remodel and optimise the installation of the Escorxador Municipal swimming pool. The project, divided into two phases, also includes the construction of a new building for changing rooms, toilets and space for the Red Cross. The criteria for arranging the pool and its surroundings follow the guidelines of an agricultural plot, like the one right in front, following the path of the Llobregat River. Pavement "gardens" structure the space around and inside the pools. The traditional navy bands that mark the different competition lanes come together to suggest, amidst the spots of colour that invite you to a recreational swim, a path for more sporty swimming. When you go outside, the same pavement marks the access paths to the various services (toilets, Red Cross, terrace-bar). If for the arrangement of the pool and its surroundings similar guidelines are followed to those of an agricultural plot, for the new building complicity is sought with the constructions specific to these spaces. In a fence-wall that follows the alignment of Del Pla Street, regulates access at its ends and protects the privacy of bathers, three volumes are supported that function independently and accommodate three main uses: changing rooms, toilets and the Red Cross. Each volume, with an inclined roof, is oriented and sized according to its needs. The various silhouettes are united by a smaller body with a flat roof that is at the same time access, porch and corridor. This results in spaces that want to be more domestic and welcoming for the user and where the interior and the exterior are fluidly connected. The use of materials incorporates the patterns of economy and efficiency typical of agricultural constructions: ceramic factory walls for the structure and enclosures, and metal sheet panels supported by wooden beams for the roof.
  29. Mostres d'Arquitectura (Vallès)

    Plaça del Riu Sec and La Farigola Walkway

  30. Mostres d'Arquitectura (Barcelona)

    Award-Winner / Winner. Category: Edificis amb Ús No Residencial. Inclou Edificis de Nova Planta de Promoció Pública
    L'Escorxador Municipal Swimming Pool

  31. Rehabilitació de Can Bagaria per a la Construcció de la Nova Escola Municipal de Musica i Auditori

    Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB), Marina Salvador López

    Rehabilitació de Can Bagaria per a la Construcció de la Nova Escola Municipal de Musica i Auditori

    L'antic magatzem del conjunt industrial tèxtil de Can Bagaria, una mostra del patrimoni arquitectònic modernista del segle XX, es rehabilita i s'adequa per ubicar-hi una escola de música municipal. Es parteix d'una nau de més de cent metres de longitud, amb coberta de teula àrab a dues aigües suportada sobre encavallades de fusta, i una façana principal d'obra vista amb una gran regularitat d'obertures. Interiorment, per trencar aquesta linealitat tan marcada, s'agrupen els diferents espais que necessita l'escola de música: zona d'accés, amb els espais d'ús comú; aules de diferent mida, repartides en dues plantes, i sala d'audicions, que es construirà més endavant. L'accés es planteja per una de les antigues portes de la nau, just al davant del gran espai d'entrada al conjunt industrial on, un cop urbanitzat, es podran dur a terme activitats musicals fora de les aules. A més dels espais d'administració propis de l'equipament, a la zona interior de l'accés s'hi situen l'escala i l'ascensor, i un cancell que, en el futur, portarà a la sala d'audicions. A la planta baixa, les aules més petites es distribueixen al llarg d'un passadís a tocar de la façana principal; a la planta superior, hi ha les aules i espais més grans, a banda i banda d'un passadís central. Per garantir la il·luminació i la ventilació de tots els espais, s'han aprofitat les antigues finestres de la nau i s'han creat diversos patis a tota alçària que, a més, ajuden a alleugerir l'impacte de la intervenció i a reconèixer visualment la secció i la volumetria interior originals, deixant a la vista les encavallades de fusta.
  32. Premis Bonaplata

    Award-Winner / Winner. Category: Béns Immobles
    Rehabilitació i Restauració de l’Edifici de les Antigues Adoberies del Barranc de la Fontvella de Tremp

  33. Premis Bonaplata

    Award-Winner / Winner (ex aequo). Category: Béns Immobles
    Rehabilitació de Can Bagaria per a la Construcció de la Nova Escola Municipal de Musica i Auditori

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