1927 - 1934
1934 - 1935
1922 - 1937
1937 - 1939
Escola Puigbert
Sota l’ègida del feixisme vencedor del 1939, el llenguatge i la matriu dels projectes defugen les avantguardes assajades al primer terç del s. xx per abraçar patrons neoclàssics amb graus diversos d’abstracció. Pensada com a residència infantil, el 1963 esdevingué escola en una part i residència escolar femenina en l’altra. L’artefacte s’enclava amb rotunditat al pendent de la muntanya i estén un braç central per formar una “T” en conjunt. Té interès com a exemple del neorenaixentisme dels anys quaranta, plasmat en rajol i pedra artificial a la manera tan cara a la nova «avantguarda» falangista castellana, amb un cos central potent i coronat amb un gran timpà. Sobretot, però, destaca l’estructura de voltes bufades o «a la catalana», aquí d’un sol full de rajol, que Bosch aplicà metòdicament al llarg del seu exercici, seguint precursors tan rellevants com Guastavino. La reforma i l’ampliació projectades (Josep Miàs, 2007) desestimaran probablement una bona part dels espais originals.1948
1945 - 1949
1954 - 1957
Bar and Annexes of the Sant Raimon de Penyafort i Nostra Senyora de Montserrat Student Residence
Studio PER, Lluís Clotet i Ballús, Oscar Tusquets Blanca
It consists of a space with high ceilings, generous dimensions and it is presided over by an ordered series of pillars, beams and large windows which were fragmented and organised to allow diverse environments. The main element of the intervention was a partition of different heights that sought in its broken geometry the floor’s maximum stability. It was a kind of complex screen that contained windows, sliding curtains, sconces, washable plastic bands, corners, plinths and trims. This initial exercise already shows a way of doing things that will be present in many of the later works. Concern for comfort, care for the construction no matter how simple and the assessment of the place where it is intervened were the guides that accompanied the project on its way to reach a form, which from the beginning was wanted more as a consequence that as something determinant. From the perspective of this work, fifty years later it is easy to detect the cultural world from which it received so many fundamental influences. The admired Italian architects of the time were then dedicated to recovering aspects forgotten by the early avant-garde, to consequently expanding the vocabulary used by them, to rescuing ornamentation as an expression of the construction process, to considering the aging of things, to taking into account the environment as a priority... and all this was very interesting, and their works were just a few kilometers away.1964
Sant Raimon de Penyafort i Nostra Senyora de Montserrat Student Residence
Pere Benavent de Barberà Abelló
1955 - 1965
Alberg Canyamars Xanascat
MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina
1962 - 1965
Edifici dels Pares Caputxins i Església de Sant Antoni de Pàdua
El edifico de la Rambla Nova, situado en uno de los entornos más destacados del ensanche tarraconense, no muestra en su exterior la naturaleza o variedad de las funciones que alberga, de abajo a arriba: escuela, iglesia y residencia religiosa con sus correspondientes servicios comunes. La claridad compositiva de la fachada, antaño blanca e inequívocamente moderna, es una de las características de este edificio: su composición, de inspiración corbuseriana, juega rítmicamente con los huecos rectangulares mientras la monotonía del conjunto se rompe mediante grandes gestos de una escala superior. Entre ellos destacan el saliente, a modo de tribuna, de las plantas más altas –correspondientes a la residencia– con dos grandes balcones corridos, la primera planta totalmente acristalada y el zócalo, formado por una gran celosía de hormigón prefabricado y un collage en bajorrelieve del artista Carles Collet, donde la combinación de distintas fábricas de piedra nos recuerda a los yacimientos arqueológicos tan presentes en la ciudad.1966
1964 - 1968
1969 - 1971
Convent de Sant Francesc d'Assís
Josep Maria Bartomeus Jené, Raimundo Casas Pérez, Jorge Garriga Valle
1973 - 1976
Pere Felip Monlau University Student Residence
Terradas Arquitectes, Rafael de Cáceres Zurita, Esteve Terradas i Muntañola, Robert Terradas i Muntañola
1996 - 1997
UdL University Student Residence
Artigues & Sanabria Arquitectes, Ramon Artigues Codó, Ramon Sanabria i Boix
La residència se situa a l’extrem nord-oest del campus de Cappont, tancant la filera d’edificis universitaris que es recolza en el carrer de Jaume II. L’edifici adopta la forma d’un braç allargat, amb un corredor central i habitacions a totes dues bandes. Per l’extrem nord l’espai de circulacions s’obre i conforma la façana que dóna al riu. La filera d’habitacions que es recolza en la façana oest segueix fidelment la corba suau del carrer i les estances se succeeixen de forma ininterrompuda. La crugia que dóna a l’interior del campus opera dues obertures que permeten l’entrada de la llum natural als espais de circulació i disposen les habitacions cap a les millors vistes. D’aquesta manera, l’edifici es configura com una resposta volumètrica a les condicions de l’entorn que es produeix amb independència a cadascuna de les façanes, assignant una orientació i una identitat formal a l’edifici.1997 - 2000
2004 - 2007
Residència per a Gent Gran Bètula Alba
Cristina Fortuny, Jesús Rafart Cortés, Jaume Terés Armillas
Al límit d’un altiplà, envoltats de grans pins , amb unes visuals a nord extraordinàries de la plana de l’Aragó i dels cims del Pirineu Central es desenvolupa un programa obert de residència per a gent gran. El programa de necessitats s’organitza i s’estructura estratègicament sobre el pla de parcel.la abraçant l’espai exterior. Les zones de servei internes del centre ,magatzems, cuines, bugaderies, instal·lacions , s’incorporen al terreny i es relacionen amb el nivell de rasant, mitjançant unes rampes que permeten l’accés de persones i vehicles i la captura de llum i ventilació A la planta baixa es situen les àrees de programa d’ús obert col·lectiu i d’accés lliure , restaurant, gimnàs, àrees d’atenció sanitària, biblioteca i tallers . Una plataforma lleugerament elevada esdevé el suport dels usos interiors establint concatenacions directes amb els espais exteriors . La pell vidrada de la façana desapareix o reflecteix el paisatge en funció de la llum. Els volums més tancats es recolzen sobre el coixí vidrat de la planta baixa i contenen les àrees del programa d’ús restringit residencial i sociosanitari. Aquests cossos suren a mitja alçada de la pineda i semblen fusionar-s’hi, interpretant en la resolució de les façanes la verticalitat del medi vegetal.2005 - 2008
Torre Girona University Student Residence
B01 Arquitectes, Roser Amadó i Cercós, Lluís Domènech i Girbau
The facilities are located on a perimeter plot of the Torregirona Garden, the headquarters of the UPC’s Rectorate. The land presents a strong downward slope in a N-S direction, and Dulcet and Til·lers Streets have a difference in elevation at the ends of the plot of 6m. The proposal is made for two different uses, the first of which will be a student residence to be carried out in a first phase and then an office building with an auditorium will be projected. The layout of the residence is executed in three wings, responding to issues of orientation and urban morphology, but also due to the need to respect the existence of a provisional pavilion of the UPC, located in the S-E part of the site, where the offices and auditorium will be placed. Wing A is aligned with Dulcet Street, in accordance with the continuity criteria of the curved building in Güell Square and the enclosure of the site. Building C is arranged according to the orthogonal relation to the Rectorate building, and building B pivots according to the dynamic view from the curve of Til·lers Avenue. Buildings A and B exhaust the permitted height of PB+3, while building C is maintained with two floors to avoid volumetric impact with the garden and the Rector's pavilion. Buildings B and C have a flat roof, while Building A has a curved roof that contains the central heating and air conditioning installations, the south-facing solar energy collector panels that produce domestic hot water and the heating. The three types of rooms form three wings joined for a central communications core, although a complementary elevator for students is planned for practical reasons. The office building is designed as a morphological complement to the residence to deal with a "staircase" problem in the Torregirona garden and the entire Pedralbes district. Its main pedestrian access to the interior level of the Campus will be related to the landscaped path that surrounds the Rectorate and where the entrance to the existing residence is also located. Here, they come together in two entrances, sharing the porch, which would provide a good entrance into the auditorium, an important piece of the program for the new equipment. The new block rotates in plan, so that, volumetrically, it has an imperative visual relationship with the one with the same number of floors of the residence, leaving triangles of green plot. With this solution, the new construction integrates compositionally with the existing one and maintains a coherent relationship with the Rectorate's garden and with the rest of the neighbouring constructions. The study of the program indicates that the four upper floors have equal surfaces and are flexible in terms of internal distribution. The building grows on floors 0-1 by locating the auditorium, changing rooms, access control and storage/archives. The location of the program underground allows the use of passive energy in terms of insulation. The composition of the constructive section of the façades is thought from acoustic and thermal comfort and, in this sense, a ventilated façade solution with solar protection on the windows is thought of, which will condition the architectural language, which once again interprets the morphology of the façades of the existing residence.2000 - 2011
57 University Housing Units at the ETSAV (UPC)
DataAE, H ARQUITECTES, Claudi Aguiló Aran, David Lorente Ibáñez, Josep Ricart Ulldemolins, Xavier Ros Majó, Roger Tudó Galí
The new housing for university students is located on the same block as the Vallès School of Architecture. The proposal aims to maintain the balance between existing buildings, outdoor spaces and the new student residence. It consists of two blocks of ground floor and a floor above which are parallel to the street, with a large central atrium. The program makes it possible to imagine intense cohabitation between users, both on an individual level, thanks to the interior flexibility of the homes, and on a collective level, thanks to the use of the atrium as a space for social events. The project opts for an industrialised construction through a single prefabricated concrete housing module with a minimum of fixed elements. All modules and finishes are removable and recyclable, or reusable. The building is divided into two floors to take advantage of the existing topography, making the access possible without the need for an elevator and reducing the surface area of walkways and stairs.2009 - 2011