1852 - 1854
Estació del Nord Bus Station
The Northern Station is located on the grounds of Fort Pius, a military installation whose purpose was to prevent the siege of the Ciutadella, located a few hundred metres to the south. It began as an uncovered train station that was successively expanded and reformed over time until, in the first decade of the 20th century, Demetri Ribes (also author of the North Station of Valencia) organised the cover and the main and representative façades towards Nàpols and Vilanova Streets. This structure is preserved, perfectly restored, and is of high architectural interest, with a style of pavilions surrounding the main deck, well ornamented and tense. It is remarkable to see how the original level of the station has left it below the surrounding streets. The station was abandoned when it ceased to be useful and remained so until the mid-1980s, when, taking advantage of the Olympic Games, it was restored by order of Barcelona City Council. The restoration falls to the architects Tous and Fargas, who define a multifunctional complex that creates a park to the south of the station, in the track area (built by Arriola & Fiol) and leaves the interior converted into a sports complex, originally used for the table tennis events of the Olympic Games. The current use perfectly respects the original space and highlights its beauty. In the northern part of the building, turning the long northern façade almost into a partition, there is the bus station terminal, with a system of translucent pergolas parallel to the old station. The spaces therefore continue to retain their civic character. All of them can be visited and it is worth checking how a historic building designed for a very specific program can serve another radically different one with the same success, maintaining the validity of the building and the arrangement proposed by an equipment of this scale.1861
1907 - 1910
Vilafranca del Penedès Station
autoria desconeguda
Isolated building, facing the street and the square. It has a central body with a ground floor and two landings, and two lateral bodies with a ground floor and a main floor. There is a roof top. It features a large, cantilevered shed. It shows an eclectic language with modernist interior details. The station is located in an urbanised area as a result of the arrival of the train in Vilafranca. There are sheds and loading and unloading docks. It has a connection with the warehouses on Comerç Street. The railway area is of great formal and historical interest. The provisional station was built in 1865, the date of the train’s first arrival in Vilafranca (inland line from Martorell to Tarragona). The inauguration of the definitive station did not take place until 1911.1911
1910 - 1915
Pont de la Colònia Ymbern
Vicente Pons
Pont d'accés: Pont de 85 m de llarg de molt bella factura i d'aspecte monumental, característica que li dona sobretot l'arc d'entrada, construït amb blocs de pedra picada, que forma un conjunt de perfectes línies arquitectòniques. Té sis ulls d'arc de mig punt de 14 m cada un, emmarcats amb maó. A banda i banda hi ha una barana que segueix el mateix estil que la barana del canal. El paviment és asfàltic i té voreres a banda i banda. El 1920 es van iniciar les obres d'un pont de pedra amb el patrocini de la casa Calvet. És l'únic pont de tot el sector torellonenc que va resistir l'aiguat del 1940, però els estreps de la part de tramuntana van patir desperfectes en quedar descalçats i van ser reparats per la casa Ymbern. Fins que es va construir el pont de Borgonyà el 1957, tot el trànsit entre Torelló i les comarques pirinenques va haver de circular forçosament per aquest indret1920 - 1922
Vallcarca Viaduct
Eduard Ferrés i Puig, Lluís Homs i Moncusí, Miquel Pascual i Tintorer
Bridge with a slab deck that spans the difference in level of the old Vallcarca stream, now the Avinguda del Hospital Militar, which ran between the Coll and Putxet hills. Since 1923, it has been the main access road to the Coll neighbourhood via Plaça de Mons and Avinguda Argentina, both for road and pedestrian traffic. For the time, it was a fairly advanced engineering work, as the structure was made of concrete reinforced with iron, a technique that made it possible to cement a complex work set in the banks of a stream. The supporting elements are covered with stone and exposed brick, forming semicircular balconies at the top, like a belvedere. In the space between the dividing walls there are relief decorations representing the coat of arms of Catalonia and Sant Jordi flanked by winged lions; above the railing decorated with geometric coffered ceilings there are also pinnacles in the Sezession style.1917 - 1923
1920 - 1923
Gelida Cable Car
The collective transport system called the Funi was inaugurated on November 1, 1924, with the aim of connecting the train station and the industrial area with the old quarter. The promoter of the idea was priest Jaume Via and Josep Rosell i Massana. The work was directed by Santiago Rubió i Tudurí, engineer of the Tibidabo cable car. Upper and lower station are still to be preserved. It was mainly used by paper mill workers, train passengers and residents of the Sant Salvador neighbourhood. The fundamental data are: Length of the route: 860 metres. Maximum slope: 22%. Difference in level between stations: 103 metres. Travel time: 8 minutes. Traction cable length: 935 metres. The cable has a diameter of 29.5 millimetres and slides over a set of 103 pairs of pulleys. On September 19, 1920, the Funicular de Gelida, SA company was established. In 1926 the Funi carried approximately 100,000 passengers. It has become one of the most emblematic elements of Gelida.1924
first half of the 20th century
Estació de Monistrol de Montserrat
autoria desconeguda
Edifici de planta rectangular, de planta i pis, amb teulada de teula a quatre aigües. Les façanes estan arrebossades i pintades en color blanc, i hi ha una sanefa amb motius ornamentals ceràmics. -
20th century
Cobert de la Màquina de Batre
autoria desconeguda
Espectacular hangar d'estructura de ceràmica armada, amb tots els elements de composició ceràmics (la peça Soletip). Consta de quatre arcades parabòliques, determinant les tres crugies que cobreixen la totalitat de l'edifici. Als extrems de cada arcada s'adrecen dos pilars per aixecar els faldons de la teulada. La coberta està formada per un seguit de bigues que descansen sobre els arcs i una jàssera que, per sobre del pilar de cada extrem d'arc, es recolzen en les costelles de l'arcada. Sobre l'embigat es recolsa la teulada, formada per lloses de peces "Soletip", encavallades transversalment. L'edifici fou construït a mitjans del S. XX, pel Sindicat Agrícola de Sant Fruitós, amb la finalitat de destinar aquest espai a batre els cereals. Més tard va passar a ser utilitzat també com a magatzem agrícola i cobert. L'edifici és una intel·ligent aplicació d'un sol material prefabricat en temps d'escassedat de materials estructurals.