Escorxador de Capellades
Edifici de planta baixa en forma de T a doble alçada, cobert a doble vessant amb teula àrab. El parament està revestit d'estuc excepte un sòcol que recorre l'edifici de pedra, i, les cantonades resoltes amb pilastres de carreus de pedra. La construcció té una estructura repartida simètricament. La façana principal està coronada amb un frontó de perfil trencat que incorpora un escut. Portal d'accés amb porxo de columnes de secció quadrada. A la part alta dels murs també es troben altres decoracions com caps de braus. Tanca perimetral al voltant, que defineix un pati. L'interior s'ha conservat tal com era i repeteix el sostre a dues vessants. Ús de rajoles com element ornamental. Conserva els estris (per penjar els animals, etc...) de la mateixa època en que fou construït. El promotor d'aquest edifici va ser l'Ajuntament de Capellades i el constructor Arturo Vidal Blanch.1928
Puig i Gairalt House
Tower located in the neighbourhood of Sarrià, next to Plaça de Borràs, between Via Augusta and Ronda de Dalt. It has a quadrangular plan, with a ground floor, a floor, and an attic, with an attached rectangular tower that has one more floor. On the main façade, taking up the central space of the ground floor, there is a polygonal tribune that protrudes as if it were an added body; in this tribune large rectangular windows open and are framed by stepped mouldings, above which there are large sculptural reliefs, and the body is crowned by a large molding that imitates the shapes of a capital. The rest of the openings on this floor are similar, decorated with stepped moulding. On the first floor there is a balcony with a stone base and iron railing, a large window in the centre with three sculptural reliefs above, and another rectangular window on the other side. In the main body, this level is topped off by a moulding that imitates a classical capital supported by pilasters that follow the wall; this same decoration is found in the tower but one floor higher. The attic openings are two portholes and a quadrangular window, while in the tower there is a slightly larger window. The main body is topped by a large cornice in the shape of a capital. Two small square windows open on the top floor of the tower and the upper finish is similar to that of the main body. All openings, including portholes, are framed by a stepped moulding. The sculptural reliefs on the façade and a sculpture of a Venus in the Garden are the work of Rafael Solanic. On the ground floor, in the tribune, there is a music hall with a dome decorated with paintings by Francesc d’Assís Galí, with allegories of child musicians and goddesses. This house was built to be the residence of Ramon Puig i Gairalt and his brother Antoni, also an architect. The works, started in 1925, continued until the Civil War and the death of the architect in 1937, leaving the tower unfinished, which was completed later. -
Can Biel
Manuel Joaquim Raspall i Mayol
House between partition walls, with a ground floor and two landings. The building is divided into two bodies: an access one that protrudes from the plane of the façade and ends in a pediment with a geometric structure, and a lower one that is crowned by a large cornice supported by panels. It must be said that the windows are of different typology. The façade, especially regarding the entrance, has been renovated in recent years by the architect J. Valls. It belongs to the Noucentista and academic stage of M.J. Raspall. It is located in the old part of the city, in the urban centre of the Middle Ages. -
Ferrer i Salles Foundation Hospital
Ignasi Brugueras Llobet, Josep Ros i Ros
Isolated public building surrounded by a garden on the corner of Carrer Cesar Martinell and Carrer d’En Ferrer i Sallés. It has a T-shaped plan and it is accessed by a central front tower with a ground floor and two floors. The side wings have a ground floor, a floor and an attic. The gable roof is covered by Arabic tiles. The windows and doors show stepped lintels. Attic windows open on the roofs. It connects via an elevated walkway with the new floor building of the Casa dels Avis. What was supposed to be the old hospital located on Carrer Torres i Bages built from the donation of a piece of land by Josep Ferrer Sallés was never finished and finally in 1928 it was replaced by a new hospital. This hospital was commissioned in 1928 while the Manel Raventís square was being developed by the architect Ygnacio Brugueras. Three years later, Josep Ros i Ros collaborated there, designing the access, the stairs and the fence. Later, in 1956, the Hospital was expanded by annexing a new body, the project for which Moliner was responsible. The last intervention was in 2002 when Ramón Fuste Sitges designed an elevated walkway that connected to the Old People's Home after the conversion of the hospital into a residence for the elderly. In 1988 the Foundation was extinguished, and the City Council transferred management to the mutual insurance company La Aliança. -
Formosa House
Magnificent country house between partitions with two floors. It has recently been completely remodeled by "La Caixa" and only the façade has been saved. It is embroidered with sgraffitos representing Sant Jordi, the balconies have terracotta railings and the entrance halls are of the same material. This façade gives a great category to the main street of Sant Sadurní. -
1928 - 1929
Sales Municipals
Un passatge/vestíbul, del passeig al riu, articula les dues sales del programa de biblioteca municipal implantat en substitució de les casetes comercials de Fèlix de Azúa (1870). Una crugia en testa destinada a despatxos delimita el programa i la composició. La duplicitat entre un pòrtic principal ben inserit i l’accés monumentalitzat de testa resulta dubtosa. El vessant més classicitzant del noucentisme va esdevenir útil a la pulsió monumentalista de l’obra pública durant el règim autoritari del període 1923-29. Un cop descartat l’aixecament d’una planta lleugera per ampliar el programa (Fuses/Viader, 1985), el conjunt es va segmentar entre sales d’exposició i oficina de turisme. -
Casa Sarrà
Tardana mostra d’un tipus entre mitgeres vigent durant el primer terç del s. xx: l’habitatge del propietari ocupa dues plantes o deixa les superiors per a renda, i el principal exhibeix àmplia tribuna i balconada. Ja lluny de la seva edulcorada obra anterior, Esteve tracta la façana —molt plana— com un tapís, barrejant-hi rajol i esgrafiats florals, i introdueix unes vagues sèrlies a la planta baixa. Hi persisteix la tribuna, però la sobrietat de balustres i cornisa així com la teranyina art déco de les baranes denoten nous corrents. -
Vallhonrat Dwellings
The Joaquima Vendrell house is located on the corner of Carrer Vallhonrat and Passatge Prunera. It is a block of flats between partitions consisting of a ground floor, a mezzanine, six floors and a rooftop. There are five flats per floor, of about 76 m2, with an uneven distribution. The façade is articulated from the corner, rounded and symmetrical. On the ground floor, the openings follow a regular rhythm and have the jambs marked by a plain moulding that ends in a rectangular piece in the form of corbels that support the lintel. The main door, located in Vallhonrat street, has a broken frame. This level has a stone slab facing, unlike the upper levels, which are plastered and painted. From the first floor onwards, the façade folds into a triangular shape following two longitudinal axes on Carrer Vallhonrat, and another two on the Passatge Prunera. On these two façades, all the openings, which follow a regular rhythm, are lintelled, and on the first and fourth floors there is a continuous balcony that follows the triangular shapes. This fourth floor is crowned by a cornice and from this level onwards, the plane of the façade recedes diagonally, which means that from the top floor only the triangular bodies are visible from the street and, as they do not recede like the rest of the wall, they remain in the form of a tower. The rounded corner has a tribune protruding from the mezzanine and acts as a balcony on the first floor. On the first, second and third floors there is a projecting cubic volume, the upper one less than the other two, and here there are windows. On the second and fourth floors there are balconies running around the corner, while on the third floor there are two balconies and the corner is left free. The fifth floor has no balcony, but is crowned by a cornice. The top floor is left as if it were a tower, as are the triangular bodies of the other two façades. The facing is painted white except for the triangular bodies, balconies, the tribune and cornices, which are painted red. This play of volumes, emphasised by the use of colour, shows the influence of expressionism and cubism in the construction of the building.1928 - 1930
Bloc d'Habitatges Pla Cargol
Un refinat exercici compositiu del noucentisme més culte i menys populista, com correspon a la personalitat de l’intel·lectual i empresari promotor. La parcel·la, regular i simètrica, acull habitatges de grans dimensions i fracassa en encaixar-ne tres per replà als nivells superiors. El classicisme compositiu s’allunya de tota exageració i desplega recursos més elegants que expressius en un pany de façana eficaçment continu. -
1928 - 1932